One Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 665: : Island

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Hot and humid climate, dazzling sunshine, golden beaches and gentle sea breeze, Miami, Florida, this city known as the "Capital of the Americas" is definitely the most comfortable holiday destination for summer holidays.

Come to Miami now a month after the finals have ended, there is no longer the tense atmosphere before. Of course, Yiyang is not difficult to find, in this city, you can no longer see any posters related to James. Yiyang even saw some radical fans burning James' Heat No. 6 jersey on the street.

Just one day ago, LeBron James officially decided to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers, teaming up with Kelly Irving and Kevin Love to form the new Big Three, aiming to get back everything that was lost in the Finals.

James' decision 2.0 shocked the world. No one thought that this guy who had won two championship trophies in Miami would choose to leave!

It is precisely because of James' decision that reporters and fans have focused on him. And the renewal of Yiyang's contract with the Mavericks a few days ago was overwhelming.

"I didn't expect that he would just abandon his team like this." At this time, the taxi's car radio was discussing the impact of James' departure on the Heat, and Vignali was obviously shocked by this incident. .

"This is the business league, Vig." Yiyang didn't feel surprised at all. James is a player who puts the championship first. As long as he can win the championship, James doesn't care where he is or who he is with.

"But at least you chose to be loyal." Looking at Yiyang, Vignali smiled proudly.

The five-year 108 million contract extension for the Mavericks, before James' decision 2.0, was the hottest topic in the league.

Today, Yiyang and Vignalie did not come to Miami to witness the tragedy of the city after the loss of James, they came today to renew their contract.

When the taxi drove to Dabeikeli Beach Pier, Yiyang and Vignali paid and got out of the car. The people on this beach are sparse, because this beach is mainly used as a pier, the scenery is not so beautiful. Therefore, there are very few people who usually come.

Casting his eyes across the beach to the sea, a huge white luxury yacht came into view. The word "source" is sprayed on the body of the yacht, which is the name of this huge yacht.

Yiyang swallowed and glanced at the expectant Vignali beside him.

"Is that the yacht?" Vignari pointed excitedly at the behemoth on the sea.

"Well, let's go, don't let them wait too long." Yiyang took Vignali's hand and approached the yacht.

Before Yiyang and Vignali boarded the yacht, the owner of the yacht discovered them first.

"Hey, see who's coming! Welcome aboard, Mr. MVP!" Kuban, who was wearing sunglasses and holding a bottle of beer, shouted at Yiyang on the top of the luxury yacht.

Hearing Yiyang Cuban's shouting, several people also walked to the fence. In addition to Cuban, there were Dirk's family, Jet's family, Rudy Gobert, a single dog, and Iguodala.

"Come on, just waiting for you!" Nowitzki waved to Yiyang.

When Yiyang and Vignali approached the yacht, they were shocked by the "big toy" of Cuban and opened their mouths.

The hull is 88 meters long! Five storeys high. There is a hollow warehouse at the stern. It is said that inside is a small submarine that can accommodate ten people.

On the second floor, there is a small swimming pool. Walking into the hull from the second floor is a luxurious guest room. After crossing the corridor to the bow, Yiyang discovered that Cuban had actually transformed it into a basketball court!

"Welcome on board! How about? My yacht is still magnificent!" Cuban waited for a crowd to greet him, and then, the Mavericks boss gave an order, and the captain started the engine. The behemoth shook and drove away from the coastline. .

Yacht party, the most luxurious way of entertainment in summer. And this small but lively party was organized by Cuban specifically for Yiyang, to celebrate his signing of a long contract with the Mavericks for the maximum salary!

Yes, today is July 10th, the day when NBA players can officially sign contracts with the team.

Under normal circumstances, signing is done in the office of the team owner. But today, Cuban moved the signing scene to his luxury yacht. After the signing is over, everyone can celebrate at the party.

At first, Vignali was also very puzzled. Is it necessary for a contract renewal to be so grand? I have to ask so many people to go to Miami specially.

But Cuban insisted that Yiyang and Vignali were more respectful than their fate.

"Okay, before the party starts, let's do serious things first!" Cuban finished speaking, snapped his fingers, and several waiters in suits and ties moved to the table and bench, one of which was holding a black hand. box.

"Right here? On the bow?" Yiyang asked in astonishment.

"Yes, let us face the sea breeze and witness this great moment!"

The waiters set the table and bench, then put the black suitcase on the table, and turned to Yiyang to open it, which looked like a secret cash transaction in a gangster movie.

The waiter buttoned the suitcase and the lid of the suitcase popped open. There were no green dollar bills or white powder inside. It was a contract, which was the contract for which the two parties had reached an oral agreement.

Yiyang took out the contract, and everyone seemed to be quiet. The yacht moved quickly, and the sea breeze scattered everyone's hair on the bow.

Yiyang picked up the pen and signed his name on the confirmed contract. 108 million. Before Yiyang was dreaming, he couldn't think that he could make so much money!

"Woo~~~~" When Yiyang signed the contract, everyone cheered. Iguodala and Gobert twisted the ribbons in their hands, and the ribbons spurted out instantly!

"Congratulations, kid, this is one of the greatest days of your career!" Cuban came up to shake hands with Yiyang, and completed the contract extension in Miami, which is really ironic.

Afterwards, everyone came up one by one and shook hands with Yiyang and said joy. But Yiyang looked at everyone's eyes, and they were a bit unusual.

"Okay, the signing ceremony is over. Now I announce that our yacht party has officially started! Ladies and gentlemen, put on your swimsuits and let's start the carnival!"

Cuban raised his glass and shouted. At this time, the yacht had stopped in the middle of the sea. The blue sea is all around, and the horizon is invisible. Only on the right side of the hull a hundred meters away, there is a small sandy island less than 30 square meters. There is nothing left on the island except a few stones and a coconut tree.

When a crowd of stars and their wives appeared in swimsuits, the scene could only be described as "beautiful and delicious".

The wives of the stars are more popular than the other, and there is no excess fat on the stars. The most embarrassing thing was Cuban, because when he put on his swimming trunks and walked to the pool, he found that his figure and everyone else were not on the same "horizontal line."

On this yacht in Cuban, parties are never boring. In addition to the swimming pool, small cinemas, saunas and inexhaustible food and wine, all make everyone have a great time.

When the wives were lying on the deck of the bow and enjoying the sun, Yiyang and his friends got together and discussed quietly.

"Just under the big rock, don't be nervous, I have already drunk a few glasses, so I shouldn't be nervous anymore..."

"Hey, what are you talking about!?"

Just as a group of men gathered to discuss something, Vignali suddenly came over!

The crowd dispersed immediately, hesitating.

"Um... it's Rudy, he fell in love with a French girl, but he didn't know how to express his feelings. We are giving him advice! Right, Rudy!" Terry pointed at Ge Bell said.

Gobert looked dumbfounded, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only "sacrifice" himself.

"Uh... yes, hey, I don't have much experience with this kind of thing." The French center scratched his head embarrassedly.

Dirk winked at Yiyang, and Yiyang took advantage of the moment they broke the subject and dragged Vignali away.

"I have no experience with that kind of thing. So, I won't participate."

Vignali smiled, yes, my stupid boyfriend really can't help Gobert in pleasing the girl.

"Are you happy to have fun?" Yiyang said, and put his arms around Vignali's shoulders. Vignali also leaned her head on Yiyang's shoulder along the way, and Yiyang smelled her faint fragrance.

"Can you be unhappy in the days when you signed the big contract!?" Vignali looked at the distance, beyond the small island.

"Hey, let's swim to that island!" Yiyang excitedly pointed to the lonely island a hundred meters away.


"I bet there must be treasures on that lone island! Would you like to explore it with me? Beautiful lady."

After Yiyang finished speaking, Vignali did not answer, but tied her hair into a ponytail shape, and then moved her muscles and bones a bit. "The one who arrives later is an idiot!"

After speaking, Vignali jumped directly into the sea, and Yiyang immediately followed.

"Come chase me, also!" Vignali shouted cheerfully in front.

"Damn it, if I catch up with you, I will..." Before Yiyang finished speaking, a wave of waves hit his head, drowning his voice.

Vignali grew up by the sea and has long been familiar with things like swimming in the sea. However, Yiyang's swimming level only stays at the "swimming" level.

A few minutes later, Vignali took the lead to land on the island and waved to Yiyang on the island.

"Aren't you running!? I won't give up easily after I catch you!" Yiyang also stepped into the sand island. A man and a woman surrounded the only coconut tree in the middle of the island, chasing and playing. .

Amidst the laughter, Vignali tripped over the soft sand. A hungry wolf in Yiyang rushed for food and directly pressed onto the Italian girl wearing a **** swimsuit.

"Don't struggle with the little white rabbit, I'm going to eat you now!" Yiyang finished speaking, holding down Vignali's wildly waving hands.

"Don't, save your stomach and eat at night, OK." Vignali made a pitiful expression.

Yiyang turned away from Vignali, and the two of them lay on the beach side by side. "Then, I will be welcome tonight!"

After that, the surroundings suddenly became very calm, with only the sound of waves and sea breeze, which made people feel refreshed.

"It's so beautiful here." Lying under the coconut tree, a few rays of sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, turning the surroundings into dreams.

"As beautiful as you, close your eyes, Vig." Yiyang said, holding Vignali's hand.

"What are you doing? There are still many people on the boat's face blushed slightly.

"Close, don't worry, I won't eat you here."

Vignali closed her eyes obediently, still smiling.

"Just under the big rock..." Yiyang recalled what Dirk had said to him just now, so he turned around, stretched out his other hand, and grabbed into the fine sand next to the big rock. Went in.

Sure enough, he felt a huge ring-shaped hard object in the fine sand!

"Well, you can open your eyes, Vig."

Vignali opened her eyes obediently, but was pierced by the dazzling light.

"The sunshine here is really..." Vignali stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, because she found that it was not the sun that dazzled the eyes, but a...a ring!

"Also, where did you come from..." Vignali looked at Yiyang in surprise, and then at the ring. She laughed happily at first, then covered her mouth and her eyes were flushed.

"Valentina Vignali, will you marry me?" Yiyang raised Vignali's hand and put the huge championship ring on Vignali's slender fingers.

This ring was made urgently by a manufacturer commissioned by Cuban, and only the one made by Yiyang was made ahead of time.

Afterwards, on the yacht, the people attending the party also raised a big banner facing the island. Only a few simple words "marry him!" were written on the banner.

Vignali suddenly realized that today this is not a party to celebrate the signing of the contract at all! All of these are surprises specially planned by Yiyang!

"Damn, you wood!" Vignali hugged Yiyang abruptly, not knowing whether she was crying or laughing.

However, Yiyang heard clearly what the girl was saying in his ear.

"I am willing, also, I am willing!"

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