One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 213 Gathering Rapeseed Blossoms

"Did you escape..."

I can't feel the atmosphere of Crocodile, Mr2 and Ms all around. Bain smiled and said, in fact, if Bain wants to chase, he can chase him, but Bain gave up. As for Pluto... Baan really And very interested...

Ignoring Crocodile, Barn slowly turned around, facing the few people left behind by Crocodile, and said calmly.

"Your choice."

It's still the same sentence, although I asked this question in the room back then, but no one answered at that time, now, I should get the result.


Mr1 didn't hesitate. From the very beginning, he said that he would follow in the footsteps of the strong. Now the result is obvious. As soon as Bahn asked the words, he half-knelt down and yelled respectfully.

Ms Two Fingers, Ms Merry Christmas, and her partner Mr4 glanced at Mr1's background, looked at each other, and finally half-kneeled down, saying respectfully.


Bane nodded and said.

"You will know later how wise the choice you made today is."

But at this moment, a piece of sand behind everyone was suddenly lifted up, and a person appeared there.

"Wait...wait a minute..."


Everyone looked over when they heard the voice.

"How did you appear here? Why did you suddenly appear?"

Ms Two Fingers looked at Mr3 who suddenly appeared strangely and asked.

Mr1 showed a lack of interest, maybe in his eyes Mr3 is not as good as him...

"Come out?"

"It's a little rude, but I have been following you since the Spider Tavern, and I even took a ride with Bingqi."

Mr3 pushed his glasses and said lightly.

"What are you doing here?"

Maybe Mr1 didn't want to listen to Mr3's ink, so he turned around and asked in a cold voice.

"What? Of course it's to survive."

Mr3 walked in front of Bahn, half-kneeled respectfully.

"I saw your heroic appearance just now, Lord Barn, please take me in... Boss!"

Ms Merry Christmas said immediately after seeing it.

"Boss, this idiot is not strong at all, not even as good as Mr4!"


Bahn heard Ms Merry Christmas and asked aloud.

"What ability do you have?"

"I am a user of Candle Fruit..."

Speaking of Mr3, a candle condensed out of Mr3's hand...

"Interesting ability, well, I'll take you in."

"thank you boss!"

After speaking, Bahn stopped paying attention to Mr3, turned around and looked at the others, and asked.

"Do you know each other's tasks?"

Barn wanted to know what Mr2 and Ms were doing all Sunday and why Crocodile took them.

But Bahn was still disappointed, they didn't know what their respective missions were.

However, Mr1, Ms Merry Christmas and Mr4's tasks all point to one place.


Bahn chanted the place name with a wry smile on his face.

"Turn back again..."

Bahn thought to himself, and then said.

"Okay, let's go to Rapeseed Flowers now!"


"Why did you do this? My lord!"

"...My lord king..."

I saw a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes standing at the interface and said in a deep voice.

"I'm here to make a formal apology... I'm the one who robbed this country of rainwater with dancing powder!"


"Master Kebula... what are you talking about..."


The man standing at the interface is the king of Alabasta, and his words are like a thunderbolt in the ears of his people...

But Kebula's words were not finished yet.

"In order to make everyone forget about that unpleasant dancing fan incident..."

"I want to destroy, this rape flower!"

"The King's Army! Completely wipe out this evil city!"


Following Kebula's order, the king's army behind him all raised their guns, and the massacre...began...

The originally quiet and peaceful rape blossoms instantly turned into a purgatory on earth...

At this time, a child with a ridiculous hammer in his hand called Kebula.

"Hey! King!"

"Just because you took away the rain, everything in the city is dry!"

"Give us back the rain!"

But Kebula kicked the child away, his face was very gloomy...

"What are you doing……"

At this time, a black horse appeared, and the leader of the rebel army, Kongza, sat on it!




Kongza looked at Kebula with anger on his face.

"I'm here to apologize..."

Kebula still said seriously absurd things to Konza.

"I'm here to apologize..."

"Stop kidding! What a disgrace!"

"I'm the one who's drying up the country with dancing powder."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up!"

Konza swung his fist and was about to hit him, but was stopped by the king's army behind Kebula.


"Do you know what kind of mood those people who fell in the dry city died with!"

"They don't hate you at all, they don't blame you!"

"They believed in you even to the end!"

"The king didn't do this...he is a great king...even if it's a lie, you have to say that you didn't do it! How can you be worthy of those who trust you!"


Kongza had said so much, but what responded to him was a gunshot... Kongza fell down...

"Konza! Ah!"



Kong Zha, who fell to the ground, coughed out a mouthful of blood, but his face was in great pain, not because of his injuries, but...

"The country won't... In fact, everyone wants to know the answer, so they fight!"

But at this moment, the majestic king suddenly became funny.

"Okay, it's almost time!"

The strange king immediately disappeared from everyone's sight...

And all of these were clearly seen by Bahn and the others on the side.

"He's Mr. 2!"

Ms Two Fingers said in shock.

Bahn nodded, then disappeared in place, and when he came back the next moment, he brought back a person...



Mr1 looked at Konza who was rescued by Baan and asked strangely.

Bahn did not answer him, but issued a task.

"You sneak into the rebel army and kill those fake king's army!"


Everyone walked out immediately, and there were only Bahn and Kongza left in that corner.

"Ahem... who are you?"

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