One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 119 Super Rab

Someone once said that a good samurai should regard his weapon as his lover. I don’t know why someone would say that, maybe it’s because he has a fetish, at least Bane can’t regard it as a lover, but It is to regard it as a brother who can fight side by side with him. It is impossible to say that he has no feelings.

Perhaps in the previous life, he still had some doubts about the scene of Sauron burying Yukino, but now he feels the same way...

"Boom boom boom..."

The sun was gradually engulfed by the sea level, but there was a knock on the door in the room that should have fallen into silence.

"come in."

Bahn still maintained the previous posture, holding the knife, and said softly.

The door was slowly pushed open, and a figure in a neat suit appeared in the room.

"What's the matter, Adam?"

Perhaps Adam has matured a lot because of his position as the chairman over the years. He is no longer the rebellious boy named old man Barn. Now he has become much calmer. Say yes, master.

"Master, there is someone from Mr. Shiji's side, and he wants to see you."

Hearing Adam's words, Bahn stood up, still holding the knife tightly in his hand, and when he walked behind Adam, he stood down and said something.

"I'm very pleased with your growth in the past few years, Leah... I'll leave it to you."

This is said in an elder tone.

Even though Bahne looks younger than Adam now, Adam still smiled, and he didn't show the embarrassment when talking about Leah, but was simply happy because he was recognized by his master.

"Thank you, master."

Adam didn't look back, maybe it was because of his reserve, Bahn just nodded lightly, agreed, and left.


Bahn came to the largest room on the second floor, where a man in a large kimono was sitting, still holding that huge long sword in his hand, also the long light of the supreme large sword...

But it's an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time. The one who escaped from prison together and then followed Shi Ji, the great swordsman known as "When the Devil Comes", Ghost Wood!

He is also a great swordsman who has been famous for a long time, and the coercion emanating from his body is no weaker than that of Lei Li. At this moment, he is sitting on the chair with his head lowered, and he does not speak, but his hand slowly reaches the handle of the knife. .


A white light flashed, almost at the same time, a scarlet knife light appeared and touched it.

"Long time no see, Lord Barn."

The two knives only intersected once in the air, and then sheathed the knives at the same time. Except for the chairs scattered around, there seemed to be nothing to prove what happened just now...

"It's really been a long time, Ghost Wood, why did Shi Ji ask you to come to me?"

Ghost wood put the knife in his hand into the scabbard slowly, then squeezed out a smile on his wrinkled face, and said.

"Your Excellency Shi Ke asked me to give you something, Lord Barn, and he said that you will be satisfied when you see it."

As he said that, Ghost Wood stretched his twisted left hand that seemed to be burnt into his bosom, and then took out a vial filled with pink fluorescent liquid.

"This is……"

Bain took the vial from Ghostwood's terrifying hand and asked.

"This is the essence of the unique plant IQ on Vermaeu. Your Excellency Indigo only extracted three copies. One was given to Lord Shiji's subordinate, Lord Orangutan, and the one I brought was for Lord Rab. There is also a copy sent by Your Excellency Indigo to the East China Sea for Your Excellency Fitz."

Guimu said with a smile, even though the smile on his distorted face looked a bit ferocious...

Bahn frowned slightly, holding the vial with his thumb and forefinger, and said.

"I've heard Shi Kee say that this thing has side effects. I don't want Rab and Fitz to become monsters from now on."

"Haha, Lord Barn, you are thinking too much. We know about your relationship with Lord Raab and Lord Fitz. Don't worry, this is the essence of IQ plants, and it is just a simple evolution."

Bahn nodded after hearing this, and said thoughtfully.

"I believe in Skee, he will not harm Raab and Fitz."

As he said that, Bane brought the ghost wood to the back of the guild...

The backyard, which was originally a flat land, turned into a large lake, which was specially built by the guild for Rab. It was directly connected to the sea below, and the roots of the huge treasure tree Adam could be seen from the clear sea.

Bahn walked to the side of the big lake and stood still, and Guimu followed.


Barn called to the big lake, and a large shadow suddenly appeared on the originally clear lake...

Then a huge jet of water sprayed out, revealing a huge black head, it was Raab who had been with Bahn for fifteen years.

Raab saw Bahn screaming happily. Although he has grown to an adult size now, he is still very young for the island whale race, so his personality is more lively...

Bane and Ghost Wood, who were drowned by the jet of water sprayed out by Rab's breath, slowly approached.

Bahn put his hand on Rab's head and said softly.

"Do you trust me?"

Rab nodded immediately when he heard it, so that a big wave broke up and went ashore.

"Raab, the days to come will be dangerous..."

Bahn wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Rab, the huge head was shaking vigorously, as if he heard what Bahn meant...

"I see, open your mouth..."

Bahn shook his head helplessly. It wasn't that he didn't believe Shi Kee, but he was still worried, but seeing that Rab was very determined, he had no choice but to do so.

Rab immediately opened his mouth obediently, looking at Bahn with a smile in his eyes...

The pink fluorescent liquid slowly poured out of the bottle and flowed into Rab's mouth...


Rab let out a miserable howl! Listening to the sound is like feeling its pain.


Bahn immediately yelled worriedly, wanting to go up to rescue Rab, but was stopped by Guimu.

"Believe me, Lord Barn, Raab will become stronger after this period of pain."

Bahn couldn't bear to look at Rab, but still stood still.

After a long time, Rab's cry stopped, and his body also underwent tremendous changes. His dark skin became even darker, but it shone with silver light, his body became larger, and the browbones on his eyes It has also become raised, and its tail and fins have also become larger and stronger. It is not the appearance of an adult island whale, but a completely changed appearance, but it can be clearly felt that Rab has become stronger !

Super Lab!

"Wow! Master Barn, how did Rab grow so big!"

Jiger stared at Rab who had grown into an unusually large size in the big lake in the backyard with bright eyes, and kept touching Rab with his hands...

"Ahem, Shiji brought me something good."

Bane pretended to be profound and said...

Jiger's eyes burst out with even bigger flashes!

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