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Chapter 100 Keya arrives, a wonderful misunderstanding

Night falls.

Even Malinfando fell into unprecedented silence.

Roja put the girl in Stella's clothes.

There is no other way, and only Stella’s clothes suit her better.

Perona's clothes were a bit too small in comparison.

This made Perona feel very sad. She returned to her room and never came out.

Moonlight shines in the room through the window.

Luo Ya hugged the girl in front of him and said to the girl: From today on, how about you be called Luo Lan?

The girl nodded and said softly: Okay dad, from today on, my name will be Luo Lan.

After hearing Luo Lan's reply, Luo Ya touched Luo Lan's green hair.

I don't know if it was because of the fruit, but Luo Lan's hair completely turned blue after awakening from the fruit.

However, even this does not affect Luo Lan's appearance at all.

Moreover, in this short period of time.

Luo Ya found that Luo Lan's learning ability was not very strong.

Just by listening to conversations and various daily things, you can draw inferences.

Then learn quickly.

This simply made Luo Ya feel that Luo Lan was not a genius at all.

And, most importantly, Luo Ya found that Luo Lan's physical fitness was extremely exaggerated.

Perhaps after growing up, her physical strength increased exponentially. Her body's toughness was also very strong, and her recovery speed was unprecedented.

In comparison, the Vinsmoke family has obtained those bloodline factors.

It can be said that Luo Lan completely destroyed them at least a thousand times!

Chatted with Luo Lan all night.

During this night, Roja continued to teach everything about this world.

It established three views for Luo Lan.

Then, early the next morning, Roja walked towards Sengoku's office.

Walking in Marineland, everyone who saw Roja gave a respectful military salute to Roja, and then said to Roja: General White Pigeon!

Now, in the entire Marineland, Roja is the only popular general.

Coupled with the scientific troops obtained this time, Roja's right to speak over Malinfando can be said to be getting more and more important.

Faintly, there is an illusion of a fourth major faction.

However, Roja did not accept the allegiance of a large number of people.

Rather, it maintains elite-dominated thinking.

After all, in this world, the winner takes all.

In front of a powerful person, no matter how many cannon fodder you have, it is of no use.

Just arrived at Sengoku's office.

Warring States waved to Roja.

Bai Ge, you came just in time, I was just looking for you.

Looking for me? Marshal, let me explain first that I am here to ask for leave.

Warring States was stunned for a moment. According to his understanding, this was a good opportunity for Roja to stabilize his faction.

Why did you come here to apply for leave?

“How long do you plan to apply for?”

Sengoku asked Roja.

Not much, just four months.

Four months.

It is exactly equivalent to the shift period of a general.

Four months?! What are you planning to do?!

Warring States subconsciously asked Roja.

In addition to catching pirates, I just want to exercise the strength of my men.

Roja didn't hide anything and said directly to Warring States.

Warring States thought for a moment, and then without any hesitation, agreed to come to Luo Ya's vacation.

Then he said to Luo Ya: Luo Ya, there is someone looking for you, and he is waiting for you in He's office.

Someone is looking for me?

Roja didn't react for a moment.

But it doesn’t matter, just drop by and take a look when the time comes.

After getting the approval for the holiday from the Warring States Period.

Luo Ya went directly downstairs and came to Lieutenant General He's office.

As soon as he walked into the office, Luo Ya saw a beautiful figure rushing towards him.

A very familiar face caught Roja's eyes.

Keya, why did you come here by yourself?

Roja was a little surprised. Didn't she say that if she contacted him, he would send someone to pick her up?

Of course I want to give you a surprise~

Keya smiled and looked at Roja.

However, when she smiled, Keya's eyes turned red.

Faintly, you can see tears welling up in your eyes.

It's great, I finally see you, Roya.

Keya hugged Luo Ya tightly, which showed how deeply she missed Luo Ya during this period.

Lieutenant General He saw Keya and shook his head, Since you two know each other, go out and have a good chat. Don't show off your affection in the office of an old man like me, okay?

Lieutenant General He looked at Roja.

Because of Taotu's betrayal, it can be said that she doesn't like Roja very much.

Although Lieutenant General He said so, Luo Ya still had to do the etiquette.

After thanking Lieutenant General He, Roja took Keya and walked towards his room.

Along the way.

Those navy soldiers all looked at Roja and Keya.

His eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

General Bai Ge, you are too powerful!

Yes, yes, there are really too many beauties around me.

It would be great if I could also have a beauty of this level.

As for you, it's better not to be a toad and want to eat swan meat! Wait until you reach the level of White Pigeon General!

He ignored the gossip of the soldiers around him.

Luo Ya said to Keya: Keya, you came at the right time this time. I am just about to lead the team out for training. I will teach you about medical skills when we set off.

Keya nodded vigorously, her eyes full of expectation.

Well, it doesn't matter. As long as I can stay by your side, it won't be a problem to teach me anytime.

We arrived at Roja, where the general lived.

As soon as he opened the door, Luo Lan rushed towards Luo Ya.

Dad, welcome back.

In Luo Ya's arms, Luo Lan raised her delicate and pretty face like a swan and said softly to Ro Ya.

However, Keya turned to stone on the spot after hearing Luo Lan's words.

The whole person froze there.

At this time, Perona also walked out of the room holding an umbrella.

He said to Roja: When should we set off?

Seeing the scene in front of her, Keya pointed at Luo Lan, then pointed at Perona, and said to Roya: Roya, do you already have a child with her?

Keya only felt a little dizzy.

Her pretty face was rosy and hot as never before.

It looks like you have a fever.

Roja obviously knew what was thinking in Keya's mind.

You are overthinking these things. I will explain them to you after we get to the warship.

Perona's face was rosy at this time. She nodded subconsciously and explained to Keya: You misunderstood. The captain and I don't have the kind of relationship you imagine.

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