One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 563 Exploding the spaceship

Immediately woke up from the dangerous aura coming at him, and quickly dodged to avoid it.

Even so, it still touched Jinlong's body.

The balance of the body disappeared instantly, and he was taken away tens of meters away.

The danger of passing by made Im quickly calm down.

Notifying the captain to capture or kill Katie is undoubtedly something to do later, what needs to be done right now is to save her life first, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Immediately afterwards, Katie's several attacks were dodged by Im.

Although he also used the law of space to interfere with his actions, the effect of only one person was not as good as imagined.

This feeling of cat and mouse made Katie very uncomfortable.

"You asked for it!"

As soon as her eyes turned, Katie stared at the spaceship that was outputting energy in the distance, and her body shook and rushed over.

"you dare!"

Immediately, Im, who was left behind, was so anxious that he rushed back with all his strength, scolding Katie for not talking about Wude in his heart.

"I dare not, you will know later."

Seeing Im anxious, Katie felt so happy.

If you can run to a monk, can you still run to a temple?

I wanted to fight with you, but you didn't appreciate it and played cat and mouse with me here.

I'm sorry, I will cut off your back first, and I will have time to play with you later.

Let's see who can't afford it!

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Im couldn't help shouting: "Katie, what's the trick to come at me, it has nothing to do with the spaceship!"

At this moment, he regretted it so much. If he knew this, even if he got a few claws, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, saying that he would keep Katie far away from the spaceship.

"Hehe, it's late!"

A taunt, and then speed up the forward charge.

On the sharp dragon claws, multicolored rays of light converged, and the slightly escaping fluctuations made the surrounding void tremble, and the space barrier was almost cracked.

"Crush me!"

Witnessed by Im himself, the golden dragon giant claws about the size of the spaceship quickly swung down

boom! ! !

An unprecedented huge explosion swept across a large piece of space nearby, and the huge energy released by the spacecraft exploded together with Katie's five elements.

The magnificent scene was like a supernova explosion, and even Katie was thrown tens of thousands of meters away.

When the momentum is over, I feel dizzy for a while, and the world in front of me is spinning and I can't distinguish east, west, north, and south, but I forget that there is no distinction between east, west, north, and south in the universe.

"No, no, no!"

Looking at the center of the explosion engulfed by the flames, Im was powerless and knelt down in the air.

That was his last hope, but this hope was being snuffed out before his eyes.

The base of the headquarters is so far away from here. If the distance of dozens of light years is only on two legs, I am afraid that I will not be able to walk in this life, because I will be the first to starve to death on the way.

You must know that the star field with a radius of several light years is no man's land. Except for the life activities on Hailing star behind it, there is no grass in other places.

Otherwise, that planet wouldn't be in the pre-interstellar space until now.

"Katy, Katie, Katie!"

The hoarse voice called Katie's name over and over again, and his bloodshot eyes kept scanning around, trying to find that familiar figure.

Finally, at the far end, he saw the figure he was expecting, and that golden figure could not be ignored.


With a final roar, Im turned into a shell and rushed over.

"Well done!"

Katie had no reason to refuse Im, who took the initiative to attack.

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