One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 380 The Ability to Disappear

"Everyone! I'm back!"

Ace stood on the square, opened his arms wide, and shouted loudly with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

And the pirates who saw Ace come back from the dead cheered loudly, and there were even sobs of joy among the cheers.


"Ace is back!"

"Welcome back!"


Jiger and Marco, who were fighting with Qingzhi just now, saw the huge flaming fist, and looked over there in shock. Looking at Ace standing there alive, their faces were full of surprise and joy.


Marco shouted excitedly, but tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Ace also looked over when he heard Marco's voice, nodded at him with a smile, and said.

"Long time no see, Marco!"

"Haha! It's great that you're still alive!"

Hearing what Ace said, Marco said with a smile.

Jiger also looked at Ace with a smile on his face, and said loudly.

"I knew you didn't die so easily!"

Ace also looked at Jiger with a smile, and said mockingly.

"Of course, how could I die before you! Haha!"

"You bastard! Haha!"

Hearing Ace's ridicule, Jiger still cursed with a smile, and now there is nothing that makes him happier than Ace reappearing in front of his eyes.

However, Qingzhi, who had been fighting with Marko and Jiger before, frowned when he saw the revived Ace, and immediately let go of Marko and Jiger and quickly returned to the navy's position.

Seeing Ace's resurrection, the wrathful King Kong's face that caught the white-bearded Sengoku once again showed an angry expression.

"It really revived him?"

Zhan Guo looked angrily at the original location of the green light array. His face was pale and he had aged like an old man, but he still smiled and waved at Bahn.

Raleigh also saw the revived Ace, but then his eyes were on the weak Bahn who was sitting on the ground, smiling and waving his hands.

"You guy, this is much more pleasing to the eye."

Stretching out his hand to gently wipe his eyes under the glasses, Lei Li said with a smile, but thanked Bahn heavily in his heart.

"Thanks, Barn..."

But at this time, Zhan Guo, who was glaring at Bahn, let go of White Beard's arm, and stomped his feet on the ground. A crack like a spider web immediately appeared on the ground, and Zhan Guo used this force to produce The shock wave rushed towards Bahn quickly, but the golden Buddha's palm had already clenched into a fist at this time, aiming at Bahn!

"Barne! At least keep you!"

But at this time, a figure came to Bahn one step ahead of him, and the palm with five fingers connected by thin flesh met the fist of the Warring States forcefully!


The fists and palms intersected, and the huge air wave almost knocked away the surrounding pirates. Jinbei took two steps back, but still firmly grasped Sengoku's fist!

"No matter what, I won't let you hurt him!"

Jinpei, who was formerly Shichibukai, roared loudly at the supreme commander of the navy, Marshal Sengoku!

But Sengoku roared angrily when he heard Jinbei's words.

"Jinbe, are you going to stop me?"

But at this time, Whitebeard had already rushed over, and the big knife in his hand slashed at the Warring States!


Feeling the sharp blade wind coming from behind him through his knowledge and domineering, Zhan Guo quickly turned around and avoided White Beard's slash!

"White beard!"

Zhan Guo looked at the white beard who came and shouted loudly, but White Beard didn't pay attention to Zhan Guo's meaning at all. Seeing that his knife was dodged by Zhan Guo, the fist that had already used the ability of the shaking fruit hit him hard. To the Warring States!

"Having hurt my beloved son one after another, are you going to hurt my friend now? Warring States, you deserve to die!"

Whitebeard shouted angrily, but that fist that was also mixed with anger had already hit Zhan Guo!


Warring States was hit by this punch, a mirror-like crack appeared in the space in front of his chest, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out from his mouth!

Zhan Guo knew clearly that he was not Zhan Guo's opponent, and he didn't intend to fight back when he was hit by White Beard's punch. Instead, he quickly distanced himself from White Beard with the force of White Beard's punch, and returned to the navy's position!

But at this time, Ace walked up to White Beard and said in a deep voice.


Hearing Ace's voice, Whitebeard also looked at the lost son beside him, his eyes gradually became gentle, and he asked aloud.

"Ace, are you okay?"

Ace nodded lightly, but his lower teeth bit his upper lip, and said harshly.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I made you worry..."

But Whitebeard laughed when he heard what Ace said, and said.

"Gu la la la la, it's good to be alive! It's good to be alive..."

With that said, White Beard turned his attention to Bahn who was not far behind Ace, and asked aloud.

"How about it, Bahne."

Hearing what White Beard said, Bahn shrugged and said with a smile.

"It's okay."

White Beard looked at Bahn and nodded, then turned his head and said in a deep voice.

"Barne, I owe you a great favor, but I may not have the chance to repay it. If you run out of wine in the future, go ask my sons for it!"

Bahn understood that Whitebeard was asking for help. He was worried that after his death, his sons would be excluded in the New World. This was his last entrustment to Bahn.

Thinking of this, Bahn also put away the smile on his face, put on a serious face, nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice.

"I'll be there."

Hearing Bahn's words, Whitebeard nodded with his back turned to him, and stopped talking.

But the pirates who heard Whitebeard's words remembered the last order Whitebeard had given before, and for a moment, the joy of Ace's resurrection was diluted a lot, and they looked at Whitebeard.


Ace also looked at Whitebeard softly and said.

White Beard waved his hand and said.

"Needless to say, Ace, let's go."

But Ace bit his upper lip tightly with his lower teeth, holding back the tears swirling in his eyes, and shouted loudly.

"Father! Thank you so much for your love and care all these years!"

With that said, Ace knelt down on the ground, and his head hit the ground forcefully, making a muffled sound.

And seeing Ace like this, Marco, Vista, Curiel...all the pirates who came to Mariejoa with Whitebeard all knelt on the ground.

Despite the tears gushing from his eyes sliding down his face, he kowtowed heavily and shouted loudly.

"Thank you, Father!"

Hearing the neat kowtows and shouts from behind, the corners of Whitebeard's eyes were also moistened, but he didn't reach out to wipe it, but just turned his back on his beloved sons and laughed out loud.

"Gu la la la la!"

"What nonsense! I should care about my son, shouldn't it! Let's go!"

As he said that, the muscles on the arm holding the big knife suddenly swelled, and he swung the big knife directly. A huge white light circle appeared on the blade, and he slammed it on the ground!

Mary Joya, who was almost beyond recognition now, shook violently again!




"What is that guy with the white beard going to do?"

"The square is cracked!"

"All the pirates are isolated on the other side!"

Looking at the white beard who left himself on the other side, the pirates kneeling on the ground looked at the generous back in shock, and some pirates even cried with their headaches.


However, some pirates knew Whitebeard's intention and decision, and shouted loudly at those pirates who stayed where they were crying.

"If you want to be sad, go to the boat and be sad!"

"Hurry up! Get on board!"

"Don't let dad die in vain!"

"Concentrate all the boats that can start on the dock!"

However, White Beard ignored the sons who were left behind by him on the other side, but grabbed the big knife next to him, and rushed towards the navy who came flooding in like a tide!

"All navy, attack! Kill Whitebeard!"

Sengoku, who appeared behind the navy at some point, shouted loudly, and the navy who received the order from Sengoku raised their weapons, aimed at Whitebeard, and fired with all their might!

However, White Beard let the bullets hit him, and just waved the big knife in his hand mechanically. Every time he swung, a large piece of navy was chopped off by him!

"Live... my beloved sons..."

And just as the pirates boarded and retreated on a large scale, Whitebeard was on the opposite side of the square, and the life of the crazy Reaper Navy, a man who had been hidden in the darkness before slowly came out...

"The time has come..."

The figure disappeared into the darkness in an instant, and appeared in front of Bahn in the next second!

But at this time, because of the retreat of the pirates, there was no one around Bahn at this time, and that figure came in front of Bahn so easily!

"Foot thread shaved!"

That person was wearing a signature crimson feather coat, with funny pointed eyes and a weird smile on his face. When he first appeared in front of Bane, Bane recognized that person person's identity.

It was Doflamingo, who had maintained a cooperative relationship with Barn before!

Jiger quickly turned around and ran towards Barn almost as soon as Doflamingo appeared, but it was a bit late in the end. Doflamingo only had a few sharp transparent thin lines The tip of his toe has pierced Bahn's shoulder!

Seeing the blood pouring out of Barn's wound, which showed no tendency to heal at all, Doflamingo said with a strange smile.

"Fufurfur... Sure enough, you are so weak that you can't even use the fruit ability?"

But Bane stretched out his hand to cover the wound that was constantly bleeding, but he didn't answer Doflamingo's question, but just looked at him with gloomy eyes...


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