Looking at the pontoon bridge he personally designed, Chongzhen felt very comfortable in his heart.

With the infinite replication system, what is so difficult in this world?

"Jin Yiwei, responsible for leading the people across the bridge!"

"Four thousand carriages, follow across the bridge!"

In the distance, scouts sent by Azig and Kong Youde wandered two miles away.

They did not dare to approach the reconnaissance, and when they saw a huge pontoon bridge, which appeared on the Sancha River in less than half a day, the scout captain was not calm.

Ming Jun, is this with the help of immortals?

Half a day, only half a day's work!

Such a big pontoon bridge, it was actually built?

Holding a telescope and observing the movement of the Ming army, the scout's heart has been deeply stimulated.

"Go, go back and report the message!"

The scout captain rode his horse, still thinking about the pontoon in his heart.

If it is the Great Qing, I am afraid that it will take ten days of hard work to repair a pontoon bridge, and the width of the pontoon bridge is only one zhang.

"Report, Chongzhen is crossing the Sancha River with his army!"

After an hour of hard work, the scout captain finally saw Azig and Kong Youde.

Azig had a black line on his face.

"What's the situation? How did they cross the river, thousands of carriages are all gone? "

"Aren't we rich?"

Azig was in a slightly better mood.

Four thousand, that's four thousand carriages.

Even if he couldn't catch up with Chongzhen, with four thousand carriages, Daqing's strength would definitely be stronger.

In the past, to transport grain and grass, the whole country of the Qing Dynasty requisitioned a thousand ox carts, and the horse-drawn carts were laborious.

710 This is a full four thousand carriages, and it will be much easier to transport grain and grass and soldiers and horses in the future.

Kong Youde's face also had a long-lost smile on his face.

"Four thousand carriages they can't take with them at all, which will greatly enhance our logistics and transportation capabilities!"

The scout captain had a black line on his face, didn't his own words finish yet?

"King Gongshun, King of the County, you don't know something, we found that the Ming army built a pontoon bridge on the Sancha River!"

"That's better, now we attack immediately, they can't run away!"

"The pontoon bridge, without ten days and a half month, is it so easy to build?" , Azig looked delighted.

Kong Youde also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's really heavenly help Daqing!" "

The scout captain scratched his head, a little overwhelmed.

"Wang Ye, they built the pontoon bridge in half a day, conservatively estimating the length of tens of zhang and the width of about 5 zhang!"

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Azig was stunned.

What the?

Such a large pontoon bridge was built in half a day?

How is it done?

Kong Youde had a hellish expression.

"How is that possible? How is this done? "

"It doesn't take half a day to collect the materials to build the pontoon bridge!"

Azig was also a little confused, which was completely unreasonable.

"Does Ming Jun really have immortal help?"

"How does this do to erect a pontoon bridge in half a day?"

Azig and Kong Youde were shocked and overwhelmed.

"Then are we still chasing?"

"Chase a fart! These evil sects of the Ming Army, it is best for us to be careful! Azig became a little timid and no longer dared to pursue the Ming army without hesitation.

Kong Youde was afraid for a while, and the clothes inside the entire armor were all wet with cold sweat.

"Obedience King, what should I do now?"

Kong Youde was a little messy, he betrayed Daming at the beginning, and he was familiar with the combat effectiveness and action power of the Ming army.

"Hell, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

"What is impossible?" , Azig was a little curious.

"The old man has also been a general soldier in Daming for a few years before, and he knows what level those guys in the Ming Army are! This pontoon bridge was built in half a day, and the key is that it is still such a large pontoon bridge, which really makes the old man a little puzzled. "


"Your Majesty is carrying a large army, less than five miles away!"

Kong Youde breathed a sigh of relief, and Azig also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty is finally here!"

"Prepare to greet Your Majesty!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Azige and Kong Youde took their guards and rode five miles to greet Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji's face was sallow, and his mentality had collapsed.

"Azige, Kong Youde, you are here!"

Lying on the Luan driver, Huang Taiji, who spoke weakly, glanced at Azige in front of him.

"Chongzhen that dog emperor, how is the situation?"

"Already crossed the Sancha River!"

"What? Didn't you say that you were already catching up? Huang Taiji remained as calm as possible.

The imperial doctor on the side was very worried, if Huang Taiji vomited blood in anger again, I was afraid that he would have to cultivate for more than half a month.

"Your Majesty, it's not that we don't chase! It's so evil! "

Ceee complained almost with a crying voice, and Huang Taiji was curious.

"Where is the evil door?"

"The Ming army worked hard for half a day to erect a pontoon bridge over the Sancha River, with a width of five zhang, and a length of less than sixty zhang!"

Azige's words made Huang Taiji suffer a critical blow in his heart.

Since Chongzhen entered the hinterland of the Great Qing, this Ming army has divine help.

Could it be true that his mother has a fairy?

Huang Taiji did not believe Azige and Kong Youde's rhetoric.

"Get started now, we'll see!"

Coming to the Sancha River, the pontoon bridge has been lit by a fire.

The burning pontoon instantly made Huang Taiji's teeth clench tightly.

"They are also too extravagant, such a good bridge, say burn and burn!"

"Your Majesty, the pontoon bridge is built with ships, at least more than a hundred ships, they are estimated to rob the boats of the surrounding people!"

"No, see for yourselves, those ships are all identical, as if carved out of a mold!"

Huang Taiji's words made the surrounding generals not calm.

"Hell, could it be that the Ming Army was a ship built on the spot?"

"This is the only possibility, otherwise it would not be possible for all ships to be the same!" , Huang Taiji said confidently.

Azig looked at Kong Youde with a skeptical expression.

"Obedient King, what did we scout just say?"

"The pontoon bridge was built in half a day!" , Kong Youde's tone looked a little puzzled.

Huang Taiji was completely messy.

"Half a day? These are hundreds of ships, and they have taken our plundered people along the way, could it be that there are craftsmen among these people? "

Before the words fell, the pontoon bridge had been completely reduced to ashes and fell into the river.

"Your Majesty, what do we do now?" , Fan Wencheng asked curiously.

"The Ming army can erect a pontoon bridge, can't we erect a pontoon bridge?"

"Order the army, take materials on the spot, erect pontoon bridges, and prepare to cross the river."

Huang Taiji wanted to see that the Ming army could erect a pontoon bridge in half a day, and it would take several days for the Qing Dynasty to erect a pontoon bridge.

The width of the entire river is two hundred meters, and Huang Taiji has only 3,000 craftsmen accompanying the army.

Most of the 3,000 people were brought by Kong Youde when he surrendered to Jiannu.

"Don't be idle, all the soldiers will help cut down trees and bamboo!"

Huang Taiji was very uneasy in his heart and wanted to verify how long it would take to erect a pontoon bridge.

Could it be that God is really helping the Ming Army?

After Chongzhen crossed the river, he went straight to Xiningbao Fort.

There is enough to defend it with the strength of a Han Baiqi of Jiara, and thirty stones of grain and grass have been hoarded here.

300,000 stone grain, of which more than 200,000 stone grain was the grain of Jin merchants.

Chongzhen, as a traverser, knew that Jin Shang was definitely a reborn parent for Jiannu.

When the army marched near Xiningburg, the shrill sound of gongs and drums sounded.

The bannermen drove all the slaves into the fort.

"Prepare for battle and discover the Ming army!" , A tall Hanzheng white banner Jia Lao Erzhen held an arquebus in his hand, urging the soldiers around him.

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