One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 447 Dover's Explanation

Time flies, the darkness covering the world finally disappears, and the warm sunshine once again envelopes the world.

It's just that this ray of sunshine dispelled the darkness in the world, but it couldn't dispel the spread of turmoil.

Under the sky somewhere, a special ship dragged by thousands of newsbirds is sailing slowly towards a certain place.

In the cabin, the owner looked at the three CP0 members sitting in front of him with rather ugly faces.

"The vice-captain of CP0 personally leads the team, which makes me really panic."

The masked man sitting in the center said bluntly: "I won't talk nonsense, you should be clear about the purpose of my coming. Our captain hopes that you can postpone the report for three days."

"Of course, you won't be allowed to do this in vain, and the corresponding rewards will definitely be generous."

As he spoke, the vice-captain took out a check from his pocket and handed it to the birdman in front of him, or to be more precise, Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

Subconsciously took the check and glanced at it. The number seven at the beginning and eight consecutive zeros behind it made even Morgans, who had seen the world, be stunned for a moment.

This is a full 700 million Baileys, enough to buy the heads of several supernovas!

And the price I paid was only a three-day delay, no matter how you look at it, it was a profit!

"Your Excellency is so sincere, it would be too stupid for me to refuse." While talking, he silently collected the check, and his movements were called fluent.

"In that case, we take our leave."

Seeing that the task was completed, the vice captain of CP0 got up and left. He still had other tasks to do.

"I won't give it away." Morgans nodded.

After a while, after confirming that the CP0 members really left, one of his subordinates came up and asked: "President, do we really want to postpone the report? This is the most explosive news in more than ten years. If so, just give up." , It's too, too pity."

"Otherwise? The vice-captain leads the team personally. Do you think they allow us to refuse?" Morgans replied coldly.

Hearing this, his hands froze, because of their professional relationship, they knew the truth of the world better than ordinary people.

CP0 deputy captain, this title not only means huge power but also means a terrifying strength comparable to that of an admiral!

Such a character is indeed not something newspaper writers like myself can resist.

However, just when his subordinates were dejected and regretful, Morgans' voice came again.

"However, it is okay for us not to report on others."

The inexplicable answer made the subordinate's eyes light up and he thought of something.

Over the years, in addition to devoting himself to the development of the World Economic News Agency, the president has also secretly acquired many unknown small newspapers.

They have not always understood the president's move, but now it seems that it is an extremely high method, and it is nothing more than a rainy day!

Morgans' tricks didn't end there. He took out the check that was just in his pocket and said to his subordinates, "Go, find a way to take out the money in this check and distribute it to everyone!"

A simple sentence made his subordinates teary-eyed, and he thought it was worthwhile to be able to follow such a boss.

However, when he clearly saw the amount shown on the check, he burst into tears of excitement.

"President, you are so kind to us, woo woo woo."

There are no more than a hundred people on the ship, and each of the 700 million Baileys can get a full 7 million per person!

Before that, such a generous reward was beyond their imagination.

"Hurry up and get out, if you can't produce a report that shocks the world, I'll fire you all!"

Being scolded like this, his subordinates were not angry at all, but said with firm eyes: "President, don't worry! If you can't write a good report, you don't need to say that we have no face to stay here!"

After speaking, he turned and left resolutely, vowing to write a shocking report with all his blood.

In the Palace of Dressrosa, Doflamingo, who has not yet left, convened the Don Quixote family meeting for the last time as king.

"If you have anything to say, just say it quickly, maybe this kind of meeting is the last time."

The slightly sad words made everyone frown. After a night of thinking and observation, everyone had a different idea in their hearts.

Torrebol first said: "Dover, have you really decided to submit to Katie?"

"According to the latest intelligence from the underground world, the world government has already intervened in this matter. In addition, the worldwide CP organization and the navy started their operations this morning."

"Although no one knows their specific plans, it can be seen from the personnel transfer situation that the world government will never give up easily this time."

"Joining the Shadow House now is equivalent to standing directly on the opposite side of the World Government."

"Whether it's worth it or not, you have to think about it, Dover."

Hearing what Torrebol said, the faces of the others changed slightly.

Because of Dover's special status, they have had a lot of contact with the world government over the years, and therefore understand how terrible they are.

Suddenly confronted with such an existence, everyone was inevitably a little worried.

"What about you?" Dover asked, looking at Pica, Diamanti and others.

Facing Dover's gaze, everyone dodged their eyes and did not dare to look at him.


Amidst the laughter, Dover slowly got up and walked towards the window, stretching out his hand to catch the rising sun above his head.

"I thought I held the reins of the world in my hands. As long as I don't fall, the times will not change."

"But now it seems that it is a big mistake! Since two years ago, Katie has firmly held the right to decide the direction of the world. He is the man who changes the world."

"Times make heroes, and heroes make times; it is our sorrow to be born in this era, because we cannot control our own destiny; but we are lucky, because we will witness the coming of a huge storm, which will sweep every part of the world. corner."

After a pause, Dover continued: "From the moment Kaido failed, the great wheel of the times has begun to roll, and we can't avoid it no matter what."

"Since it is destined to participate in it, why not choose to stand at the mouth of the storm and meet everything first?"

"Do you really think that the world government can be immortal?"

"Don't be stupid, since the day Roger died, the world has begun to escape the control of those people."

Dover's words left everyone present speechless. They just felt an electric current spread throughout their bodies, prompting the secretion of adrenaline to accelerate, and a little pride rippling in their chests.

However, Tezolo, who has a relatively calm personality, noticed other meanings in Dover's words.

Can't help asking: "Dover, it is rumored that you hold the secret of the Tianlong people and even the Holy Land Mary Joa. I want to know what is this secret?"

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