One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 125 The Pulshemi Incident

Luffy can't remember exactly how many days it was, anyway, he followed Ace and left Dadan's house again. Although he was injured all over his body now, he hadn't stopped for the past three months, maybe it was really like What Jiger said, there is something missing in his mind, or maybe, there are more things than ordinary people...

Luffy lost track again, knelt on the ground weakly, gasping for breath, but he saw something different from the previous three months...

"Ah... through the forest..."

After going north through Mount Korpo, where the Dadan family lived, we came to such a place...

"Ouch! It stinks! What kind of place is this!"

What appeared in front of Luffy was a place filled with stench and full of garbage. The piles of garbage were even emitting white smoke. Perhaps it had been piled up here for a long time so that it was fermented...

Everything you don’t need is concentrated here, whether it’s things or people. Of course, this is a ‘lawless zone’ where there are no doctors, and crime and disease are rampant here...

The white smoke dissipated slowly, revealing a man in tattered clothes with blood stains all over his body. A broken knife in his hand was still dripping blood that was not bright red.

"Get out of the way, brat..."

It was like the screeching sound of old metal rubbing against the yellow teeth, even accompanied by a foul stench, and the eyes of this man were lined with black lines, which is the expression of people who have no hope in life. ...

Luffy covered his nose and ran away quickly, and there was a loud shout from behind!

"Hey! Where has he gone!"

As soon as Luffy leaves, there are four people dressed in the same rags, with different 'weapons' in their hands, broken beer bottles, a wooden board with nails, or a broken knife, although it seems a bit ridiculous , but he was still able to kill the previous man very easily.

But that man didn't resist, just waved the broken knife in his hand symbolically and fell to the ground, and the four men didn't stay any longer, just silently picked up the package that fell on the ground, and disappeared into the white space. smoke...

They have a lot in common, not all wearing tattered clothes, but the despair in their eyes...

There is a stench here all the year round, and the piles of garbage spontaneously ignite in the sun, and the smoke is lingering all the year round.

And here is the backside of Goya Kingdom, known as the most beautiful country, an uncertain terminal that is perfectly isolated...

I don't know if he was avoiding Luffy, or someone else, Ace walked quietly in the forest with the package that appeared at an unknown time.

Until he came to an unusually huge tree.

"Sabo! Are you there!"

At this time, a small figure appeared from the dense leaves.

"Oh, Ace."

"Didn't Jiger follow?"

Ace, who was standing under the tree, flipped up flexibly, threw the package in his hand to Sabo, and then sat down.

"Wow, you got more than me! Ace! You're amazing."

"It's okay, I snatched it from a gangster, and it was probably delivered to a merchant ship."

Looking at Sabo who was counting the money excitedly, Ace wiped his nose rarely, and said with a shy smile.

Then asked with a smile.

"Why did you suddenly think of Jiger?"

Sabo re-tied the bag, smiled and said to Ace, there was still a gap in the teeth in his mouth, but it looked very sunny.

"Ah, I recently learned a new trick, and I want to try it with that guy."

"Oh, that bastard is very strong. Although it's annoying, I have to say so."

The corner of Ace's mouth twitched, and he said with a stinking face.

Saying so, Sabo opened a secret compartment on the tree trunk, which was filled with dazzling treasures.

"Damn it, I lost again today."

Sabo poured the package in his hand and said.

"It doesn't matter who wins. This is the pirate savings we both need in the future. It has been saved for five years... It's hard work."

Ace said with a smile.

"Yes, but how much do you need to buy a pirate ship?"

Ace thought about it and said.

"I don't know... Tens of millions? Or hundreds of millions... It's still far away! Quickly cover it, it will be bad for people to find out..."

But he was still negligent, this secret was discovered after all...

"Pirate ship?"

It's Luffy!


"Do you want to be pirates? I want to be too!"

"Ace! Do you come to this place every day?"

"Shut up!"

Luffy was easily subdued... tied to a tree, and in front of him were Ace and Sabo with black lines...

"Have you finally caught up here, although I'm not walking on the road that people walk..."

Ace looked at Luffy with a regretful expression and said.

"Is that the Luffy you're talking about?"

Sabo also had a gloomy expression on his face...

However, as a meat ticket, Luffy seems to be completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter, and still smiles heartlessly...

"Are you Ace's friend? Be my friend too!"

"Shut up!"

"I've already told you that I want you to live here too. Your daily commute to the mountain path has caused trouble to your upper body! What should I do?"

Sabo looked at Ace complainingly and said.

"Let him know the secret... If you let him go, he will definitely tell others..."


"Get rid of him!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Unlike the previous hostility, Ace and Sabo's faces were completely filled with killing intent...


"Shut up! Be quiet! Bastard!"

Sabo punched Luffy on the chin who was still screaming, but it didn't seem to have any effect...

"I didn't expect that! You will kill me! Help! I don't want to die yet!"

"Sabo! Hurry up!"

"What are you talking about! Come here! I've never killed anyone before!"

"Me neither! I don't know how to kill!"

Compared to Luffy, Ace and Sabo are also in a hurry...


"It's so noisy!"

"There are voices in the forest! It's the voice of a child..."

At this moment, other people's voices came from behind them...

"Oops! Someone is coming!"

Sabo was the first to notice someone behind him, and immediately said vigilantly.

"Untie his rope first, if you don't leave, the treasure will be found!"

Ace and Sabo followed Luffy and hid behind the bushes and looked over. It was an ugly, but unusually tall man with a huge knife in his hand. Behind him was a gangster who had been beaten black and blue. ...

"That's it! The crew of the Blue Sauce Pirates? Pulchemi!"

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