One Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 604: : Tall Six

The NBA All-Star weekend ended perfectly in the photo of Yiyang holding the MVP trophy. This year's All-Star Game did not leave much impression on the fans, but there was nothing wrong with it either. But passing it steadily is a kind of victory.

After the All-Star Game, Yiyang and Vignali said goodbye in New Orleans. As they get along longer and longer, each time they say goodbye they become more and more reluctant.

A few days ago, Yiyang felt that he was dying on the bed. But at the moment of parting, Yiyang instantly felt that they were not doing enough.

"When summer comes, I hope to receive your championship ring." Before leaving, Vignali smiled and shook her empty hand.

In fact, the Italian girl is also telling Yiyang in a change of direction. "Summer, I am waiting for you to marry me."

Of course, Yiyang, the wooden knot, couldn't understand this meaning. He nodded at Vignali, and waved goodbye.

Two hours later, Yiyang also boarded his own flight and set off for Dallas. Since there will be a game tomorrow on the 18th, the Mavericks' training will return to normal this afternoon.

In other words, from the moment Yiyang stepped on the plane, his vacation life was over. No matter how relaxed he was the other day, he must be alert now. The regular season has not yet ended, and the fight is still going on. And tomorrow's opponent will definitely make the Mavericks feel the pressure of the official game instantly!

So far this season, the Mavericks have lost only five games. In five games, five completely different teams took the victory from the Mavericks.

But these losses were basically due to Yiyang's suspension or the Mavericks' bad condition. But in only one game, the Mavericks played normally, but they still couldn't beat the opponent. This opponent is also the strongest enemy Carlisle and Yiyang worry about the most this season. They are the defending champions Miami Heat who have dominated the league in the past two years!

Speaking of it, the relationship between the Heat and the Mavericks seems to have been continuing.

In 2006, with the Mavericks leading 2-0 in the finals, they were stupefied for four consecutive games, and the dream of a championship was destroyed. In the finals of that year, a person's name became louder in the league, Dwyane Wade.

In 2011, the Mavericks reached the Finals again, and the opponent they ran into was the Miami Heat. Although the two teams at this time compared to the previous year, they are all right and wrong. But fate, let the Heat and the Mavericks run into each other.

That year, when the Heat had a paper lineup that was too strong to match, they were stunned by the Dallas Mavericks, and finally watched the Dallas people complete their revenge and won the O'Brien Cup.

Coincidentally, in the finals that year, the name of another young defender was well-known to everyone, and that was Yiyang.

Until this season, the Mavericks and the Heat were considered by the media to meet again in the finals. Although the probability of this prediction is not high, I have to admit that the two teams have indeed imagined each other as an imaginary enemy in the finals. Therefore, every time they met, they played very hard, completely playing the regular season as the playoffs. Only by honing the countermeasures in the playoffs can you pass the playoffs safely.

Therefore, after losing to the Heat last time, the first day after the All-Star Game with the Heat, the Mavericks team paid much attention.

No matter where you play these days, what you do. For the training session on the afternoon of the 17th, no one should be absent or late. Carlisle is not going to meet him in the finals with the result that he was brutally blocked by the Heat in the regular season. In that case, the morale of the team will fall into a disadvantage before the game begins.

Although the Mavericks and the Heat may not make it to the Finals this season, as a head coach, you always have to prepare for all possibilities.

So, at four o'clock in the afternoon on the 17th, Carlisle walked into the basketball court and saw all the Mavericks players warm up as usual. The tension of the regular season came back in an instant. It seems that this event has never happened before in the All-Star Weekend.

For the players in this state, Carlisle felt quite relieved. This group of guys have not been stunned by victory. They know that they are far from success!

With everyone's active preparations, on February 18th, the most watched game after the NBA regular season reignited, finally kicked off in the U.S. Route Center Arena!

Although there is still a strong collision between the Clippers and the Spurs in the West today, ESPN decided to spend a lot of money to buy the exclusive rights to broadcast the game in the United States. They believe that the intensity of the game is beyond the reach of the Spurs and the Clippers.

Before the start of the game, James, who was also just returning from the All-Star Game, looked vigorous. He solemnly told reporters that he would continue to play this game as the playoffs, and he would not be soft!

It seems that not only the Mavericks, but the Heat also attach great importance to this game. Since Yiyang pushed James to win the MVP trophy last year, James has been quite jealous of Yiyang and the Mavericks.

Before the game began, James even gathered his teammates to fight each other. This situation is rarely seen in other regular season games.

After the game began, the Heat quickly showed their strong side. The defending champions are not in vain. Although their regular season record this season is not as impressive as last year, they are still one of the best teams in the league.

After the start of the game, James leaned on Iguodala and scored 2+1. Iguodala is already the top physical player in the third position. Most small forwards in this league are facing Iguodala. No benefit can be obtained.

But LeBron James can play well in front of Iguodala. This can not help but make people feel that LeBron is really an invincible presence on the basketball court!

Subsequently, Bosh also began to glow in the fifth position. This season, Spoelstra's small lineup has achieved good results. Battier and James play the fourth position, the effect is not as vulnerable as people think.

And Bosh playing center, it is easy for those big men with poor perimeter defense to suffer. For example, Rudy Gobert.

Bosh made frequent shots from the outside. Gobert may be an excellent frame protector, but the French has no experience with a big man who can shoot.

Bosh shot away, and Gobert had to stay away from the three-second zone. Once Gobert steps out of the three-second zone, LeBron will be completely liberated again. Carlisle watched the Mavericks' defense with a wall of iron and steel being treated like this, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Is the Miami Heat really so powerful?

Fortunately, under the organization of Yiyang, the Mavericks performed equally well on the offensive end. Nowitzki played Battier without pressure. The former Rockets captain could only block the German goal by fouling.

As for Yiyang himself, he played more easily. Chalmers, a thin guy, is not Yiyang's opponent at all, and even if Spoelstra asks Wade to target Yiyang himself, the effect is not very satisfactory.

Four years ago, Wade brought great trouble to Yiyang every time. But now, four years later, Wade's knees have begun to make his lateral ability drop significantly. There is no doubt that this will be a fatal flaw on the defensive end.

Watching Yiyang breakthrough from Wade time and time again, the hearts of the Heat team fans are quite uncomfortable. The soul of the No. 3 team is already exhausted in front of the young man.

The Heat and Mavericks' battle was not disappointed by ESPN, and neither of the two sides could prevent it. The score has been very anxious. The Mavericks' overall offense is better, while the Heat rely on the omnipotent James, coupled with the assistance of Bosh and Wade, and they are also playing vigorously.

Until 23 seconds before the end of the fourth quarter, James hit a three-pointer from the outside chase, allowing the Miami Heat to overtake by two points in one fell swoop! Iguodala does his best, but once James starts the scoring mode, it is indeed difficult to be contained.

After this three-pointer, James' personal score has become 42 points. And the shooting percentage, there is also a perverted 69.6%!

"Andre also wanted to defend LeBron with his non-stop shots, but he didn't expect LeBron to directly chase and shoot three-pointers, and the goal was still scored. This can't be blamed on Andre. He did the right thing. To blame, blame LeBron for being too strong today!” In the Mavericks’ defense scoring 42 points, Mike Brin was surprised by James’ performance.

So far, the game has one last attack left. The Mavericks trailed by 2 points and wanted to win. A three-point shot became the Mavericks' only hope.

After Carlisle's timeout was over, Yiyang also succeeded in scoring out of the crowd and received a sideline ball in accordance with the tactics. But Yiyang just looked up, but couldn't help being taken aback.

At this moment, it was neither Chalmers nor Wade who stood in front of Yiyang, but the Miami No. 6, LeBron James, who had firm eyes and seemed to swallow his opponent alive!

"Coach Spoelstra directly asked LeBron to defend. This is really a bold decision!" Mike Brin's eyes widened, and Tony Allen's almost negligible three-point ability was handed over to Cha There is nothing wrong with Olmos' defense. Wade targets Iguodala, there is a certain risk. But taking Iguodala to shoot the lore is also a risk in itself.

If Carlisle dared to do anything and dared to let Iguodala perform the lore, Spoelstra would recognize it. But the problem is that Carlisle still doesn't have the determination at this time, he still wants Yiyang to try!

So at the last moment, Yiyang had to face LeBron. Four years ago, James could only appear in front of Nowitzki. Four years later, the No. 6 has personally defended himself.

Yiyang was not afraid. He delayed the time until the last 5 seconds before starting ~ With the double pick-and-roll between Nowitzki and Gobert, Yiyang walked to the front of the basket a step away from the three-point line. Shoot directly!

However, to Ling Yiyang's surprise, James slammed out and straightened his arms to block. Yiyang did not expect that after James was delayed by the pick-and-roll, he would be able to follow up so quickly.

Usually, Yiyang has a height advantage when shooting. But facing James today, Yiyang's height advantage instantly disappeared.

James's palm is almost sealed to Yiyang's face. Yiyang can guarantee that the basketball will not be covered, but if he can enter, I will say something else.

The basketball went straight to the hoop. Seeing the ball crossed the flat arc, Carlisle instantly "thumped" in his heart. Yiyang's shooting should normally have a higher arc.

Sure enough, the basketball knocked to the front of the hoop, and at the same time, the red light on the backboard was on. The Chinese defender, who almost never misses, has failed today!

"Damn it!" Yiyang held his head in his hands in annoyance, and he was buried in the last game that shouldn't be lost this season.

Watching the Heat's players celebrate wildly, Yiyang felt quite uncomfortable. The loss of this game also means that the Mavericks have won the Heat in the regular season this season!

Yiyang gritted his teeth, he knew very well that he would still not be able to climb the mountain of James in the finals. All championship rings are just empty talk!

Four years ago, Dirk stepped LeBron on the soles of his feet with his magical performance. Four years later, Yiyang's desire to cross the shoulder of No. 6 seemed to be not as simple as imagined.

The seven-game winning streak ended, and the Mavericks lost six games. But at this time, these are no longer important.

At this time, Yiyang didn't have those winning streak numbers in his mind. He only cares about one name now, LeBron James!

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