One Eyed Monster

Chapter 341: Guardian of Gulu Mountain (5)

Yuga looked at everything in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

The enemy's advantage is obvious, but they have to buy time here.

Maybe the people in the alchemy workshop are really not afraid, Simon can do it alone, but this dark warlock is not that simple.

He has never seen through which line this dark warlock belongs to.

It seemed that this dark warlock had fallen before he advanced into a gray robe.

The fallen souls help to understand the laws of darkness, every unscrupulous means, every dirty measurement, every despicable plan is always unobstructed in their bodies.

But for such a degenerate person, you have a little temper, right?

Yuga looked at Simon again, this guy couldn't tell whether it was a cat or a human. If this might not have been a problem in the past, but now, under the agreement of Kuitulan, these volunteers have become unhuman and strange, and Yuga has no way to distinguish the red cat Simon. Is it a human or a cat?

Simon's face is not what a normal person looks like, but it is not accurate to say that he is a cat, because no cat has a nose as big as a cow.

But Yuga didn't have the right to laugh at Simon, and his appearance was not much better. Anyway, he would be called a monster wherever he looked like them.

Yuga controlled the wind element in his hand. He could vaguely feel that there was a wizard on the alchemy workshop who was also a wind element, and the wind element summoned by that wizard was Wings of Wind and Frost, which was a powerful wind element. But I don't know why this Wind and Frost Wing has not moved, and it seems to be the initial stage from the feel.

Yuga couldn't tell whether the shaman was an enemy or a friend. Although the shaman seemed to have just advanced into a gray robe, just relying on the wings of wind and frost was enough to make Yuga extra vigilant.

The best element of this kind of wind system is better to guard against a little bit. It is not a last resort, this kind of one-in-a-million wind element will not obey human arrangements...

Yuga looked at Big Witch Biggs vigilantly, and for this kind of person who could not determine whether it was an enemy or a friend, he needed further temptation.

The task of further sighing was naturally handed over to Gemma.

Gemma is different from him and Simon. Gemma used to be the empire's Glory Seven Horsemen, and this title will make people feel scared wherever it is.

But today is not what it used to be, the title of Glory Seven Horses has been abolished by the Empire, and it no longer has the effect of shocking.

As the guardian of Gulu Mountain, Gemma felt that she had to use all her light and heat.

This is their home, how can it tolerate the wanton destruction of others?

Yuga's request quickly reached Gemma. After Joseph sent Cullen away, it was of course his duty to investigate this kind of affair.

Gemma focused her gaze on Big Witch Biggs. The colors and weights of the others were similar, but this witch looked weird. In a sense, even if Yuga didn’t tell him, he wanted to Tentative.

Yuga can obviously feel Gemma's spiritual feedback, which is strange to say. Even if Gemma is tempted, it is still difficult to tell what the big witch is.

The color of this great witch is actually difficult to judge, which is a little bit difficult at first.

It is estimated that no one in this world can figure out the intention of a stone man who does not move.

Although Gemma had eyes that were different from those of ordinary people, he couldn't tell whether this strange big witch was an enemy or a friend.

All these changes are too fast, and sometimes Yuga has no time to think and will face another blow. The Dark Warlock always brings them big "surprises" from time to time.

For the time being, Yuga couldn't figure out what kind of spells the dark warlock used. He only knew that the dark warlock understood very complicated things, and some seemed to have gone beyond the scope of the sorcerer.

The other party came prepared, and this dark warlock knew enough about them.

"Buy as much time as you can!" Yuga muttered to himself, he felt that he was almost exhausted.

His wind element is not the Wings of Wind and Frost, and he does not have such a large reserve of spiritual power. This wind element has taken away most of Yuga's 6 physical and spiritual power without ever appearing.

The opponent, the Dark Warlock, clearly understood something, so this Dark Warlock has always been playing procrastination tactics.

The opponent's non-attack is completely exhausting, and changing to another person may be able to accompany the **** to consume it, but especially not.

Yuga is an explosive wizard, and he has another name in the wizard league.

Of course, he himself prefers this name. This name is straightforward and very similar to his personality. This name is called the explosive Yuga.

This name sounds like the title of a fire witcher, but this is Yuga's nickname. He is like a flame, hurriedly and vigorously, and he likes to complete everything in an instant.

He likes this title, he thinks this title is much stronger than any sage.

At least this title doesn't sound so weak to him.

Yuga recalled the moment when he resolutely signed an agreement with Kuyturan. Although it is voluntary, it is more or less a kind of expectation. Yuga hopes that he can become an explosive Yuga just like his nickname. He hopes that his wind system can be integrated with his spells and can truly explode. Used.

He had to admit that Kuytulan was a genius, although from a certain point of view, the child was still immature and took everything too hastily.

The agreement was entirely because Kuyturan himself was not ready...

Yuga doesn't actually hate Kuyturan. The hatred in his heart is for himself. He feels that as an elder, he is still so impulsive and eager for success. This is really not right.

However, this is his true self. Although he has lost his normal lifestyle because of this agreement, he has also gained what he wants most-the explosive self.

"The explosion can only show its power in the right place." Yuga started talking to himself again.

These self-talking are the voices deep in his heart. He has always regarded Gulu Mountain as his second hometown, where he found the real explosion.

So Yuga did not want anyone to disrupt the overall balance of the mountain.

He wants this mountain to continue to be a paradise for monsters, and he wants the great mentor to continue to enlighten those who cannot survive in reality.

He himself was such a contradictory person at the beginning. On the one hand, he wanted to be who he was, but on the other hand he couldn’t let go of the life he had...

But Now all of this is not important, he Yuga needs to guard the mountain, guard it in his own way.

He knows that he wants to buy more time for the moon-little people, but he wants to try...

I am the explosive Yuga, what I am good at is explosive play!

Yujia twisted his fingers and bit his teeth. The victory or defeat seemed to be at this moment.

He is no longer a kid, and he knows the pros and cons of doing this.

He will definitely lose in the war of attrition, although there is no chance of winning in their plan, they are just delaying time...

He chose to give it a go because of his own inner desire!

Sometimes, attack is the best defense.

.. Brand new revision, updated 2 faster and more stable 3 stable


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