“Didn’t expect two outsiders to come to the island!”

After the robot appeared, Nana had a red light mechanical electronic eye, I found Chen Qiang and Lin on one side, and a somewhat old and surprised voice came from the machine.

“Hello! I don’t know if you can tell us what exactly is this place?”

Seeing a voice coming from the robot, Chen Qiang politely greeted him. Then he asked the other person where it was.

“This is my laboratory! But I moved the laboratory to the Calm Belt, why is there someone breaking into here?”

“We also accidentally moved The ship reached the Calm Belt and met the huge eagle that brought us here!”


When he heard the other party’s doubts, Chen Qiang pointed aside The eagle entangled by many tree roots was what Chen Qiang saw after turning on his blood pupil.

The eagle, after landing on the island, the surrounding petals turned into a sharp knife, quickly killing it, and the surrounding tree roots quickly surrounded it Up.

It was also in this situation that Chen Qiang led Lin quickly out of the woods and came to this seemingly safe flat on platform.

“Okay! Now that you are here, just wait here! When I take care of my food, I will take you down!”

The robot flashes its electronic eyes, After carefully looking at the expressions of Chen Qiang and Lin, it seemed that they had confirmed that they had not at all lied before there was another voice before the body within the body said.

“Thank you for your excellency, then!” Chen Qiang thanked him again.

“Waiting here!”

After leaving this sentence, the robot began to deal with the huge eagle, and did not see how the robot operates, the troublesome The vines on the eagle turned into a long knife. With a hard effort, the huge eagle turned into pieces of cut meat.

Then the robot opened a small window from his stomach, took out a small, like a Rubik’s Cube, and threw it on top of the cut meat.


A burst of smoke appeared, a huge iron box absorbed the meat pieces inside, and then several jets appeared under the iron box , Flew to the side of the robot.


Although Chen Qiang knew that there are various black technologies in One Piece World when he watched anime before, but in addition to that which has been transformed No one else saw the lost bear, but Chen Qiang opened his eyes this time.

Just a short while ago, the technology demonstrated may not even compare to the world of Chen Qiang’s previous life. This really shocked Chen Qiang.

“Come with me!”

Just when Chen Qiang and Lin were shocked, the robot didn’t know when, it had already come to them and beckoned to them. He beckoned, and brought the two of them up to the flat on platform, but at this time the robot’s voice was no longer that, but it became an obviously mechanically synthesized voice.

As the platform slowly descended, the situation inside the island also appeared in front of Chen Qiang and Lin. The first thing I saw was the glass pipes with a kind of green. The liquid is transporting here, and the surrounding walls are full of metal, and all kinds of lights are on it, which is very bright.

Chen Qiang is fortunate. After all, I have seen some sci-fi movies in my previous life, and I still have some resistance to these technologically-sense things.

But Lin, as a person who has never left the island where she lived through childhood, has never seen such a situation. If it weren’t for Chen Qiang holding her hand, she might have been caught by the science fiction in front of her. Feeling, shocked to stand still.

“You come with me, Master let me take you there!”

The robots just before took Chen Qiang and they walked along the aisle not long after they came in. When time came to a fork in the road, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy appeared in front of Chen Qiang, first nodded to the robot, let it go to its own affairs, and then spoke to Chen Qiang.

This young man who appeared suddenly is very strange. There is a shining moment on his head. It is half mechanical and half flesh and blood. It has been going down from the top of the head until the neck is covered by clothes. So far, it has been the same, as if his whole person is composed of half flesh and blood and half machinery.

“Are you?” Chen Qiang looked at the person in front of him curiously, and asked him curiously.

“Bo Harlan Parker! This is my name!”

“Hello! Parker, my name is Chen Qiang, this is my partner Lin!”

“Please come with me! Master is already waiting for you!”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s introduction, Parker smiled and nodded to them, then turned around and did it With a gesture of please, after Chen Qiang nodded his head in agreement, he began to lead the way, and continued to lead Chen Qiang in the aisle, walking in one direction.

After walking in the aisle for about ten minutes and almost fainting Chen Qiang, the boy named Parker stopped outside a room.

“Button button!”

“Master, I brought it here!”

The mechanical arm knocked on the steel door , At the same time Parker said inwardly.

“Come in!”

The voice heard from the robot once again sounded inside the door, and at the same time the iron door automatically slid to the side, revealing the situation in the room .

I saw that the furnishings in the room are very simple. It looks like a simple living room. There is a coffee table in the center of the room and a few sofas next to it. On the wall opposite to the sofa, there is a wall made by projection Den Den. What Mushi showed, the situation on the island.

The previous sound came from above the sofa, but from the doorway at this time, only the back of the sofa can be seen, not the other side of the sofa.

“Guests please!”

Inviting Chen Qiang this time, Parker entered the room first, and came to the place where the sofa was, facing the person on the sofa After gave a salute, stood aside.

Since they are all here, Chen Qiang has nothing to fear, after all, boldness of execution stems from superb skill, after Parker entered, Chen Qiang also took Lin’s little hand and entered the room. And turned the back of the sofa, came to the front, and saw the person sitting on the sofa.

The people sitting on the sofa are very short, about one meter tall, so they didn’t see each other at the door before.

Leave aside the other person’s height, just look at the face, the gray beard on the face, the bare head, plus the gold wire glasses on the bridge of the nose, are already wearing a somewhat dirty lab coat, look. You can know at a glance that the other party is doing scientific research.

“brat Chen Qiang, I have seen Old Mister!”

After seeing each other, Chen Qiang first respectfully cup one fist in the other hand gave a salute, after all, polite to this thing No matter what world it is, it is actually very useful, at least it can give a polite image to a person who meets for the first time, no matter if the other party has seen such etiquette or not.

“Undead Chen Qiang, I know! I am Mor Harry! Sit down first, let’s talk slowly!”

Seeing Chen Qiang’s polite salute, The old man nodded, after introducing himself, pointed to the sofa next to him and said.

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