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At the entrance, the first thing Konishi felt was the hemp unique to Mapo tofu, and the layer of sauce wrapped around the tofu was like a boxer’s straight fist, slamming into the tip of his tongue! And immediately after, the spiciness swept the hot temperature rolling, hot and spicy are originally a pair, such a combination, the whole dish renders a fiery atmosphere!

The tip of the tongue was trembled by this crispy and spicy taste, and the tenderness of the tofu was like a girl’s soft tin (ti) flicking the tip of the tongue, and the soft glutinous meaning was simply crispy to the soul. Chew gently, and the piping hot tofu explodes with the squeeze, revealing the part that is not stained with sauce, and a fresh fragrance fills your mouth!

Hemp, spicy, hot, fragrant, crispy, tender, fresh, alive!

Take a closer look, it belongs to the unique spicy taste of radish, and you can also spell out some!

Konishi sinks into the world of tofu in the blink of an eye, this mapo tofu is extremely precise, the direction of cutting, lengthening, the direction of heating, the part, everything, you can feel the endless balance from the dish!

Even Konishi himself did not know that his clothes were suitable to disappear!

The little brother next to him has eaten tofu, and he is also spicy. However, even though the tears could not be stopped, they still drank water while scooping tofu with a spoon. It’s so cool, I can’t stop at all!

Spicy is the most appetizing, no matter how you eat it, the more you eat, the more delicious it gets.

A plate of tofu was quickly wiped out by the three people, and only then did the three come to their senses, the unique spiciness of mapo tofu surrounded the mouth, the whole lips were numb, and the tongue was needless to say, as if it was on fire. The three people cried wolves and howled for water to drink, and finally found a little hot water, and after pouring it into their mouths, the majestic spiciness became even more rampant!

“Lying in the groove, you want to die this spicy!”

“Milk, where is milk?!”

“Ya’s is spicy like this anyway, no matter how spicy it is, it can be accepted.” I’ll go lick the plate! ”

“Bastard, come here, let me lick first! I’m the president! ”

“President, you are so shameless!”


When several people were arguing, Kaede Xia also prepared his own dishes. It was boiled chicken, very strange, obviously the water that had been boiled meat would be more or less turbid, and this clear water has not changed from beginning to end.

“Such clear water, the purity of this chicken has reached this level, even if it is boiled until now, it does not reveal half of the impurities… Is this the power of the Carolus knife? ”

Kaede used a spoon to pinch the chicken out of the pot, and a fresh fragrance overflowed from the chicken, and the aroma was not any aroma that Kaede had smelled before. This piece of chicken is mixed with meat aroma, not pure meat aroma, but also with a faint, gardenia-like taste, aromatic and elegant, with a sense of cleanliness.

“Boss, what kind of chicken are you going to get this time, Kaede Xia’s chicken out of the pot, Konishi Kuanyi came over with a plate, looking at the plate of boiled white chicken full of expectation.

After staying by Fengxia’s side for a long time, he also knows part of his strength, it can be said that the boss of his own family in Yuanyue is definitely the number one in the rankings, and the dishes he makes are fragrant, even if the appearance is not very good, its taste is absolutely delicious.

For Kaede, Konishi has a lot of trust.

However, this trust was quickly crushed by Kaede’s words.

“White chicken boiled in clear water.” Kaede Xia replied lightly. Holding the chicken with no seasoning, he put it in front of the three people, “Try it, my dish.” ”

“This is … What the heck? The little brother looked at the chicken on the plate, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Don’t take you like this, this Nima, boiled white chicken? Make no mistake! Are you sure you didn’t mean to let the donburi research out of the Rice Bowl?!

No matter how the little brother said, he was also a member of Yuanyue, and he knew whether a dish was seasoned or not. This boiled white chicken is not like the famous boiling water cabbage of the Celestial Empire, although the names of the two are a bit similar, but they are definitely different!

Boiling water boiled cabbage, the word is boiling water, in fact, the use of clear soup, the key is hanging soup, the soup should be rich and clear, clear as boiling water, the finished vegetables at first glance like clear water soaked in a few cabbage hearts, a star of oil flowers can not be seen, but eat in the mouth, but fragrant and refreshing. Boiling water cabbage is actually a high-grade clear soup dish.

Simply put, boiled cabbage is the kind that seems light, but in fact it takes countless seasonings to make successfully. But boiled white chicken in front of you, then it is really clear water!

The dishes in front of them, whether in hue or taste, are pure original chicken, and the boss of their donburi research club really did not add seasoning at all, that is, boiled a whole chicken in boiling water!

Damn it!

The little brother is almost about to scold his mother, Lao Tzu worked hard to come to the rice bowl research meeting, don’t you still think that there is a powerful guy town here, so that others dare not offend easily? But it looks like the boss of the donburi research club is also unreliable!

What to do? Why not be conscientious and insist that this dish is better than mapo tofu? No, Yuanyue has an unwritten rule, the loser will definitely eat the victor’s dish, knowing where he lost, he will definitely be killed by Ji Zhiguo Ningning if he says so…

What to do?!

Looking at the “innocent” chicken without any seasoning in front of him, the little brother only felt that the chopsticks in his hand were extremely heavy.

“Do you eat or not?” Feng Xia was a little impatient, why was this guy so inky?

Originally, it was just an experiment with the power of the Lower Carolus knife, this guy didn’t eat the food for a long time, and Fengxia wanted to taste it first.

“Shiina!” At this time, his opponent, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ningning, spoke, “Are you serious about fighting me?” The red eyes flashed with an unusual light, and obviously, she couldn’t understand Kaede’s attitude towards herself.

If Kaede Xia is serious about making dishes, then what is this boiled white chicken?

If Kaede Xia is not serious, then isn’t this guy going to ask for his own donburi research meeting?

“You said this… In fact, it doesn’t matter if I’m serious or not, the important thing is that I think I can beat you. ”

“Poof-” The icy expression was amused by this sentence, and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning felt a little funny.

Just boil white chicken with nothing in this clear water? If Feng Xia himself used even ordinary strength to say this sentence, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning would believe it a little. After all, Fengxia is a person with the title of “undefeated”.

However, this dish, she really can’t agree with!

However, in order to respect his opponent, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning still chose to taste Kaede Xia’s cuisine. She wanted to see with her own eyes why Feng Xia could have such strong self-confidence.

A pair of chopsticks were found in the cupboard, and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning simply clamped off a muscle and put it in his mouth. _

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