One Person Overturns Jianghu Chapter 16


Chapter 16 Framing

Cao Pu's face was ugly, he lifted Liu Siye's hand and looked at it, said solemnly : "Gu Mo, that kid chopped it?"

"Yeah," Liu Siye cried and said: "He not only chopped off my hand, but also hit me, Hall Master, he is hitting you in the face, it's not at all. I didn't take you seriously, I said that I was looking for him under your order, and he still doesn't care about his own way!"

"hmph, Shuzi is arrogant!"

Cao Pu fiercely slapped the table and said, "How dare you deceive me like this, the kid should die, Liu Si, don't worry, you are wronged, I will vent your anger and kill this crazy kid!"

Fourth Master Liu's eyes shined and said, "Master Hall, what should I do? Is that kid from Gang Lord?"

Cao Pu gloomy face and said, "It's okay, I'll tell you a way, you go Get a batch of medicines banned by the Imperial Court, and find a chance to hide them in the goods that he will be transporting in the next few days, understand?"

Fourth Master Liu's eyes shined and hurriedly said: "Hall Master, I understand. , I'm going to prepare now!"


Cao Pu waved his hand, looked at the back of Liu Siye leaving, with a smile on his face,

At this moment, a woman came out with her child in her arms and said, "husband, this Fourth Master Liu is just avoiding the important, he is deliberately provoking a conflict between you and Gu Mo, and he wants to use you to help He took revenge, and Liu Si normally relies on your power to take cards and ask for it!"

Cao Pu took the child from the woman and said laughter: "I know, but Gu Mo was going to die, and I was sure that a idiot like Liu Si would have a conflict with Gu Mo, so I let him go. After all, it was still useful. When Gu Mo died, I always needed to push someone to take the blame. This Liu Si is very suitable!"


After experiencing the incident of cutting off the finger in the casino,

Gu Mo moved at a very fast speed Established absolute prestige in Changle Street, and all matters of taking over Changle Street are also very smooth.

During this time,

The Pu knife he asked Scar to buy also got it. It was specially customized and it was easier to use than the knife that he had just picked up on the ground before. .

On the day the knife arrived,

Gu Mo also sent someone to the entrance of the Four Seas Hall to deliver the goods to be escorted.

Nine Shoals Gang is a big gang with thousands of people after all. It is impossible to live by collecting protection fees and also do other business. This batch of goods is the porcelain of Heavenly Yang County, which is specially transported to the frontier for those traffic Inconvenient areas make the difference.

When the goods arrived in the warehouse on Changle Street, a large warehouse was piled up,

The dozens of gang members on Changle Street were very excited,

Gu Mo was a little surprised, patted Scar's shoulder, and said: "It's very hard to transport the goods, how do I think everyone is very happy?"

Scar explained: "Boss, you are not quite clear , our brothers don't have much monthly bills. Until now, we only rely on restaurants and casinos to make some money, but we all live miserably.

Because the real gang members What makes money is the shipping business. In the past, we at Changle Street could not receive this kind of task. This time, you will be able to receive this kind of shipping business as soon as you come. Brothers will have a lot of money this month, so everyone is very happy. "

Gu Mo suddenly froze for a moment and asked: "You mean, Changle Street couldn't receive the task of shipping before?"

Scar nodded, said: "Before Because of our Nine Shoals Gang and the Hawk Gang, almost all of Changle Street was beaten. We brothers only got together one after another, and we have not been paid much attention to by the hall. Didn't expect you to come here and have a mission Now, brothers, this is your light!"

Gu Mo frowned, asking: "Knife Scar, Hall Master Cao Pu, how is your relationship with our Gang Lord?"

Scar called the head and said, "I don't know, but I heard that Master Cao Hall has always been the Vice-Gang Leader. Of course, this kind of thing, we are not qualified to understand!"

Gu Mo was suddenly frowned, and a bad premonition came out of his heart, he didn't think he had such a big face to let the Nine Shoals Gang's factions put down the barriers.

He immediately asked: "Knife Scar, did you check when you moved the goods?"

Knife Scar shook the head and said, "I just checked it, all It was the brother of his own gang who changed hands, so there was no inspection."

Gu Mo narrowed his eyes and immediately shouted: "Check, call all the brothers, and check them one by one!"

Scar was stunned for a moment. Although he was puzzled, he immediately summoned people to check the boxes one by one.

There are more than ten people, and it is still quick to check.

After about one hour,

Scar shouted in a corner of the warehouse: "Boss, There's something!"

Gu Mo put down the teacup in his hand and walked over,

and saw several boxes of china bottles full of banned drugs.

“Anything else?” Gu Mo asked.

"That's all!" Scar said: "The old books are all banned drugs. If this is found by the government, it will be enough to convict one of the crimes of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and even dozens of brothers' heads will not be enough to chop off!"

“Go get the tung oil immediately and destroy it on the spot,” Gu Mo said.

A little brother suddenly said: "Boss, these things are very valuable, should we hide them and sell them secretly."

Gu Mo glanced at him and said, "I'm afraid of you. If you have your life to hide or sell it, our Changle Street has been caught, hurry up and destroy it!”


a few gang members carried two barrels of tung oil to pour On those banned drugs, a fire stick was thrown on it, and the oil was ignited in an instant, and a raging fire burned in the warehouse.


At this moment,

There was a loud noise outside the warehouse, followed by a wailing sound, and several people in charge of guarding the warehouse. The gang at the gate was thrown in,

Behind them, there were more than a dozen arresters leading the acquaintance Constable Zhang Ping.

"I received a report that someone is hiding banned drugs here, search for me, who dares to stop it, kill without mercy!"

Gu Mo raised his brows and looked at the The banned drug that was ignited secretly said that it was dangerous, and it really was framed by someone.

He walked out with people directly, and coldly said: "Constable Zhao, you are not in compliance with the rules, just search if you say it, and if you don't know, you think it's a bandit entering the village!"

A group of gang members on Changle Street pulled out their knives. They were very quick. It seemed that they had faced off with the prefectural court.

When Zhang Ping saw Gu Mo, he made no secret of his hatred. He took out a search warrant and said, "Gu Mo, do you know the characters? The search warrant, specially approved by Mister Magistrate, I tell you, You are dead today, I will definitely make you skinned and cramped, and carry your head to worship my cousin!"

Gu Mo sneered and said: "Constable Zhao, catch people and loot , what about the stolen goods you caught?"

At this moment,

the group of arresters who searched the warehouse almost returned,

"Head Son, the banned drugs have been burned!" A catcher said softly.

"Hey," one of the Changle Street helpers teased: "This cop, you can't talk nonsense, it's just because the weather is cold, our brothers just burned some dry wood, can you? Don't talk nonsense!"

The faces of all the catchers were ugly.

Gu Mo waved his hand and said: "Constable Zhao, your search warrant should be invalid, so go slow and don't send it, next time, play with brilliant tactics, don't do this. Low-end, I'm embarrassed for you!"

Zhang Ping's face was gloomy, his eyes narrowed, and he said: "Gu Mo, do you think you won? Hehe, believe oneself infallible! "

As he said,

Zhang Ping took out a packet of forbidden drugs from his arms and threw it on the ground, and said loudly: "I found out that the forbidden drugs are hidden here, and the most important person Gu Mo is Lord, take it all for me, put up a desperate struggler, execute without any mercy!"

(end of this chapter)

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