Su Qi went south to Suizhou to check for dead bodies. Su Yi was still on his way back to Beijing. Several other brothers were there. The eldest, second and third master also took leave of absence and were at home. The whole family was in the capital. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Su Xinyi first gave gifts to her grandparents. Now that her status was different, even the two elders could not accept her full gift. Su Xinyi only gave up because she insisted on doing so.

After a closer look, I found that the old man's energy was not as good as last year, but the madam was better. Su Xinyi asked a few questions with great concern.

The old man was quite tolerant and smiled very generously: It is natural for people to die due to old age, illness and death. Those who join the army will have a long life if they reach my age.

Su Xinyi was silent for a moment. In her previous life, the old man would die of illness next year. He had been suffering from chronic illnesses for many years. He had many old injuries left over from the battlefield and could not be reversed without human intervention. However, she still wanted her grandfather to live more comfortably and longer. Some.

The eldest man has become accustomed to it at Honglu Temple, and now he can speak a few words of other ethnic groups and countries. His chattering is quite normal, and the whole family is laughing very happily.

The errands of the second master and the third master will not change easily, and their respective guardhouses will not change much as usual.

There are only two things that everyone is most concerned about, one is the matter of the granary that Su Yi is involved in, and the other is the matter of Su Qi going south.

Uncle Su looked at Xin Yi and asked, Will your eldest brother's errands change when he returns to Beijing?

Uncle Su was very worried about his son. After all, he still hoped that it would be better for his son not to go out when he came back this time.

Su Xinyi remembered the prince's words, looked at his uncle and aunt, and spoke slowly after thinking, This matter depends on His Majesty's will. I'm afraid there will be twists and turns in the granary. My eldest brother has been following this case, so there may be more Keep following.

The eldest lady hurriedly asked: Xinyi, is there any danger?

Before Su Xinyi could answer, the old man said: I see that you and your wife are really getting back on your feet as you live longer. What kind of job is not dangerous? If you really want to talk about danger, Su Qizha's matter is more dangerous this time. Shouldn't you just ignore it?

Uncle Su said sarcastically, Dad, that's not what I meant.

The eldest lady was also a little embarrassed and nodded quickly, Yes, Dad, we are just asking, please don't be angry.

The third master said with a smile on the side: That's why a family can talk so freely. Say what you say. The eldest brother and sister-in-law are worried about the eldest nephew. Not all parents are like this. After speaking, he looked at Su Xinyi, King Rong took the errand of the inner court, which is tantamount to contradicting Huang Zhongsheng, and there is a lot of gossip outside now.

Everyone in the family looked at Su Xinyi, obviously they all knew about this. Although Prince Rong had a good relationship with the East Palace, he was doing Huang Zhongsheng's job, so the truth in the eyes of outsiders was naturally different. New 𝟞𝟡book →𝟞𝟡𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞

Su Xinyi said: Third uncle, don't worry, Prince Rong has discussed this matter with His Highness the Crown Prince.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Since they had discussed it with the prince, it was not a big deal.

The old man was in low spirits. After sitting for a while, he returned to his yard to rest. Uncle Su sent the people back in person. Here, Third Master Su called Su Xinyi out, and by the way, Master Su, Su Chu, Su Bei, and Su Ju were also called out. Several of them were called away.

The remaining group of female relatives:...

The eldest lady smiled helplessly and said: If you want them to talk, they will definitely send us back later.

Su Lanxi responded with a smile: What the eldest aunt said is that Shu'er is playing with Sister Yan. My sister-in-law and I will go over to see the child first and come back later.

When Mrs. Zeng heard this, she knew that Su Lanxi must have something to say to her, so she stood up and said with a smile, Grandma, mother, my second sister and I will go take a look.

Mrs. Tai then said: Go ahead. Jingmo, Xixian and Chaoyan will stay here. I just have something to ask them.

Su Lanxi and Mrs. Zeng went out first. Here, the Madam asked several granddaughters how their life was at her husband's house. After Su Chaoyan gave birth to her daughter, the Madam asked her to take good care of her health. It would be best to give birth to a son next time. Su Chaoyan was well-behaved. The ground responded.

I don't have to worry about you anymore. The girl from the Tu family is going to marry King Jing. She will have to be looked after by Xin Yi when she enters the royal family. Naturally, Mrs. Tu can't treat you lightly. Madam Tai felt that her granddaughter was somewhat lucky, even though she was a concubine. , but the marriage chosen for her by the second child’s family was really good.

After Su Chaoyan got married, she was now more cheerful than when she was in her boudoir. She smiled and said, Thank you, grandma, for thinking about me. My granddaughter is doing well in the Tu family. Jingjia came back from the palace banquet last time and told me that her sixth sister was taking good care of her. Don’t worry.”

When you are someone's wife, don't take advantage of your sister being the crown prince to dominate. With your temperament, you can't do such a thing, but remember one thing, no matter who asks you to do something, don't let go easily. , If you have anything to discuss with me, please discuss it with me.

Su Chaoyan agreed obediently.

Mrs. Tai looked at Su Jingmo again and said angrily: I heard that you couple had a quarrel? What happened? Your mother couldn't explain it clearly last time.

The smile on Su Jingmo's face froze, and she couldn't help but look at her mother.

The third lady hurriedly looked away from her daughter. Su Jingmo could only look at her grandmother and said, Grandma, it's nothing serious. It's just that I'm pregnant. There is a cousin in the Changnan Marquis Mansion who wants to give birth to his daughter. I asked you to be your granddaughter as a concubine, but I didn’t let go, so I said that I was taking advantage of my power to bully others, and even my husband was not allowed to take a concubine when there was a princess in the family. New 69 Bookstore → 69𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

The madam didn't get angry, What did you do?

Su Jingmo smiled and said, What can the granddaughter do? Naturally, it is up to the husband to make the decision on this matter. I invited the relative and her daughter, and asked the husband to tell them himself. Now the husband has found a job, and the whole family I was so busy that I didn't have the mood to take a concubine, so I naturally refused, which has nothing to do with me.

In the past, Su Jingmo would not have been so considerate and would have gone to the battle herself to clean up the people. But now, she has to take care of the reputation of her sixth sister. However, they have a good relationship as a couple. It's not that she can't have children. If Dong Zhiwei dares to take a concubine at this time, don't think that she is really good to him in the future, and everyone can just be a respectful couple.

This is a good job. If you encounter this matter, leave it to my uncle. You don't have to come out to offend anyone. The wife was very satisfied, and then glanced at the third lady. The third lady was silent and did not dare to say a word at the moment. .

The Madam didn't hold on to the Third Madam, so she looked at Su Xixian, You are pregnant just now. You should take care of yourself at home. Put aside the things at home as much as possible, so that you can raise this baby well and be safe. Let’s give birth to the child first.”

Su Xixian hurriedly stood up and responded, Grandma, don't worry. Now my brother and sister are helping with the family affairs. You don't have to worry about other things. My mother-in-law said that the family is poor and cannot afford a concubine.


The wife was even amused, You are such a dominatrix. I see that the Yin family really doesn't dare to provoke you.

Su Xixian blushed for a rare moment, Grandma, I'm really focused on raising the baby right now. I really don't care about this.

Of course, she didn't need to take care of it at all. Her mother-in-law took care of her son first without her asking. Her brother didn't have a family, her sister didn't get married, and the betrothal and dowry all cost money. She really didn't have spare money to support more than one person.

Su Xixian is rich, but can her money be used by her husband to support a concubine?

That is impossible.

The madam nodded, Your mother-in-law treats you well, and you must be filial. Your younger brothers and sisters will help you share the burden. As a sister-in-law, you must also take care of their affairs in the future.

Yes. Su Xixian responded quickly.

The madam looked at her granddaughters and said, Seeing that you are doing well, grandma will feel relieved.

In the study room in the front yard, the third master and the others were discussing with Su Xinyi the matter of the dead men in the last hunting ground.

The third master looked at Su Xinyi and said: Your second brother sent back a letter. Although there is no specific information about the dead soldier, he vaguely found out that it was not an accident that the legitimate son of King Lao Yi injured his leg. It is still He is not sure, he is checking the original witnesses, if this can really be confirmed, then the current King Yi will have to be more careful.

Su Xinyi asked in surprise: Second brother, you are investigating so quickly? Isn't it difficult for him to investigate this kind of thing? After all, King Yi has deep roots in Suizhou. It is not easy for an outsider, Second Brother, to figure it out.

That's what happened. Your eldest brother-in-law helped a lot. However, the guards are not allowed to have close contact with local officials or dignitaries from the imperial court, so he can't come forward directly. He secretly helped with the investigation. Second Master Added on the side.

Su Chu said: What I mean is that I want to go to Suizhou to help my second brother.

It's thousands of miles away, but there are people from your hometown in Huaining helping you. Besides, if you leave Beijing again, you might disturb some people, so you'd better stay calm. The third master said, looking at his son.

Su Chu gave the sixth sister a helpless look.

Su Xinyi smiled, looked at Fifth Brother and said, What Third Uncle said makes sense. This kind of thing cannot be checked in a day or two. You have to be patient.

Li Yan has been watching us more closely recently. Your third brother-in-law and fifth brother-in-law have been targeted by people from Concubine Li's group. You should be more careful in the future.

Su Xinyi looked at his third uncle in surprise, Is there such a thing? Why didn't my family tell me?

The third brother-in-law said nonchalantly, It's not a big deal. Both of your brothers-in-law are steady people. The Tu family has strict rules. Your third brother-in-law follows the rules and is not afraid of being investigated. Your fifth brother-in-law rose through the ranks with his military merit. It's very tough. Uncle San is telling you this to ask you to act carefully. The Li family suffered a big loss in the last hunting ground, so he wants to regain his place.

Su Xinyi nodded slightly, If something like this happens again in the future, you have to tell me so that I can be prepared. The third brother-in-law and the fifth brother-in-law are also implicated by me. Although nothing happens, but if we meet again in the future, When something like this happens, even if we are dumb, we can’t bear the loss.”

The Third Master laughed and said, I like your temperament, but now that you are the Crown Princess, you can no longer be as willful as you were in the boudoir. You should also think more about His Highness. How many people are staring at the Crown Prince.

The second master was more cautious than the third master. Hearing this, he also warned, What your third uncle said makes sense. We don't have to argue about the length of the night. The prince is the most important thing. Besides, you are marrying into the East Palace now, and now you are married to the East Palace. Having a harmonious relationship with the Queen and King Rong is a good thing for you in itself. As long as you can be sure not to get caught, we are not the ones who are so impatient.

Su Xinyi didn't want her family to worry, so she happily agreed. After all, Concubine Li would not blatantly embarrass her in the harem like before.

Second uncle, third uncle, if Li Yan is a minister in the Ministry of Justice, he may not be clean. He has to be courteous. Su Xinyi said with a smile, Even if Li Yan can't move for the time being, then one or two of the Li family's minions can always move. , as long as the evidence is conclusive, it may not be impossible to win, even if Li Ji was a high-ranking official at the time, he also failed.

The second master had a headache. His niece's temperament of not taking advantage of anything was exactly the same as his fourth brother's. He said, Logically speaking, it works, but you have to know that civil and military affairs are incompatible. Our family is all military officers. We want to check the civil servants. It’s not easy.”

What your second uncle said makes sense, but it doesn't mean he can't make plans. You can wait for the news later. The Third Master is not a person who likes to suffer losses. Naturally, he agrees to fight with the Li family. However, the current situation is indeed not easy for a head-on confrontation, Your Majesty. I still have some affection for the Li family.

After all, Taishi Li is still alive, so many things are very hesitant to do.

Su Bei, who had been silent for the whole time, suddenly said: Father, second uncle, Li Yan's son Li Yiming doesn't look like he's motivated in front of his family, but he's doing a lot of things behind the scenes. I secretly asked someone to follow me, and I found out that he was raising children outside. The actor is a person who is greedy for pleasure. In fact, it is not impossible to start from him.

Huh? The third master looked at his son in surprise, When did you go check on him?

Su Bei said calmly: When the Li family took action against the third brother-in-law and the fifth brother-in-law, I sent people to investigate. It's rude to come and go without reciprocating. We can't always be overwhelmed by the Li family. Besides, just Prince Xiang's Mansion If you really want to do something about the bad things in there, there is nothing you can do about it.

Third Master:......

What happened to his son? Why was his son, who had always been gentle and polite, so irritable now?

Are you okay? Third Master looked at his son worriedly and asked.

Su Bei looked at his father and didn't know what to say for a moment. He was silent for a moment and then said: It's okay, don't worry.

It really couldn't be better.

Su Ju looked at his nose and heart. Well, he didn't know anything. He was definitely not colluding with his third brother.

The third master glanced at him and felt angry immediately. He didn't expect that the brat in the family would hide it, and he did little things under their noses without being discovered. He was really promising.

Su Xinyi's mind suddenly flashed, remembering something that happened in a previous life.

It seems that in her previous life, Prince Rong flirted with Li Wenxuan after drinking, but she couldn't remember exactly when it happened. Because of this, Concubine Li seemed to want Prince Rong to marry Li Wenxuan.

At that time, the relationship between the Queen and Concubine Li was not as tense as it had been in this life. King Rong and King Xiang also had a good relationship at that time. How was it resolved in the end?

Su Xinyi tried hard to think about it, but she didn't remember what happened to King Rong and Li Wenxuan, but she remembered that there was another person involved in this matter, her second sister Su Lanqian.


Today’s update is for you, my little cuties.


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