One Eyed Monster

Chapter 536: A touch of sadness

What fell from the sky was not only the stones, but the counterattack that Cardi and the others had prepared.

The monster saw more than just rocks falling from the sky, he saw many things.

This short moment, the stone thrown over is this short moment, the fluctuations in the monster's heart are hard to describe in words.

This state of mind is like a person standing on a high place and suddenly the landing point under his feet disappears and falls directly...

This state of mind is also like a bird flying in front of a person who is about to taste the delicacy, and this bird leaves this delicious lump of bird feces...

No matter what state of mind it is, the monster still has to accept this reality, which is lightning in the stone.

Therefore, what fell from the sky was not stones, but lightning.

No, for monsters, what fell from the sky is disaster, fear, failure...

Of course, there is still a hint of sadness.

Click ——

Lightning bounced out of the stone, and the dazzling yellow light was followed by a shocking bang, and then I heard a continuous sound spread in the air...

The sound of just being struck by lightning is completely a tormenting sound.

Lightning will not bring this monster to the realm of Yongning, but lightning can still defeat the determination of this monster to stay here...

The monster was full of sorrow. He thought he was about to master the laws of this world, but in the end he was still unwelcome. He was hooked off by his lightning skills, and the opponent attacked it with this skill. A terrible thing.

This place is too dangerous, and staying here may be very dangerous. It is better to return to your own world.

Countless fragments began to retreat. These split bodies could not attack, but the retreat was indeed first-rate. No matter which one was lost, it would not affect the safety of the body. As long as there is one piece that can escape, it can survive. Although this split may take a long time, it doesn't matter. The green hills are here, so I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood.

The monster's retreat is already obvious. It doesn't want to fight the one-eyed guy on the opposite side. It's not good at all, and it's always hit. Whether it is an inner blow or a physical blow, it is not small.

The monster was already discouraged.

It has long been a touch of sorrow and anger.

This result is not good news for the Red Warlock. He is now able to feel a lot of negative emotions. He also knows where this emotion comes from. The monsters he summoned have begun to retreat, which makes him not Know what to do.

He didn't want this monster to return. It was not easy to be able to summon this guy. If it weren't for the dark energy given to him by Lord Willem, he wouldn't necessarily be able to summon this monster.

But now, this monster actually has the idea of ​​quitting. It is really sad to choose to quit just after entering this world.

The said to tame the monster, the said to become Willem’s right-hand man, the said to conquer...

All of this will disappear with the withdrawal of this monster...

No, no, these visions have not yet appeared, and where they disappeared, the Red Warlock found that his heart was starting to be a little confused.

What fell down that day was really not as simple as rocks and lightning...

This faint sadness immediately invaded the heart of the Red Sorcerer. Although he knew that these things shouldn't happen as a person who threw himself into the dark, the gap was too big, and his heart's ability to bear it had not yet fully reached the Dark Sorcerer. The pinnacle standard.

The taste of sadness spread throughout the month. Not only the monster and the Red Warlock, but also Kevin and Milo, the two people who have experienced the wind and waves, are a little bit sad...

This is really an inexplicable matter.

Milo is the golden seat of the alchemy workshop. He felt ashamed for himself and also felt a moment of sorrow. He knew nothing about this monster. This was really not a good phenomenon. Such an alchemy workshop would obviously slow down and affect Master Kuyturan’s plan.

Milo felt that they were not prepared enough, but also overestimated themselves, they were too confident of their own strength. He then thought that Brad Jola and Pedro were still missing, and felt a heartache. The sadness slowly extended from an inconspicuous place and gradually occupied his whole body.

And Kevin on the side is no better, he is also in a sad mood.

Kevin's sadness is also related to Cardi. As Cardi's guide, Kevin should be happy to see Cardi's proud performance, but it is strange that Kevin is not happy.

What he felt was sadness. He couldn't tell where the sadness came from. In short, he felt more sad than happy.

I am glad that Kadi has grown up and become able to be alone. Although these friends around Kadi have helped Kadi a lot, Kadi still grows very fast.

This quick method also indirectly shows that Cardi is no longer a child, and it is time to leave the In the future, Cardi will face the world by himself, and it will be a difference at that time. ...

Kevin is a little bit reluctant to bear this grown-up Cady, and in the future, without such a troublemaker around him seems to be a little lonely, the mountain will appear to be quiet...

This sadness spread across Kevin, making him forget what he wanted to do.

Of course, this sadness only occupies a part of Kevin, and he also feels sad for other things.

One of them is that as the guardian of Gulu Mountain, he actually failed to fulfill his responsibility as a guardian. This damages his image in front of Kadi. Also, this is also ashamed of the great mentor. How swearing they were. But now they are trapped here by an unknown monster. If it weren't for Cardi and the others, the ghost knew how long they would spend here...

It's Cadi again, and now it's sad to mention the name Cadi, Kevin.

You have to know that you really have no temper with that lightning, but Cady was able to catch the lightning and used it, which absolutely shocked him.

At the same time, it also brought him a lot of negative emotions. The things he avoided because of his life and death were so easily controlled by the kid Kadi...

What made Kevin even more embarrassed was the counterattack against that monster...

He and Milo tried so hard to give the monster a fatal blow, but the result surprised them. There was nothing wrong with that monster. Splitting and assembling were commonplace for that monster. They had no temper at all...

However, as for Cardi and the others, they used lightning to attack...

Also achieved a miraculous effect...

This is really impossible to say.

At this moment, in addition to a touch of sadness, what else can describe Kevin and their mood at this moment?

twenty three

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