One Guard

Vol 2 Chapter 471: :Home

With 62 points in a single game, Yiyang's crazy performance the night before Christmas Eve. Let him quickly spread all over the world and once again became the most dazzling figure in basketball.

Basketball fever is sweeping Asia. The number of basketball comics in Japan has exploded recently. South Korea has produced a number of basketball-related TV dramas, and Chinese parents are increasingly sending their children to the United States to learn basketball. ..... Yiyang's influence on the entire Asia has far surpassed the game itself.

His 62-point night not only proved that Asians can play basketball, but also proved that Asians can also do very well in basketball.

Not only in Asia, although several people in the NBA league score exaggerated high scores every season, every time this happens, everyone is still quite shocked.

Yiyang's special skin tone also made this 60 Minute Night very different. Many American basketball experts even threatened that if American guards continue to rely too much on their bodies, every college coach will use Yiyang's video as a teaching model after a few years.

"Five years from now, maybe a young defender will ask me, the coach, what an anti-run cut is called. At that time, I will not answer him, but will send him a bunch of Yiyang game videos and tell him, after watching These, you know how to become a good point guard." University of Florida Alligators coach Billy Donovan gave Yiyang a very high evaluation when interviewed by the media. Yiyang's strength has now been recognized by the authority of the American basketball community.

Last season, Yiyang has shown a strong ability to lead the team alone. And this year, in the Mavericks' patchwork lineup, Yiyang's ability has been even more prominent.

TNT, ESPN, CBS, ABC...Several large sports TV stations in the United States are constantly broadcasting the highlights of Yiyang's 62nd night. The most depressed person at this time must be Popovich. The Spurs' exposure rate has increased greatly recently, but the reason for the increase in exposure rate is because they lost a game that should not be lost.

After the end of the "Bull and Horse War" before Christmas Eve, the Mavericks players finally got their two-day Christmas holiday. Since the Mavericks failed to chase big names at the beginning of the season, the league doesn't think the Mavericks have much commercial value. Therefore, this year, Yiyang and his teammates once again escaped the "destruction" of the Christmas War.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the Mavericks are all on holiday, and there is no competition or training. Training will not resume until one day after Christmas. The Mavericks' schedule during the Christmas season has undoubtedly made many players envious.

On Christmas Eve, Yiyang still took her mother on a shopping spree in the mall. As always, Yiyang also chose suitable Christmas gifts for the Mudiay family.

In the evening, Yiyang and Wenxue had dinner at Mudiay's house. The height of Mudiay's guy is still soaring. The shorts Yiyang bought him last year have become "super shorts" this year. Of course, basketball skills have risen along with it.

This year, when Yiyang was fighting against Mudiay on the backyard basketball court, he was already able to feel a little pressure. In high school, Mudiay's physical fitness has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is becoming more and more like a professional player. Many college scouts are already observing Mudiay, and people think he will become the next NCAA star.

Not only universities, some overseas leagues have also shown a strong interest in Mudiay. But Yiyang’s advice is the same as before: “I think going to university for a year is more beneficial to your basketball career. If the family has financial difficulties, I can help you, and you will pay me back in the future.”

Yiyang is unwilling to see a child who has a similar experience to him giving up college basketball because of money. He can't even imagine what it would be like if he was forced by life to give up college basketball. Of course, Yiyang didn't let Mudiae pay back the money in the future because he was stingy, but he knew that direct charity would actually be a blow to Mudiae's self-esteem.

After listening to Yiyang's suggestion, Mudiay nodded gently. "If I go to college to play basketball, I would hope that my draft pick is not that high."

"Huh?" Yiyang looked at Mudiay in surprise, what kind of request was this.

"Because if the draft is not high, I have a chance to be picked by the Mavericks. At that time, I can stay in Dallas for the rest of my life as your substitute!"

"Fool." Yiyang smiled. Will he be a substitute for the rest of his life? It's really a child's naive idea. After you enter the field of professional basketball, your desire will drive you to keep climbing.

In the past, Yiyang also thought it was good to be a substitute for Kidd in the Mavericks, but now? He has become the backbone of the Dallas Mavericks...

On Christmas Eve after Christmas, Nowitzki invited many teammates to his home as guests. Among them, naturally also includes the Yiyang family.

On Christmas Day, there was a heavy snowfall in the sky and underground. The entire Baiyan Lake has become a vast expanse of whiteness. This is already the third winter that Yiyang has spent in Dallas.

In order to welcome Christmas, the Nowitzki family prepared sumptuous food for all visitors. This year, Nowitzki's home is even more lively. Because Germany just got married in the summer, it is now two families spending Christmas together. Coupled with relatives and friends, naturally the large living room is crowded with people.

It was not the first time Wen Xue came to Nowitzki's home as a guest. After entering the door, she greeted the host's family in a familiar way, and then went to the kitchen to help. Looking at the lively living room, Yiyang walked into the deserted backyard. He patted the snow on the backyard bench, sat on it and took out his mobile phone.

"Also, Merry Christmas!" On the screen of the mobile phone, there was Vignali wearing a Christmas hat with excitement.

"Have you all finished your meal?" Yiyang looked at the dining table behind Vignali, and it had been cleaned up.

"Yes, Italy is eight hours faster than the United States! This year, let's spend the holidays at Dirk's house."

"Well, his house is lively, everyone likes to be lively. Many people are here, but you are missing." Yiyang looked at the **** the phone screen. This was his third Christmas in Dallas. , He and Vignali have also known each other for three years...

"After I marry you, we can also have a lively Christmas. You see, the bunch of flowers we brought back from our wedding in Germany in the summer has always grown pretty well! When spring comes, it must be back again. Can be reborn."

Yiyang's face blushed slightly. Nowitzki didn't get married until he was 34, because his previous relationships were very failed. Yiyang didn't want to find the right person after so many years of wrong paths like Dirk did.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the house, Yiyang saw his mother helping out in Dirk’s kitchen. Although the two families get along very harmoniously, this is always Christmas Eve in other people's homes.

Yiyang still remembers the first time he celebrated Christmas seriously, at Stevens's house in Indianapolis. Although Stevens's house is not as big as Dirk's, the warm and festive atmosphere of a family of three makes Yiyang unforgettable for life.

The Christmas Eve at Dirk’s house is lively, but there is always something missing. Now Yiyang knows, the difference is the kind of warmth of the family itself.

Maybe it's time, I should have a home too...mother, she has not experienced the warmth of spending Christmas at home for a long time...

"Also! Come in, we are still one person behind playing poker!" At this moment, Marion opened the backyard window and waved to Yiyang.

"I have to go in Tina, Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas too, when the league here is over, I'll go to you." After Vignali finished speaking, she gave a kiss to the camera of her mobile phone.

Yiyang's heart is pounding, until now, he still has that kind of heartbeat feeling...


Due to the large number of people, and Christmas is a major holiday in the West, the Dirk’s dinner lasted more than two hours before it ended.

Since everyone had to train the next day, Dirk did not leave the guests to play late. After all, not everyone is O.J. Mayo, who can sing every night in Dallas.

Sitting for a while after the meal, everyone left one after another. Marion, who is no longer young now, will be very tired of training the next day if he does not go to bed early. Old Kidd had to rush back to New York overnight to continue his training in coaching. Carlisle often suffers from a severe lack of sleep. Now that he has such a good opportunity, he also wants to go home early to rest. And Yiyang herself must also send her mother home early. Because of the heavy burden when she was young, Yiyang's mother's body has always been relatively weak. Therefore, the daily rest time is also relatively early.

"Tomorrow will continue to start the journey, the second half of the season, let's work together!" Before leaving, Nowitzki sent Yiyang and Wenxue to the door.

"You'd better shave your beard first, Dirk, after a few months of injury, have you not looked in the mirror?" Yiyang looked at Nowitzki with a big beard and joked.

"Shave? Unless the team enters the final match. Otherwise, I will never shave." Nowitzki triumphantly stroked a pinch of golden retriever on his He actually did it too. I want to motivate myself in this way.

"Then I will fight for you to restore your smooth jaw earlier." Yiyang stretched out his hand and gave Nowitzki a light high-five. The two partners, one old and one young, are still thinking about creating brilliance.

"Be careful on the road, I won't see you off. The snowy road is slippery, so drive slowly."

Yiyang nodded, then tightened his collar tightly, turned and walked towards the parking place.

"When I first met him, the smile on his face was not as much as it is now." Watching Yiyang's back gradually disappear into the night, Nowitzki murmured with his wife beside him.

"However, since he joined the Mavericks, he seems to be more and more happier as a whole. I am very happy that he can find home in the Mavericks. Do you know why I invite him every Christmas? Because I have not considered him I’m a simple teammate. It’s really amazing to watch a hairy boy grow up under his nose."

The growth Nowitzki saw was not only Yiyang’s skills, but also the kid’s he is more like a responsible person than the scornful stunner. Man now.

"No wonder, your cooperation on the court is always so tacit." Nowitzki's African wife nodded thoughtfully.

A blast of night wind blows and Dirk's wife fought a cold war. Nowitzki turned to look at her who was wearing only a sweater and said: "Let's go, let's go back to the house, it's too cold outside, beware of colds."

Nowitzki turned around, then turned to look at the road in front of his house. There, where the streetlights can't reach, it's dark, and nothing is real.

"Merry Christmas, brother of a different mother." Nowitzki said to himself in his heart, the corner of his mouth curled slightly.

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