One Guard

Vol 3 Chapter 670: :I am so silly

Wade never thought that one day he would leave the Heat. Since joining the Heat in 2003, Wade has made great contributions and sacrifices for this team. He is the soul of the Heat and the flag of Miami. But this summer, Wade realized the cruelty of the business field, what is meant by "loyalty is worthless in this league!"

This summer, when Wade became a free agent, Riley no longer focused on renewing Wade. The departure of James made Pat Riley crazy. He needs a new core, but it is clear that now Wade has not met Riley's requirements. He will be 33 years old soon, and he is suffering from injuries. Riley doesn't know what kind of state Wade can play, or even how many games Wade can play next season.

Therefore, he took the lead in renewing Bosh with a maximum salary, but he was indifferent to Wade. When he was busy and signed Lor Deng and others for a big price, he only offered Wade a two-year contract of $16.5 million!

Go home or run away? Wade can't say clearly, but this must be the most painful decision Wade has ever made in his career. Thinking of wearing a jersey without the Heat logo, Wade will always be unable to accept such a thing.

Just a week ago, Pat Riley gave Wade a brand new offer. 29 million in 2 years, 12.5 million more than the first quotation and 1 million more than Cuban’s quotation.

1 million US dollars, divided into two years, 500,000 per year. 500,000 a year, is this important to Wade? It doesn't matter, half a million dollars is not even enough for Wade to buy a ring. Riley’s second offer did indeed have some sincerity, but this sincerity came after Cuban and after he had the intention to leave.

Wade's heart has undoubtedly been hurt. In the Heat, Wade has never taken the highest salary in the team. His sacrifices brought three championships for the Heat. He is also one of the best shooting guards in the 21st century, and also the soul of the team. Kobe Bryant was still treated favorably with the Lakers in his twilight years, but Wade could not enjoy such treatment. He admitted that he was injured and could not accept being neglected. .

As a big-name star, Wade has his own pride and strong self-esteem. Maybe one day he will return to Miami to accept his jersey retirement, but he may not accept Riley's second offer.

Just when Wade was struggling, Cuban's second offer was also sent to Wade. With 31 million in 2 years, Cuban gave it all. His offer means that the Mavericks are desperate to completely lock up the salary space in the next two years, just to welcome Wade to join!

A more sincere person offered a higher price, Wade's heart was shaken again, he found that he seemed to have gone further and further away from Miami.

"Have you made a decision? Dwyane, the new season is about to begin!" On the call, Henry Thomas was more anxious than Wade himself.

But even in the face of Cuban's attitude and price, Wade is still hesitating. "I don't know, Henry, I don't know..."

In his heart, he has long left the mark of the Miami Heat. In his body, the blood of Miami is flowing!

So Wade chose to continue to wait. He is waiting for Riley’s third offer. He is not for money. If Riley offers 29 million for the first time, he will definitely not hesitate to sign his name on the contract and continue to play for the Heat until he retires. That day.

What he did was respect and affirmation. The whole world knows that Wade does not want to leave Miami, and Riley and the Heat management know better. If Riley still cares about him, if the Heat's management still cares about him, then they will definitely offer Wade for the third time and do their best to keep the team spirit behind!

The results of it? As the pre-season training camp for the new season was about to begin, he still did not receive a call from Riley.

When you have paid your best years for a team, you have paid for it with blood and tears, but in the end you encounter betrayal, can you choose to let go? Perhaps Wade is asking himself this question right now.

Until the last moment, Wade still did not wait for Riley's statement. 31 million in 2 years, it turned out that 31 million in 2 years is all my value in Riley's eyes!

Wade is very emotional, he waited for a call from Riley, even if it was a call. However, this never happened.

Riley's inaction made Wade despair, followed by disappointment. At one o'clock in the morning, the guy picked up the basketball and went out again. He wanted to look again, to see the sunrise rising from the coastline of Miami...

Henry Thomas was awakened by the ringing of the telephone. As a 60-year-old man, he sometimes couldn't bear such a toss. But Thomas is very dedicated, he will always do one thing-to fight for the best interests of his players.

"Dwyane, Miami at three in the morning, huh?" Thomas pretended to be very angry.

"Sorry Henry, I'm very sorry, I promise this is the last time, because I have already decided."

Hearing what Wade said, Henry Thomas suddenly became completely sleepy! Decided? Could it be...

"So, where will we see the great Dwyane Wade in the new season?" Thomas found that he was so nervous that his hands were shaking! Because this is likely to be a major decision to change Wade's entire career!

"Miami." Wade replied categorically.


"Just kidding, Thomas. I gave up, really, I was hurt so much. It's just that I'm so stupid, I'm so **** stupid. This is a business alliance, man, I understand it thoroughly."

Henry Thomas didn't know. When Wade said the phrase "I'm giving up," he stared at the beautiful coastline of Miami and his eyes were flushed.

"No, child, loyalty is more important than business...I respect your decision, but you shouldn't have doubts about the loyalty you insist on." Henry couldn't bear to see a pure soul , And it was contaminated in this way.

"Okay Thomas!" Wade yelled, his emotions out of control.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Thomas... You know, it was not an easy decision for me... Go to Dallas, meet Cuban, do what you should Done. Next season, I'm going to play in Dallas." Wade did not cry, and the man couldn't cry.

"Thisismyhouse!" This classic action came from the pinnacle of his double overtime stealing, riding, archery, and three-point buzzer to kill the Bulls, but never again. Here, it is no longer his territory...

"I know Dwyane, then you are ready to prepare. Hey, don't be so sad. Maybe, this will be another good start?"

"I hope Thomas, I hope..." A good start? Wade has left all his goodness on the South Coast, in the arena that has won the top of the world three times.

"The fifth overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft, the Miami Heat chose...Dwyane Wade, from Marquette University!" David Stern's voice suddenly echoed in Wade's ears. Facing the sea breeze, Wade opened his arms and closed his eyes.

Goodbye, Miami. Maybe leaving is the best choice...

One can imagine that when Wade visits Miami next season, everyone will be waiting. People will hold up the slogan "Thank you, Dwyane", children will dance in the Heat's No. 3 jersey, and the big screen of the American Airlines Arena will show the wonderful highlights of Wade's Heat period over and over again. He and Pa Te Riley even smiled at each other and hugged affectionately.

But the "Flash" of Miami, he will never come back. The Heat 3 will no longer exist, leaving only Dwyane Wade, a Wade who continues to struggle for his own heart.

After all, Wade was gone.


"Butler University, there is no doubt." Yiyang said to Mudiay the name of his alma mater without even thinking about it.

Although Stevens has left the Bulldogs, the good teaching atmosphere he left to Butler University is still there. Butler may not be the strongest right now, but he is the least utilitarian and the best taught. This kind of place is most suitable for young players to grow up.

As soon as Yiyang finished speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly. So he threw the basketball to Mudiay and took out his phone from his pants pocket.

I took out my mobile phone and found that Wade's name appeared on the caller ID!

Yiyang was stunned, then connected to the phone. What would Wade tell himself? "I decided to stay in Miami" or "I decided to join Dallas." This call makes Yiyang feel nervous.

"How's your honeymoon?" Wade spoke first, but he didn't go straight to the subject.

"Except for the short time, everything is perfect, haha."

"Your wedding in Venice was too romantic, and even an old man like me was touched at the time. Do you know what Kobe said? He said that you are really boring. You don't say anything, do it. There are so many spooky ideas since the wedding."

"I'm still very grateful for your participation. It's really a great honor."

"Don't say that, we are friends, aren't we? By the way, do you know why I am calling?"

"Actually I am not very clear, Dwyane."

"Then I won't be oblivious, I just wanted to ask you. Dallas Mavericks, what time do you start training in the morning?"

After that, Mudiay saw Yiyang yelling at the sky like crazy. Isn't it just charging some interest? Does that guy need to be so happy?

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