One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 190 You will become a hero!

Hancock's face became ugly, and his eyes even showed despair, as if he was worried that Bahn would not want her after he knew about it.

Bahn felt the different tactile sensations from the fingers, and understood the source of all this.

Bahn felt the different tactile sensations from the fingers, and understood the source of all this.

The feeling from Bane's fingers, which was held by Hancock, made Bane discover something strange. Unlike the extremely smooth skin he had touched before, the feeling from the belly of his fingers was somewhat rough, even burning. .

Of course Bahne understands where the problem arises, and he also knows about Hancock's embarrassing past.

With a force on his hand, he broke free from Hancock's smooth hand, and his fingers left Hancock's back that should have been very smooth.

Bahn withdrew his hand, but didn't say a word, raised his hand again and again, but only sighed.

At this time, Hancock had already put on his clothes, and turned his body slowly. Bane originally thought that Hancock's face should be pear blossoms with rain, but Hancock didn't.

There wasn't even a single tear on Hancock's face, but it was extremely calm, eerily calm, like a condemned prisoner on the eve of trial.

She may have imagined too many endings in her mind, and the worst outcome may be that the man in front of her turns around and leaves...

The innocent Hancock at the beginning was gone, and the smiling Hancock at the beginning was also gone, replaced by Hancock with an indifferent face.

Perhaps such an iceberg-like Hancock is what Barn wants, but when she really becomes like this, Barn can't accept it anymore.

Although Bane couldn't see it, he could still feel the back and forth changes in Hancock.

"The island of Hydra cannot have a king who was once a slave."

Hancock's plain but resolute words came out of her mouth, but Bahn's body trembled slightly.

I saw him slowly raised his head, 'looked' at Guloliosa, and then turned his head to Hancock.

Bahn is always amazing in the eyes of others, he can always make people forget that he is blind, but the darkness he sees is only known to him.

"Is that why you refuse to accept the throne?"

Bahn 'looked' at Hancock and asked indifferently.

Hancock slowly bit his lower lip tightly, but there seemed to be mist in his eyes.

" could the king of Nine Snake Island be a slave?"

Hancock's tears still flowed down, she didn't want to cry in front of her beloved man, but she still couldn't hold back.

But deep down in her heart, there was still a tinge of rejoicing, at least Bahn didn't turn around and leave without saying a word in front of her.

I saw Bane slowly put his hand on Hancock's shoulder, and exerted force on his hand to make Hancock stop the meaningless sobbing.

"Listen, Hancock."

"I know that your childhood experience has left a great shadow on you, and I also know the harm and humiliation that those disgusting Tianlong people have caused to you."

"I understand you."

Bahn's voice became very soft, and Hancock slowly raised his head, looking at Bahn's already pale eyes.

"Well... Lord Bahn... I know... I know everything."

"I know what you have done these years. I am very grateful and admire. As a former slave, what you have done is very great."

Hancock said with a smile, but Barn also smiled wryly.

Bahn shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Hancock.

"I'm very grateful that you can say that, but I'm afraid that what I have done these years has made the Tianlong people focus on me, oh, and their loyal dog, the navy."

"No, Lord Barn, I really... I really appreciate you."

Hancock put his hand on Bane's face and said gently stroking.

"Cough cough."

Bahn stopped in front of the abyss of thought in time, grabbed Hancock's hand but let go immediately, coughed twice, then turned around, facing Hancock with his back.

"Hancock, you know that Nine Snakes Island needs you as a king. You are the most powerful young generation of Nine Snakes Island. At sea, although strength can't represent everything, it can definitely represent the vast majority."

"Guloliosa is old, you should accept this mission, and this is your only choice."

"At that time, the navy will invite you to accept Qiwuhai, so that not only you, but even the entire Kuyu Island will benefit from you, and the only thing the navy can remember about you is your strength."

"Do you think the Navy would extend an invitation to an old woman?"

Hancock hesitated. Of course she knew what Bane said, but she was still hesitating. After all, the Tianlong people hurt her too much in her childhood, and the imprint on her back was something she never wanted for the rest of her life. uncovered scars.

Ignoring Gu Luoliosa's venomous eyes, Bain continued.

"Hancock, you must know that you are not alone."

Hancock heard this sentence clearly, and instantly regained his energy, and looked at Bahn with bright eyes.

"Master Bahn... Just now... Could it be that you are confessing your love to me?"

"Ahhhhh! I'm so happy!"

Hancock, who instantly became a nympho, let a crow fly over Barn's head...


Bahn was speechless, and he was even doubting whether what he said just now made sense.

"Oh no, Hancock, can you be serious?"

Bahn said helplessly.

"Oh well."

Hancock adjusted his mentality, and regained the expression he had just now, as if he were a death row prisoner before his execution.

"But... I'm a slave..."

Hearing Hancock's suddenly weak and hoarse voice again, Bane's brain froze for a while, but he quickly realized what he was doing.


"No, Hancock, you used to be a slave. This is an unchangeable fact, but now you have to remember that you will be a hero in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Bahn turned around and left the palace. There was no news from Bahn for the rest of the day until night...

The guards of Nine Snake Island, who were already drowsy, were awakened by a strange light...

It was a huge, white but bloody crescent-shaped thing, which cut through the sea and rushed directly to Nine Snake Island!

But it was a lot off. I don't know if it was because of a mistake or on purpose. In short, it didn't cause any huge losses, but a corner of the entire island of Nine Snake Island was cut off!

"Enemy attack!"

Accompanied by the sound of a huge horn, Jiu Snake Island, which had fallen into silence and darkness, became brightly lit in an instant!

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