Once the Crown Prince Joins In

401: I have always been the cruelest one in my past life and this life.

Old slave thinks so too. There are some things in the Ji family that can only be done with the help of Princess Wu. How can Princess Wu do it if she is trapped in the palace? Grandma She smiled, Besides, Prince Xiang's wedding is very important. It’s coming soon, Princess Wu always has to show up that day. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜ”

It was Prince Xiang's wedding. Su Xinyi suddenly looked at Nanny She and asked, There has been no news about Pei Nianwei recently.

Aunt She shook her head, I have indeed heard that Miss Pei has been walking around in the capital recently. However, the Marquis of Wu'an now has a Princess Xiang, so there is no need for Miss Pei to marry the East Palace. Her marriage has not been settled yet. I’m afraid I don’t want to show up either.”

Su Xinyi thought of Pei Nianwei, but still had more dislike for her than good impression, probably because of different stances.

From Pei Nianwei's point of view, she would naturally think that it was the right thing for her parents to let her marry the prince, but from Su Xinyi's point of view, she didn't think so. The Marquis of Wu'an and his wife had many boats, and they didn't pay much to the East Palace but wanted the prince. Marrying Pei Nianwei and protecting the Wu'anhou Mansion for a lifetime of wealth and wealth are not as beautiful as he imagined in his daydreams.

It's a bit of a pity after all. In fact, Pei Nianwei is smarter than many people in Wu'anhou's house. He can also be patient in judging the situation. Now that You Xiangzhi has appeared, Wu'anhou and his wife are probably thinking about this niece. It's hard to say about Pei Nianwei's marriage in the future. .”

Grandma She thought about this Miss Pei, smiled and said: What the Crown Princess said is that the only thing she can hope for now is that Princess Xiang will not be favored after entering Prince Xiang's Mansion, or that she will not be valued by Prince Xiang. If Wu Anhou and his wife can't get what they want from her, then Miss Pei's life will be easier, otherwise...

Su Xinyi:......

Thinking about it carefully, what Grandma She said made sense. In the final analysis, Wu Anhou and his wife valued the benefits brought by their children, and then promoted the superiors and disparaged the inferiors, thus dividing the family. She had suffered such a bitter fruit in her previous life.

The Wu'an Hou Mansion will probably be like this in the future, or even worse than it is now. Unless King Xiang can sit in the position they want him to do, otherwise, the miracle of Xianyu's turnaround will not happen.

However, this does not mean that Su Xinyi cannot do something with this.

She thought for a while, looked at Nanny She and said, Let me first inquire about Miss Pei's current situation. I think she must be very unwilling to become You Xiangzhe's stepping stone.

Nanny She's eyes lit up, The Crown Princess is right. If possible, she might be able to compete with Princess Xiang, who can just use her strength.

Beating an ox across a mountain and leveraging its strength is the most common tactic in the harem. The most taboo among those empresses and concubines is for His Majesty to see their bad behavior, so they have to cover up everything they do.

Thinking about it from another perspective, it is not impossible to use Pei Nianwei to deal with You Xiangzhe.

Given Miss You's temperament, she was extremely courageous when she dared to plot against His Majesty in the hunting ground. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sɥnx˙ɔoɯ

Such people will not be content.

The Crown Princess wants to prepare in advance, which is what she should do, and she must be on guard against others.

Aunt She immediately sent someone to inquire about this matter. It was not difficult to inquire about the Wu'an Hou Mansion, and news came back soon.

I heard that Miss Pei is very embarrassed in the house now. Everyone in the house is very respectful to Miss You. In addition, Miss You seems to have a bad temper with Miss Pei, and Mrs. Wu'an often asks Miss Pei to give way to Miss You. , the house over there is also very lively. Aunt She knew that Wu Anhou and his wife were very utilitarian, but she never expected to be so mean to her own son.

Even if Miss You wants to be the princess, then Miss Pei is their biological child and the eldest daughter. Besides, Miss You is the daughter of the You family. Naturally, the You family and his wife will benefit the most from becoming the princess.

Master You and Mrs. You have just arrived in the capital. Isn't Miss You about to get married? She is here in a hurry to get married. Since these two people came together, Miss Pei heard that Mrs. You had reprimanded her, and she went to Zhuangzi to recover in anger. ”

Really? Su Xinyi was surprised. Pei Nianwei was able to provoke her again and again, but now he was completely defeated when he met Mrs. You?

This person is good at defeating the strong with the weak, and is similar to You Xiangzhe. This time she lost after one move with Mrs. You, which is not her temperament.

I'm afraid there is a back-up plan.

Su Xinyi looked at Nanny She and smiled, I'm afraid something good will happen now.

Princess, do you want a push? Grandma She asked softly.

Su Xinyi shook his head and said, No, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is somewhat related to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion. It's enough for us to watch the tiger fight from a distance, but extending a hand would be too much. His Highness has always been a kind-hearted person. If he knew about it, he would probably do something wrong. A little sad.

Aunt She was stunned for a moment, feeling that the Crown Prince the Crown Princess was talking about was not the same person as the Crown Prince she knew.

The Crown Princess is soft-hearted. If it were anyone else, she would immediately push her away. However, what you are saying is that Dong Palace is different from others, so she should be more cautious. Grandma She smiled, the Crown Princess always said that the Crown Prince was good. Shan, in her opinion, their girl is the softest one.

Pei Nianwei faced off against the Crown Princess several times, and her words were not very respectful, and her behavior was also disgusting. If anyone else had the opportunity to step on her, they would probably want to vent their anger.

Su Xinyi didn't notice the helpless look on Grandma She's face. She thought for a while and said slowly: Mammy, do you think Fu Yun and You Xiangzhe will fight, who will be more powerful?

Fu Yun has the support of King Yi, so I'm afraid that Miss You is no match for her. Moreover, Fu Yun and Prince Xiang have a life-saving relationship, and their relationship is deeper than that of Miss You. It's not easy for Miss You to surpass her in this regard. 𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ˢʰᵘˣ.ᶜᵒᵐ She said thoughtfully.

I think so too. Su Xinyi smiled, Fuyun is hiding in Prince Xiang's Mansion. It's not easy for us to touch her, but now we have a chance.

The Crown Princess means to borrow Miss You's hand?

Su Xinyi nodded lightly and borrowed Pei Nianwei's knife. She was afraid of tarnishing the reputation of His Highness the Crown Prince, but it didn't matter to You Xiangzhi. Although she was also the cousin of the Crown Prince, the two had no contact or affection before being thousands of miles apart, and You Xiangzhi His reputation is not very good, it will be fine if she lends a hand.

I'm afraid You Xiangzhe doesn't know Fuyun's background, and I'm afraid he'll only use the tricks of the back house to fight against her. That's boring. Su Xinyi sneered, No matter what, the two of them have to be of equal fighting strength.

Having said this, Su Xinyi paused. After thinking carefully, she looked at Aunt She and said, In this way, let someone reveal the news to You Xiangzhe, let her know that Fuyun's rescue of Prince Xiang was a trap, and then give her some clues. , let her investigate the matter of Ding'anwei, and use You Xiangzhe's hand to overturn Master Minghui's background no matter what.

After hearing what the Crown Princess said, Grandma She thought it was feasible, This is a good move. Minghui Master's background involves Prince Yi. How to expose her is a difficult problem. If it happens through the fight in the back house of Prince Xiang's Mansion, it will be a problem. It's logical. Aunt Fu is from Ding'an Guard, Master Minghui is also from Ding'an Guard, and so is King Yi's biological mother. In this way, we are connected.

Su Xinyi felt very good after saying this, Yes, this should be done. If King Yi's conspiracy was brought up rashly, no one would believe it. This matter should have been planned since King Yi's biological mother gave birth to him. Years of grudges, without enough evidence and witnesses, it is difficult to do anything.

Yes, but now that Fuyun is there, it can be connected.

Su Xinyi and Grandma She looked at each other, and both of them smiled.

Aunt She said softly: This matter is of great importance. I think it is better to inform the Duke's Mansion that this matter cannot be done by you or the East Palace. If it is traced in the future, the prince will inevitably be involved. Your Highness, it is best to do it with someone who has nothing to do with you, His Highness the Crown Prince, or the Duke of Qi.

Su Xinyi nodded, Then send the news back to the Duke's Mansion and let the uncle and others arrange it.

Old slave, if you go there in person, you will definitely explain the matter clearly. Grandma She said with a smile.

Okay, I feel most at ease when grandma does things.

After Grandma She left, Su Xinyi let out a long sigh of relief. Why didn't she think of this step before? If she hadn't suddenly thought of Pei Nianwei, if she hadn't been chatting with Grandma She, this move would have been a great move to hit a cow from across the mountain.

Su Xinyi was in a good mood. Even if he counted the days, if he hurried forward, the messenger should be back in a few days.

I don’t know what’s going on with His Royal Highness.

With everything on track, Su Xinyi could finally breathe a sigh of relief and wait for the follow-up reaction.

It was rare that she relaxed and took a nap for a while. When she woke up, Grandma She had already come back, so she came in and replied, My lord, please don't worry, he will arrange this matter.

Su Xinyi said happily, Uncle said that?

Aunt She nodded, Yes.

The uncle who has always been good at forbearing has finally changed.

My lord, I have something to convey to the Crown Princess. I originally wanted to send you a message tomorrow, but I will send you a message when I get back.

What's going on? Su Xinyi asked.

It's about Mrs. Yin's side.

Fifth sister?

Exactly. Grandma She nodded, Didn't you find out last time that the girl who delivered the message to the fifth girl was Aunt Weng's daughter in marriage?

Su Xinyi nodded.

This matter concerns Aunt Weng, so we will leave the matter to the Third Master and let the Third Master explain it to Aunt Weng. Moreover, the Duke and the Second Master also suspect that there is something wrong with the roommate next to Aunt Weng. It’s just that it’s not easy to directly intervene in the affairs of the third room, so I can only let the third master handle it.”

This is what it should be. Although Third Uncle is partial to Aunt Weng, he will not be confused when it comes to important matters in the Duke's palace.

Yes, Third Master is a cheerful person, so he asked Aunt Weng directly.

Su Xinyi was stunned for a moment, Ask directly?

That's not true. The eldest lady was also present at the time and told the old slave that Aunt Weng didn't believe it at all after listening to the third master's questioning. Her companion was a girl who had served her since she was a child. She said she was a master and servant, but in fact she was not. The division is deep.”

Aunt She sighed when she said this, Aunt Weng and the Third Master almost got into a fight. At first, Aunt Weng only had a fight with the Third Master because of the marriage between the fifth girl and the fifth young master.

Su Xinyi:......

Aunt Weng's brain circuit is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Seeing the Crown Princess's silent expression, Grandma She also became silent.

What happened next? Su Xinyi asked after calming down.

You probably wouldn't have thought that Aunt Weng almost scratched the Third Master's face all over, and then called Chuncao's parents in front of the Third Master and interrogated them on the spot.

Su Xinyi was stunned, Aunt Weng asked in person?

No, the eldest lady said that she didn't expect Aunt Weng to be so stubborn after all. The matter of Chun Cao is certain. How could Chun Cao's father and mother not know about it? Besides, Aunt Weng didn't hold the marriage contract for this family. Later, it was found out that it was the Weng family. Aunt Weng was so angry that she fainted on the spot after asking them to do this.

Aunt Weng has always been proud of the Weng family all her life. She dared to challenge the third lady in the Duke's Mansion. It was because of the Weng family that she was stabbed by her most trusted family. I'm afraid Aunt Weng didn't expect it.

No, after Aunt Weng woke up, she sent someone to break Chun Cao's legs. Then she told Chun Cao's mother that if she didn't tell the truth, she would break Chun Cao's legs. If she didn't say anything, she would Let people beat Father Chuncao to death, and if you still don’t tell me, send their family of three to reunite underground.

Su Xinyi:......

He is a man who does great things!

When she dared to be the third master's concubine despite the pressure of the world as the legitimate daughter of the Weng family, her courage was indeed unmatched by ordinary people.

Ms. Chuncao thought a little differently. The deeds of their family are not in the hands of Aunt Weng. This only means that Aunt Weng cannot sell them at will. But how can Aunt Weng sell them and kill Weng directly? Can we still provide justice to them at home?

Su Xinyi listened to what Nanny She said and said, Aunt Weng's mind is spinning very fast. She grasped the vital points and controlled Chuncao Niang's lifeline.

Not only does Chun Cao Niang understand Aunt Weng, but Aunt Weng also understands Chun Cao Niang and knows that her daughter is the most important thing in her heart.

The eldest lady said that the third master didn't say a word at that time. Aunt Weng broke Father Chuncao's legs and watched her say harsh words to Mother Chuncao.

Su Xinyi thought that the third uncle had been beguiled by Aunt Weng's gentleness all his life, but now he was probably shocked by Aunt Weng's true face.

Aunt Weng's trick is very effective. Chun Cao Niang did it. It was Aunt Weng's brother and sister-in-law who asked her to do it. As for why Aunt Weng's brother and sister-in-law did this, Chun Cao Niang doesn't know. Aunt Weng asked someone to do it. Chuncao's father and mother were escorted away, and they went back to the house and locked the door and cried for a long time. Later, when they came out, they told the third master that the Chuncao family would be left to the third master, and they could do whatever the third master told them. If they didn't obey, they would be beaten to death. Throw the body back to the Weng family.

Aunt She did not notice the strange look on the Crown Princess's face, and continued: I never expected that Aunt Weng would be able to do such a big thing when she was here. She has always been proud of the Weng family, and this time she completely fell out with the Weng family. .”

However, Su Xinyi thought that in her previous life, Su Xixian married into the Weng family. Aunt Weng's interest exchanges with the Weng family continued. Her natal family was still a supporter for her, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Xixian marrying back to the Weng family. So I won't make the decision for her, and I even think my daughter is ignorant.

However, things are different in this life. Aunt Weng's two children are not married to the Weng family, which means that the interest relationship with the Weng family is severed.

Now that the Weng family wanted to plot against their mothers, Aunt Weng immediately made a decision based on her natural interests.

Aunt Weng...

He has been the most ruthless one in his past life and this life.


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