One Guard

Vol 2 Chapter 254: : Who is the best 6th person

   "Peja Stojakovic! three~~~~"

The shouts of the dj at the scene made the fans all raised their arms with excitement. The Mavericks scored again, and Carlisle's substitution had an immediate effect.

The espn photographer did not put the lens on Peja who scored, but gave a close-up of the angry and roaring "Zen Master" Jackson.

A few minutes ago, this old white-haired man with glasses was still sitting steadily on the bench, as if waiting for victory.

And now, the old man's face is flushed with anger causing his blood pressure to soar. He stared his eyes, hands on hips. This is a signal, a signal that the Lakers are in trouble!

"Lamar!" When Kobe once again held the ball and pushed it past, Phil Jackson turned around and yelled Odom's name from the bench.

Odom immediately understood what Jackson meant. He immediately took off his training suit, tore off the disposable training pants, and went to the technical desk to register. Once there is a dead ball on the court, the best sixth man will appear.

The situation has reached the moment when it has to be rescued!

On the field, because of Kidd's appearance, now the person defending Kobe has become Yiyang.

Kobe believes that Yiyang, a rookie, will be a breakthrough for the Lakers' offensive end. He may be able to guard against others, but rest to stop himself!

So he held Yiyang with one hand outside the left three-point line, and asked Fischer for the ball with the other.

Fischer's pass was very decisive, and Yiyang wanted to steal, but the hand that Kobe held him made Yiben unable to get close to the basketball.

In this way, Kobe held the ball, lowered the center of gravity, and the habitual three-threat pace reappeared.

The next second, Gasol came to pick and roll, and Kobe started immediately!

But the direction of Kobe's breakthrough was not the side where Gasol set up the screen. Kobe knew that Yiyang would be fooled, so he went to the side with no cover, a fake pick-and-roll!

Yiyang was deceived as expected, but he immediately turned back and chased him back. What surprised Kobe is that Yiyang this guy actually stuck to himself again in an instant! What a terrifying speed!

Yiyang is closely behind Kobe, and Kobe also knows that Yiyang, like Wade, is a defender who is good at chasing after him. But the matter is here, Kobe will not be afraid.

He stepped into the three-second zone and took off directly, lifting the basketball high to make a layup.

Yiyang jumped up immediately, but Kobe's layup was very thief. He tried to stretch his hand forward, and Yiben, who was behind Kobe, couldn't touch the basketball.

Yiyang couldn't complete the cover, and these two points seemed to have become Kobe's possession. However, the Mavericks' penalty area is not so easy to fall into.

In Kobe's vision, Tyson Chandler suddenly rushed out. In the next second, the basketball that Kobe had just dropped was hit on the backboard by Chandler!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise when the basketball collided with the backboard, and Kobe gritted his teeth to the ground. Yiyang's stick defense slowed down Kobe's advancing speed greatly, and this created conditions for Chandler's defense.

"Extraordinary blocking! The two teamed up with Chandler to defend Kobe. Now that the Mavericks have the ball, can they narrow the point difference further?" From 14 to 5 points, the Mavericks only used a short period of time. In a few minutes, the gap was closed. Mike Brin stared at Kidd intently, and the offensive of these guys may continue!

This time, Kidd did not move slowly. He ran very fast, and the Lakers' defense has not yet fully spread.

Kidd walked in the middle, while Yiyang ran along the left side of the court. Seeing that there was a gap in the Lakers' defense on the left, Kidd immediately passed the ball out while running!

Kidd's goal is not to pass the ball, it is this year's best sixth man winner Yiyang. This guy received the basketball and wiped it into the three-point line, but how easily Kobe's defense can be defeated.

Kobe has been close to Yiyang, although it is very difficult, but also did not let Yiyang take the slightest advantage.

Seeing that he couldn't beat Kobe by speed, Yiyang suddenly pulled the ball back from his hips while advancing at high speed, and stopped suddenly without warning!

Kobe, who was retreating next to Yiyang, also forcibly changed his center of gravity. He staggered under his feet, but quickly adjusted and jumped on again. Kobe knew that he was almost knocked down by Yiyang just now! That guy's ability to pull an emergency stop is really outstanding!

After pulling back, Yiyang pierced to the left. But even if Kobe is blocked, it seems that the rookie Yiyang still has no chance.

But in the next second, Yiyang suddenly changed direction in a big arc, turning his breakthrough direction to the right!

At this time, Kobe couldn't defend himself, he hurried to follow up, but was still thrown a little distance away by Yiyang.

Yiyang used his back against Kobe to take off, while at the same time, Bynum made up for defense from the other side. Both Kobe and Bynum raised their arms in the air. If Yiyang lays up directly, it will undoubtedly be asking for trouble.

As a result, Yiyang, who leaned on Kobe in the air, raised the basketball, but instead of making a layup, he drew a circle down.

After avoiding Bynum's blockade, Yiyang brought the ball up again and swiped his wrist lightly. The basketball evaded the blockade of Kobe and Bynum, and plunged into the net.

As the basketball fell into the net, the referee standing under the basket also blew his whistle. Kobe defensive foul, Yiyang hits a layup and will be penalized!

"Well done!"

"This ball is so **** beautiful!"

"We love you! Also!"

As soon as the whistle fell, the U.S. Airline Center Arena boiled over. Yiyang used a series of superb dribbling moves to break through Kobe, and finally leaned on the "black mamba" to complete a beautiful drawbar layup. Then this pull rod layup actually gave Yiyang a chance to play 2+1.

The Mavericks players came up to high-five Yiyang, but there was no wave on Yiyang's face.

Kobe did not argue with the referee, but stood still and shook his head. Kobe won't misunderstand the wrong person. This flower-seeking show is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

On the free throw line, Yiyang, who was calm as water, made a free throw. This also means that the Lakers, which had a 14-point lead, now only have a 2-point advantage in their hands.

Perhaps it was the Kobe that Yiyang's goal greatly stimulated, or the forced close score made Kobe have to react.

After the game, Kobe regained his form. He scored in various unreasonable ways, which also let Yiyang see the real scaryness of Kobe.

Nowitzki was right. From the perspective of fans, Kobe is a good idol. But from the opponent's point of view, Kobe is the kind of "hate" that no one wants to encounter.

The Mavericks managed to close the score. After the "Zen Master" called a few timeouts and replaced them with Odom, who was in excellent form, the Lakers were back on track.

The game began to become anxious, the Lakers failed to open the score, the Mavericks under the leadership of Nowitzki, Yiyang and Kidd, also clinging to the defending champion.

During the period, the coaches of both sides also made personnel adjustments and different tactical deployments. But the situation has not changed.

The two teams are tit-for-tat, still playing inextricably. At the last minute of the game, the two sides tied. At this time, in order for the Mavericks to have a solid three-pointer at the critical moment, Carlisle used Terry and Yiyang to partner the guard line.

Doing so can really make the Mavericks' attack points more stable outside the three-point line, after all, Terry's long shot is indeed more confident than Kidd. But in the same way, Kobe's obstacles on the defensive end have become smaller.

In the first three quarters, Kobe scored a terrifying 30 points. But after the game entered the fourth quarter, perhaps due to physical reasons, Kobe's state declined.

Had it not been for the two forwards, Odom and Gasol, to take the lead, the Lakers might not even be able to keep the draw at this moment.

However, the paranoid Kobe will not stop shooting because of his bad state of the game in the fourth quarter. At a critical moment like the last minute of the game, Kobe naturally took possession of the ball for half the time.

"You shoot, just shoot here! Why? Don't you dare!?" When Kobe got the ball outside the three-point line, Terry, who defended the "Black Mamba", started his own trash talk mode.

He knew that Kobe didn't feel good in the fourth quarter, so he dared to stimulate Kobe's nerves on the three-point line.

Kobe gritted his teeth and looked at Terry, then looked at the teammates who were running. The playful look of the "Jets" made Kobe, who was extremely competitive, felt a great humiliation.

Suddenly, Kobe took off without warning and pulled out a jumper. Terry's reaction was not slow, he completed the blockade in the first time, and Bryant threw the basketball in his hands under severe interference.

Terry was overjoyed, Kobe's paranoid character really made him great. But sometimes, it hurts myself!

Just when Terry was about to look back and "appreciate" the scene of Kobe's shooting and ironing, the basketball fell straight into the net, without even touching the basket!

"Fuck, this pervert!" Terry knew that instead of embarrassing Kobe, he made himself the background board for Kobe's good show.

Terry turned his head, just in time to see Kobe shaking his finger gently at himself.

This domineering scene caused Mike Brin sitting on the commentary platform to get goose bumps.

"Kobe's dry jumper gave the Lakers a three-point lead at a critical moment. This ball is the best expression of Kobe's personal ability. Terry's defense is perfect, but perfect defense still can't stop Kobe from entering. ball!"

With 50 seconds left in the game, the Mavericks trailed by three points. It can be said that all the pressure now falls on the Mavericks.

This time, the Lakers did not defend the position, but adopted a strategy of pressing defense. The Mavericks must be careful about blocking the Lakers starting from the bottom line.

Kobe personally put forward to stare at Yiyang, and Yiyang used a quick reverse run to finally get out of the gap and get the space to catch the bottom line.

Chandler passed the ball out, and Yiyang ran away after receiving the ball. But Kobe also posted it immediately, not allowing Yiyang to get up easily. Before halftime, the two sides began a fierce entanglement.

The advantage of the full court pressing defense is that it can put pressure on the opponent the first time, and even force the opponent to make a mistake before half the time.

But the disadvantage is that the team's defensive position will be very loose. If the opponent has a defender with strong breakthrough ability, it will directly penetrate the entire line of defense!

The physical confrontation that Kobe brought to Yiyang was very fierce, and it was very difficult for Yiyang to push forward every step. Seeing this situation, Marion also ran back to his own half and made a pick-and-roll for Yiyang. With Marion's pick and roll, Yiyang broke free from Kobe's death entanglement.

But this break free, Yiyang can be like a wild horse, rushing to the Lakers penalty area frantically, no one can stop him.

Due to the full court press defense, the Lakers players are very loose. Not long after Yiyang rushed to speed, he plunged into the restricted area.

Gasol was guarding Dirk who was standing outside the three-point line and was ready to catch the ball. Odom took a look at the situation on the court and decided to personally defend the basket and give Yiyang this rookie a good look!

This year, Odom performed well. When the Lakers were short of major players, he was always able to rise to the top and help the team tide over difficulties.

If it weren't for the emergence of the rookie Yiyang, the best sixth man award would definitely belong to him. But when the NBA officially announced that Yiyang became the winner of the Sixth Man of the Regular Season this season, Odom was very disappointed.

Now, Odom has a chance to prove himself. He wants to stop the rookie's attack by himself under the eyes of the world! Let those journalists and media who voted take a good look at who is the veritable sixth person!

Yiyang stepped into the three-second zone, struggling to take off. At the same time, Odom rushed from the side, trying to fan the basketball in Yiyang's hands.

The two black shadows met from different directions in the air, and finally collided together.

Although Odom's bounce is not as good as Yiyang, his height and arms are long. This guy raised his arms high in the air, but unexpectedly, Yiyang crushed himself!

Yiyang gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain from the violent collision in the air. He leaned against Odom with one hand, and with the other he lifted the basketball into the frame. In the end, it was Odom, who raised his arm high, and slammed the ball into the frame with one hand!

? Basketball is like a weapon in Yiyang's hands. Yiyang took it and pierced into the heart of the Lakers with a single blow, which aroused the great glory.

Odom didn't expect this thin guy to burst out with such great power. The blow just now was really too fast and too inertia... Odom in the air couldn't stop it at all!

The entire U.S. Airline Center Arena seemed to be a pot of boiling water at this moment, and it was gurgling non-stop.

? This time, Carlisle on the sidelines was not restrained. When the basketball was smashed into the frame by Yiyang, he jumped up suddenly. Turning around in the air, after landing, I can't wait to hug everyone around me.

did you see it? Defending champion. Today, we will fight to the end and never give up! 8)

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