One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 423 The well-deserved king of topics

Ivan hurried over. Boss Charlotte asked him to come over very suddenly. Although he was confused, it must be something important.

He naturally did not delay at all.

"Boss, I'm here."

Facing Ivan who spoke, Charlotte crossed his hands and leaned on the table.

"Ivan, I have a new plan. You will be fully responsible for it later."

Hearing this, Ivan suddenly became very alert. Boss Charlotte's plan was amazing.

It can be said that it would be better if he didn't mention it. Once he mentioned it, it was definitely not a trivial matter. He naturally had to do his best to do a good job.

"Ivan, I plan to recruit soldiers worldwide in the name of the Heberfil family!"

Charlotte's tone was calm and slow, but it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue in other people's ears. Ivan only felt his ears buzzing.

Such an action is amazing!

"Charlotte, this... will it cause a backlash from the world government."

Lina said with some concern after hearing this. This move has to be said to be crazy.

No pirate group in history has done this before. It can be said that it has set a precedent.

Once the news spreads, it will surely cause an uproar in the world.

Charlotte sneered.

The Five Elders, they don't care about these.

Those guys who are used to being high and mighty and arbitrarily deciding other people's lives and deaths, treat the navy soldiers and CP members who risk their lives for them as ants.

They have never regarded those ordinary people as people, but just tools to rule the world.

Apart from the interests of the Celestial Dragons, they don't care about the lives of others.

If the Heberfil family does this, it will only make the World Government angry and put pressure on the Navy Headquarters to check and balance the Heberfil family.

It is impossible for the World Government to end, so it is even more impossible to trigger a full-scale war.

The idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the rule of various countries is just a trouble in the eyes of the World Government. The mysterious and powerful group of Celestial Dragons has never left the Holy Land to take action.

So what they are facing is just a navy that cannot go all out, so there is nothing to be afraid of?

"It doesn't matter, just do it! Pass the message on."

Charlotte said lightly.

Lina didn't say much after hearing this. The decision on such a big thing was naturally made by the head of the Heberfil family.

Ivan, who was shocked, quickly calmed down. He secretly cursed himself for his loss of composure.

This was the plan of the boss Charlotte. How could he not be shocked?

And he was quite excited now. The Heberfil family was finally going to start preparing. This was an invisible declaration of war!

As the butler of the Heberfil family, Ivan had no choice but to do it.

In order to completely realize the plan of the ideal hometown, he would not hesitate to burn his life for it.

Ivan, who had completely reacted, quickly agreed.

Looking at Ivan leaving, Charlotte was relieved. Ivan was a very reliable guy!

The weather was clear and cloudless. On an island, the newspaper gulls flew over the sky and countless newspapers fell down as if they were free.

For a while, it attracted the attention of the residents of the island.

The residents rushed to pick it up. You know, there are very few free newspapers distributed on such a large scale. Something must have happened.

A man just opened the newspaper and couldn't help shaking.

[Shock! Shock! Shock! The Heberfil family is recruiting soldiers from all over the world, and no one is rejected...]

The news spread across the sea, and countless people exclaimed in various ways.

The Heberfil family is the well-deserved king of topics in these years.

Every major event makes people's scalps numb, which is completely a legendary symbol of this era.

The influence of such a big move can be imagined.

"Damn it, what is that family going to do? Is it declaring war?"

"Why don't you be more quiet! Can the sea be better?"

"Navy, what about the navy? Why don't you stop it!!!"


This is the voice of countless civilians. This terrifying family that is as famous as thunder is like a mountain that is looked up to and oppresses people.

On the unknown island, there is a violent roar.

"Hahaha! Heberfil family, here I come, navy, world government, you wait for me!!!"

There are many such people, and the evils committed by the world government are countless!

Of course, the pirate groups on all sides even called out the madness of the Heberfil family.

Such an action is really the first in history. It is really crazy to recruit from the whole world.

The reason why no pirate group did this is because it requires a huge amount of financial support.

This huge amount of money is not just for one year but every year.

Almost most pirate groups rely on plundering for a living and are simply unable to support such an action, just take the Rocks Pirates of the year as an example.

They only select the strong ones to join and eliminate the weak ones, and the end of elimination is naturally death.

This approach can naturally select elites and reduce financial consumption.

The reason why the navy can easily recruit soldiers worldwide is naturally supported by the strong financial resources of the world government.

Now the Heberfil family also does this, which is actually the same as the role of the navy's world recruitment.

The reason why the Heberfil family can do this is naturally because they have an astonishing amount of wealth themselves, and have a unique family industry that can provide continuous funds.

This is something that other pirate groups cannot learn at all.

Navy Headquarters, Marinevando!

Cyborg Kong's expression was as gloomy as a dense dark cloud.

Such a move by the Hiberfield family also exceeded his imagination.

"Damn the Hiberfield family!"

Cyborg Sora's cold face finally began to break through his defenses.

Ever since the Sieberfeller family's battle at Advor, every major event has deeply stimulated the navy's tense nerves.

The family that had once escaped his attention was now becoming more and more rampant and terrifying.

"Send the order and inform Warring States, Garp, He and others to hold a meeting in the conference room."

"Yes! Marshal."

The messenger on the side straightened his body and saluted, then hurriedly went to inform.

As soon as Cyborg Kong gave the order, the phone in the office started ringing.

No need to guess, he knew it was Lord Wulaoxing calling.

Cyborg Sora answered the call, and Saint Maz on the other side spoke coldly and began to exert strong pressure on the navy.

After a while, Cyborg Kong hung up the phone.

The highest authority of the World Government, the Five Old Stars, personally called regarding one matter, which is enough to illustrate the attitude of the World Government.

Navy meeting room!

Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Kuzan and others are all there.


Garp was eating his scallop cake as carelessly as ever, as if he was not aware of the strange atmosphere at all.

"Garp, you still need to eat at this time!"

Sengoku couldn't help but remind Garp of this troublesome guy.

Garp smiled and showed his white teeth, and said nonchalantly, "You should eat some too!"

Warring States' head was full of black lines and he said: "Do you know how much harm the Hiberfield family's actions will cause?"

Facing Sengoku's words, Garp's eyes moved slightly and he paused for a moment.

"Things have happened, and people have to fill their stomachs before they have the strength to fight!"

Then he continued to eat.

"Bastard Garp!"

Cyborg Kong was immediately furious when he saw this scene as soon as he came in. He really hated this man who was the most powerful fighter in the navy.

If this guy had made more progress, he would have become a general long ago.

Under the stern scolding and gaze of Marshal Kong, Garp put down his beloved scallop pancake in embarrassment.

Cyborg Sora also officially started a secret high-level meeting of the Navy.

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