“don’t say this, I just said this, even if I don’t agree, I will help you save people, but when the time comes, you send me a ship that can The ship sailing on the sea is just fine.”

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Qiang shook his head before continuing.

“I will definitely help save people. As for the matter about whether you can get on the boat, I think you should think about it and tell me! Remember what I want is your own will, and It’s not because I helped you, but out of gratitude to agree to it!”

After saying this, Chen Qiang looked towards Harry this time, and then said: “I don’t know Harry Old Mister, is there anything to eat here? I happen to be hungry!”

“Of course it’s okay, I still have something to eat here!”

When I heard Chen Qiang’s words, so did Harry After taking a look at Parker, he said with a smile, and after patting twice with his hands, a robot that was exactly the same as the one I had seen before appeared outside the room.

“You follow it to the restaurant first. The food is already prepared there. I have a few more words to tell Parker. I will go there after speaking!”

Wait for the robot After appearing, Harry also stood up from the sofa, and then said politely to Chen Qiang and the two of them laughed.

I heard Harry say this, Chen Qiang was also nodded, and took Lin to leave the room, and then followed the robot outside to the restaurant.

After Chen Qiang and Lin left here, the room became quiet again.

“Master, I…”

It was Parker who couldn’t help but looked towards his Master with a tangled face. Harry, what I want to say, just When it came to my lips, I couldn’t speak.

“Okay! I know, you really want to go with him, right? To be honest, if it weren’t for my old age, maybe I would follow him too.”


“The person who can say to overthrow this decadent world and regenerate the world in the ruins is not simple at first, and I am also longing for the world in his mouth, Master.”

“If there really is such a world, it would be great, so that your original happy life will not be destroyed by those slave dealers, your elder sister will not be caught, and you don’t have to change Now he looks like a cyborg and a cyborg.”

Here, Harry sighed, sat back on the sofa, and then looked at the screen. Chen Qiang, who was speaking to all the slaves, was slightly fascinated. , While whispering in his mouth.

“Remember that a year ago, I found you dying on a small island and brought you back here. After you woke up, how did you cry in despair?”

“I can’t forget it anyway. At that time, your eyes were filled with despair of this World. I think I might never forget the look in your eyes.”

“And you see me Immediately, dragging the wounds all over his body, kneeling down towards me, let me save your elder sister, even if you give up all you have.”

“But unfortunately I’m just an old man who can do some research. It’s just a man. It’s also because of the persecution of the world government-government that I am forced to hide here. Simply don’t have the ability to help you.”

“Fortunately, you are a smart person and willing to learn. It took a year to learn all of my knowledge, and the blue is better than the blue. Many things on the island have changed a lot under your transformation.”

“And from those you transformed In terms of things, I can clearly feel that you have been thinking about rescuing your elder sister, such as those weapons on the island, and the monitor that can steal Den Den Mushi’s radio waves. In fact, they are all designed by you. Come out and check your elder sister’s movements at any time.”

“I know, if it wasn’t for me to stop, you would have saved your elder sister a long time ago, but you don’t know, those Marines, the strength How powerful is it, especially those of the Admiral level. Simply not something you can deal with with how powerful a weapon is!”

“But well now, I met someone with special abilities that can help You rescued your elder sister’s person, so I didn’t stop you, and even asked the other party for help.”

“I was thinking, waiting for the other party to rescue your elder sister. , You can settle down and live steadily with me on this isolated island, without thinking about the right and wrong outside.”

“Unfortunately, I want to cross. When Chen Qiang gave you an invitation, I knew I wanted to cross it. You are still young and you still have time to fight. In addition to the other party’s mouth, everyone is equal and a peaceful world. For those slave traffickers For you who destroyed your home, what a temptation is, I know all of this!”

Just like this, Harry kept talking, talking about what Parker did over the past year.


Hearing these words of Harry, Parker’s eyes were already filled with tears and some choked up.

“Listen to me! When I saw you hesitate, I knew your heart was moved, but I couldn’t worry about being an old man here, so I became hesitant.”

“But I can tell you now, if you want to go, then go! Master, I will not stop you, after all, the future of this World is yours. If you want to go, don’t hesitate and let go Go sit down, I also want to see if that equal, free and peaceful world really exists!”

“peng peng peng!”

After listening to Harry After speaking, Parker knelt directly on the ground and knocked his head three times towards Harry. The metal forehead hit the metal bottom plate, making a sound of peng~ peng~ peng~.

“Okay! Let’s go there too! I believe the other party is also waiting for your answer!”

He lifted up Parker who was kneeling on the ground, and Harry touched the other party’s steel office His forehead was sighed with emotion, and then he turned his back and walked towards the door.


On the other side, Chen Qiang and Lin, who are following the robot, shuttle through various aisles.

“Chen Qiang!”

Suddenly Lin called out, obviously there was something to ask.

“You are my partner, don’t call me Chen Qiang, you can call me Brother Qiang or Hadron, so I don’t look so virtuous!”

I was called out suddenly, Chen Qiang turned his head to look at the 16-year-old Lori girl he was holding in his hand, and corrected the other person.

“Huh? Does calling your name really look like this?”

“Of course!”

“Well then! I’ll call you from now on Brother Qiang is now, so it should be no more!”

“en! Tell me, what do you call me?”

I heard Lin call herself Brother Qiang, Chen Qiang is satisfied Nodded, and then asked Lin with a smile.

“Oh yes, I almost forgot to be interrupted by you like this. I want to ask why you want to take that Parker as our partner?”

Heard Chen Qiang’s reminder Lin gave Chen Qiang a blank look with her big cute eyes, and then asked Chen Qiang about the previous thing again.

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