One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 222 Rain

Ms didn't say anything all Sunday, but read it word for word seriously...

"Casilla's government in Alabasta! This is the year 239...260 of the calendar, and Teima has ruled the kingdom of Bitin!"

"In 306, Eluma built the Tafo Cathedral... In 325, the hero Mam of Orutea..."

Ms was still reading meticulously all Sunday, but was interrupted roughly by Crocodile, who only heard him shout loudly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait! Is this what we want to know? I'm not interested in the history of this country at all! Where is the most evil weapon hidden in this country? Tell me!"

"There is no record on it, only the history of this country is recorded here."


"Not a single word about 'Pluto'."

Ms Quan Sunday replied earnestly, but Crocodile's forehead was bulging with blue veins.

"Is it……"

"That's a shame..."

"Although you are an excellent partner...but I have to kill you here!"

Ms Quan Sunday bit her lip but did not speak, but immediately distanced herself from Crocodile.

"This is the end of the contract we made four years ago... Didn't we agree? I will take you to the place where the historical text is recorded, and you will tell me the information about the weapon..."

"In the past four years by my side, you have a calm mind and first-class command ability. For me, this is enough. You are a very valuable woman..."

"However, in the end you still violated the agreement. The historical texts of this country have no information about Pluto at all!"

Crocodile turned around slowly, and tried his best to focus his angry face on Nico Robin.

"But I won't take my anger out on you, do you know why?..."

But at this time, Nicole Robin's hand that had been hiding in her pocket took out a test tube, which contained what Crocodile feared most, water!

"Hehe, you are so stupid. After four years of cooperation, I knew from the beginning that this would be the result!"

The water in Nico Robin's hand was thrown directly at Crocodile!

"As long as it gets wet, the knife can hurt you!"

Almost in an instant, Nicole Robin raised the blade she took out from her arms and rushed towards Crocodile!

However, just as Nico Robin was about to succeed, Crocodile disappeared, the test tube also fell to the ground, and the water splashed all over the floor.

Crocodile's voice echoed throughout the royal tombs.

"I forgive you for what you did, Nicole Robin, because... I never trusted anyone in the first place!"

When these words sounded, Crocodile had already come behind Nicole Robin!

Just when the hook in his hand was about to penetrate Nico Robin's body, a slash appeared out of thin air, causing Crocodile's attack to swing directly into the air!

"Really? Then you are really pathetic..."


Crocodile looked angrily at Bahn who suddenly appeared and shouted.

Bane didn't speak any more, and threw Luffy who was in his hand directly.

"Okay, little crocodile, the fighting outside has stopped, this will be the last battle..."

As in the original plot, Luffy successfully beat Crocodile to the ground. Of course, the price was high. Luffy was injured almost all over his body, and the blood was all over his body. If he hadn't eaten the rubber fruit, the bones of his whole body would If it was all rubber, he might be dead now. However, with the defeat of Crocodile, the problem that has plagued Alabasta, the country of sand, for a long time has finally been solved...

Outside the palace, the rebel army and the king's army, who were stunned by Baan's domineering look, have not yet woken up, but the Straw Hats and Mr1 have already woken up and are struggling to stand up.

"What just happened?"

Usopp, who had just woken up, rubbed his dazed head and asked, but no one answered him, and their eyes were all attracted by another person...

It was Crocodile who was beaten to the ground by Luffy. Like Luffy, the blood from his body even soaked the hair on his body. At this time, the original dark green hair showed a dark red color. ...

"Look! What's that!"



"Don't know why he flew out of there...but anyway..."

"Luffy won!"

Wei Wei who stayed outside also saw Crocodile flying out, and Luffy's idiot smiling face appeared in her mind again.

"Just knock that crocodile guy into the air!"

Wei Wei knelt down on the ground as if she had been shocked. She, who had always been pretending to be strong, finally burst into tears...

"Lu... did it..."

But different from before, besides Luffy, there is another person in Weiwei's mind now, that white-haired man with a reassuring smile all the time...

Perhaps it was the good fortune of the heavens, or perhaps Alabasta, who had been suppressed by Crocodile for too long, was finally released. The moment Crocodile fell to the ground, rain clouds that had not appeared for many years gathered in the sky...

It was raining heavily, but there was silence outside the palace, despite the raindrops beating on the fainted people...

Perhaps it was the rain that woke up those people. The people who were stunned by Bahn's domineering look also slowly woke up, but their eyes still did not return to clarity. Looking at the enemy standing opposite them again Once he raised the knife in his hand, he didn't pay attention to the rain that washed on him...

"Don't fight anymore! The enemy is gone!"

Just as the knife in the hand of one king's army was about to slash the neck of another rebel army, Weiwei's voice resounded in the entire square.

"This is...the voice of Princess Weiwei..."

"How come... Isn't Princess Weiwei no longer?"

"Hey! Isn't this Mr. Crocodile?"

"Yes, why did Mr. Crocodile fall to the ground?"

Weiwei's voice finally cleared the eyes of those who were still facing each other before, and the rain also calmed their restless hearts for a long time.

And while these people who didn't know the truth were still discussing, Weiwei's voice came over again.

"The flames of war have been quelled by this rain..."

"The rain now...will continue to fall like before..."

"Because the nightmare is over!"

But those rioters were not moved by Weiwei's words, but raised their weapons high!

"The nightmare is not over yet! We have witnessed the king's atrocities in Rapeseed Flowers with our own eyes!"

"The atrocities committed by the king's army were the same before, and Mr. Kongza was shot! If it ends like this, will the people who died here agree!"

Looking at the rebel army that had fallen into madness in front of them, the king's army had nothing to say and could only put on a defensive posture.

And just when the scene was about to get out of control...

"King's Army! Put down your weapons!"

The overwhelmed King's Army looked back, only to see the bruised Chaka...

"Lord Chaka..."

"You too! Rebels!"

Kongza's voice also came over, and standing behind him was the minister Igram who hadn't seen him for a long time, holding a wounded child in his hands.

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