Lieutenant General of the Tea Dolphin.

Lieutenant General Gumir.

Lieutenant General Yellow Ape.

Lieutenant General Weasel.

A familiar figure of Wei Zefa was reported so badly.

Especially the harmless figure in the center of the newspaper, isn't it the young man in front of him!

"He really attacked the G-2 branch of the Navy? What he said was true! "

Zefa's eyes were cold, and a strong momentum suddenly erupted from his body.

Those interns also turned their heads around, staring at Sakatsuki like a devil, and all of them obediently shut up.

I didn't dare to mock half a sentence anymore.

Thinking of their previous taunts of Sakatsuki, they were all nakedly slapped in the face now.

For a while, everyone only felt pain on their faces.

Damn it!

As soon as the words fell, he was ruthlessly slapped in the face by reality.

That's a little too fast!

"You really attacked the G-2 branch? Are you a pirate? "

Zefa said expressionlessly, staring at Sakatsuki.

"Hehe, Zefa, don't move!"

Banyue didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and Hailou Shi took out the pistol directly and rushed at Zefa's head.

At the same time, he lit a cigarette and smoked lightly, regardless of everyone's eyes.

"Hehe, the old man has never been threatened, you are the first."

"That's a real honor."

"Boy, you really don't want to join the Navy, do you? I can calm these troubles for you. "

Zefa was still reluctant to speak, after all, the kid in front of him was powerful, and he made a mess of the G-2 branch at a young age, and he was completely a genius.

"Forget it, the sky and the earth are big, you can go anywhere, why deign to be under the command of the naval government."

"You have ambition, but if you fight against the Navy Headquarters, you will die at sea sooner or later."

"Die and die, it's a big deal that twenty years from now, it's a good life."

After Sakazuki finished speaking, he jumped directly onto the body of the sea king.

"Let's go!"

With a soft snort, the sea kings nodded and swam into the distance.

Zefa didn't make a move to interfere with Sakazuki's departure.

In this way, Sakatsuki's figure is getting farther and farther away.

A rear admiral walked up to Zefa and said, "Teacher, why don't you stop him and catch him?" "

"I won't catch him unless I have to, besides, I have to have the strength to catch him, the young man in front of me, but it's hidden! It's hard to say if you win or lose. "

"He's so good?"

When the rear admiral heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked into the distance with fear.


On the other hand.

Above the magnificent sea.

Vice-Admiral Sakasky and Peach Rabbit were standing on the deck, talking.

"Hey, Peach Rabbit, are you in the same league as that kid? How come I haven't been punished yet? "

Sakasky said jokingly.

"What nonsense, how can I be in the same league as that brute, you haven't been punished, I'm also confused!"

Peach Rabbit looked at Sakasky squarely, his brow furrowed.

That's not right!

Totally unreasonable.

Sakasky was also hit and moved, but why was he not punished?

For a while, Peach Rabbit couldn't figure out what was going on.

Sakasky was also unusually apprehensive.

He's been flipping through the newspapers for the past few days.

The newspapers were almost torn by him.

The more I look at it, the more scared I become.

Akainu has been living in total fear lately.

I was worried all day long, for fear of being punished by even more disgusting people.

But the punishment has not yet come.

A few days ago, after Sakazuki used his ability, he did move.

It must have touched the punishment mechanism, but why it hasn't been punished yet, makes Akainu puzzled.

Especially after seeing the fate of the tea dolphin, Gumir, weasel, and yellow ape, the whole person of Akainu panicked.

"Could it be that this little ghost's ability has failed?"

Coldly, Sakasky looked up at Peach Rabbit and said.

"Invalid? How can it be! As long as you are pointed at by this little devil with a pistol, you will be punished if you move, and no one can avoid it! "

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, don't be alarmist here, I'm not panicking at all now."

Sakasky swallowed, getting nervous.

"Am I alarmist? Lieutenant General Akainu, do you think I look like an alarmist? "

Peach Rabbit pointed to himself and said.

"It's not!"

Sakasky spoke, and then said: "If I do something out of the ordinary for a while, please suppress me directly, don't worry, I am ready to handcuff Hailou stone, please beat me as much as you like, as long as you can stop the punishment, my red dog will definitely not hold a grudge!" "

Sakasky took out the thick Hailou stone handcuffs from behind and threw them in front of Peach Rabbit's eyes.

Witnessing the handcuffs of Hailou Stone on the deck, the corners of Peach Rabbit's eyes twitched slightly.

This Sakasky is quite well prepared!


It's the first time I've encountered a red dog like this.

Peach Rabbit nodded happily and said with a meaningful smile: "Don't worry, Lieutenant General Sakasky, I will definitely help you." "

Seeing the smile of the peach rabbit with a knife hidden in the smile, Sakasky's scalp tingled a little.

"It's best to help, ahem, a few days ago, I was against you, it was me Sakasky who didn't do it right, please don't be weird!"

Sakasky said good things for the first time.

Even when he met the marshal, Sakasky was a stinky face who loved anyone.

Now, he whispered good things to Peach Rabbit.

No way, Sakasky is too afraid of unknown punishment.

"You think I'm like you, I'm very generous!"

"It's for the best."

Sakasky sneered, and then turned his gaze to the colonel to the side.

"You have been with me for so long, the old man has never treated you badly, if I have a bad time in a while, I will directly call the brothers to come up!"

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General Akainu, we won't let you down!"


Seeing the colonel's confident smile, Akainu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, why don't you let me wear the handcuffs of the Shanghai Mansion Stone now?"

Sakasky suddenly became worried again, he was a magma fruit capable person, and he had the strength of a lieutenant general.

These people in front of you, can you handle him?

"Good! Just in case, that's not bad either! "

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit nodded, handcuffing Hailou Shi to Sakasky's arm.

"Whew! It's so much more reassuring. "

Sakasky nodded, not as apprehensive as he had just been.

"Vice Admiral, you've arrived at the Navy Headquarters!"

A Navy officer ran up to report.

"Okay, let's go ashore first."

Sakasky greeted.


The Navy nodded, and directly let those navies disembark and land.


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