One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 394 Joint Meeting (2)

"Great, great! With them as suppliers, even the world government can't even think about interfering!" Katie's answer made Bingshan feel relieved.

At the same time, all suppliers lost contact. How could Bingshan not know what was going on? No one except the world government could do this.

However, there are always some people in this world who are not afraid of the world government, and the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army are representatives of them.

"However, you need to pay for the construction of the Pluto battleship yourself. I don't have that much money yet." Katie shrugged and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Bingshan quickly waved his hand, "My lord is serious, we should pay the money." As the best shipbuilding base in the world, Bingshan, the mayor and president of Carrera, possesses wealth beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After all, even some of the navy's warships are manufactured by the capital of seven waters, and the wealth accumulated over the years is almost enough for him to build the Pluto battleship.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Katie continued: "In this case, I will continue what I just said."

"The merging of the two islands will inevitably lead to conflicts and conflicts. In order to prevent and deal with these unfriendly things, in addition to strengthening communication with each other, I also hope that a joint meeting can be established so that you can sit down and discuss."

"What do you guys think?"

"It's all up to the adults."

"So are we."

Regarding this proposal, neither of Bingshan and Bingshan had any objection.

As leaders, they thought of this as early as the time when the residents were excited about discovering the new world, even if Katie didn't say it, they would have brought it up.

After all, it is good for yourself and others to say something ugly first.

"Okay, that's all I want to say. I'll leave it to you how the residents of the two islands get in touch. My request is very simple and only two." Katie stretched out two fingers in front of everyone. Gestures.

"First: I don't want conflicts to break out, and second: I don't want to be treated differently; because no matter the capital of the seven waters is still my territory on Sky Island, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord, we will take care of it!"

"Never let adults down!"

The two expressed their views again.

After glancing at it, Katie just said, "Leave the iceberg for a while, and the others can go back."

"Then let's take our leave."

After a while, only Katie and Bingberg were left in the conference room.

"My lord, why are you looking for me?" Bingshan couldn't help but opened his mouth and asked, he believed that Katie wouldn't just leave him alone for no reason.

"Come with me, I'll show you some good things." After speaking, Katie got up and left.

Bingshan was stunned for a second, and after realizing it, he took three steps and two steps to catch up with Katie in front of him.

Although I don't know what the other party is going to take me to see, Bingshan believes that things that can be called good things by Katie must not be simple!

There is some expectation in my heart.

Not long after, the two appeared at the entrance of the underground laboratory.

Looking at the huge hole with a three-digit diameter, Bingshan couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

In front of the huge hole, his own existence was so small and unbearable, and the dark passage was even more difficult to see at a glance.

"My lord, the good things you said are not in this, are they?"

Bingshan asked subconsciously, but his slightly trembling body betrayed his true inner thoughts.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right!" Katie grabbed Bingshan's shoulder and jumped into the pit under his horrified gaze.


The miserable sound spread far away, scaring away flocks of birds in the surrounding woods.

After a while, looking at the iceberg that was still screaming miserably, Katie joked, "Okay, okay, we're all at the end, and your lion's roar skills can be put to rest."

Hearing that Bingshan opened his eyes a little, he tried to look around.

The next moment, Bingshan's brain almost hangs up, and the whole person is completely shocked by the incredible scene in front of him.

"This, this is too shocking!" Bingshan said in an excited voice.

The empty world I saw subverted Bingshan's imagination, and the modern equipment and factories with high technological content not far away made Bingshan unable to describe it in words.

I just feel like I'm dreaming.

Just when Bingshan was too shocked, a voice woke him up.

"Captain, who is this?"

Seeing the robot walking slowly, Bingshan opened his mouth.

Although I don't know much about it and haven't seen the relevant data parameters, I still have the vision of being a top boatman iceberg.

The robot in front of me, no matter its body structure, body movements, or the feeling it gave when it spoke just now, is far more advanced than the pacifist developed by the navy.

If you just listen to the sound, you can't even recognize it as a robot.

"This is Iceberg, the holder of the Pluto's blueprint." Unlike other introductions, Katie directly proposed the existence of Pluto this time.

"Pluto?" Columbus, who heard the word Pluto, was obviously different, and seemed to think of something.

After a while, Columbus said again: "Is it a huge battleship?"

"You, how do you know?" Now it was Bingshan's turn to be shocked.

Because Pluto does have the nickname of a huge battleship, but why does the robot in front of him know?

Moreover, his tone seemed to be very familiar with Pluto, which made him even more confused.

"Master Katie, what the hell is going on here?"

Bingberg, who really couldn't understand all this, had to look at Katie, and he believed that since Katie brought him here, she wouldn't say nothing.

"The heavenly king among the three major ancient weapons will be born here in the future."

"Could it be that you have mastered the design blueprint of Tianwang?" Bingshan asked subconsciously.

"Columbus, explain to him." Katie stepped aside resolutely and became the shopkeeper.

"Mr. Bingshan, the thing is like this." Immediately, Columbus selectively introduced his background and encounter with Katie to Bingshan.

After listening to Columbus' explanation, Bingshan froze in place for half a minute before recovering.

"So, that's how it is."

It wasn't until this moment that Bingshan realized why Katie said that if she insisted on building the Pluto battleship, the three ancient weapons would have a chance to appear together.

I also understand why Katie reached an agreement with BIGMOM and the Revolutionary Army in advance.

It turns out that all of this is for the construction of the King of Heaven, which is the expedition number Columbus said.

I naively thought that Katie would be able to pinch all this in advance, but now it seems that I am really too naive.

"Does the Pluto battleship have anything to do with the future country you mentioned?" After reluctantly accepting Columbus' statement, Bingshan asked his own doubts.

I really care about the robot's reaction just now, and the real origin of Pluto is a mystery, and I want to know the real answer to this mystery.

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