One Piece Holy Land, Mary Joya.

News poured in here like a river into the sea. With more than 170 member countries, the World Government is the largest international organization in the world.

In addition to the naval power as a force, the most controlled organ of the world government is (CP0-CP9), which is responsible for collecting various kinds of intelligence.

In the absence of postmodern communication equipment, most of the information is still transmitted through manpower and carrier pigeons who send letters, of course… And the phone bug.

Especially in the new pirate world after the execution of Roger Goer, it is even more turbulent, and there are pirates full of blood everywhere who embark on a great voyage for that big secret treasure, but of course those small ordinary news will not come here.

The only thing that can appear here is big moves that may affect the balance of the world!

Just like now.

On the table of the five old stars, which represents the highest power in the world, there is a thin stack of materials, which record the major events that occurred in the world during this time.

And at the very top of this material, a picture of an imposing giant is drawn, with a black hair shawl, a pair of horns, and a tattoo of scales on his left arm.

It is one of the four emperors who left the world government helpless… Kaido!

The World Government’s intelligence is still very accurate, in fact, when Kaido intended to set out in the direction of the World Government a few days ago, all his information was closely monitored. But all they can do is monitor!

After all, the other party is the Four Emperors Kaido who makes the admirals feel tricky! In fact, the Navy headquarters has captured Kaido several times, but this monster, no matter what method they use, there is no way to kill ah! It’s as difficult as a piece of candy.

Therefore, as a way to deal with it, the Warring States can only bite the bullet and mobilize the hero Karp, after all, the only person who came was the Four Emperors Kaido himself. If all the other generals are sent, let alone each general has his own things that must be done.

And even if you win and catch Kaido, it’s useless, you can’t kill this guy! So just let Karp go, with him cooperating with a few other lieutenant generals, he can beat Kaido away.

In the conference hall of the five old stars.

“Are you sure there’s no problem?” A five-old star wearing a bath towel and holding a long sword said coldly.

“Hey! There will be absolutely no problem. Lieutenant General Karp with Lieutenant General Burning Mountain and others were already in front of the Holy Land Mary Joya, ready to snipe Kaido. An admiral kneeling on one knee said respectfully.

“There is also the matter of the Seven Wuhai.” Another white, curly-haired five-old star said.

“Klockdar seems to be hindered a lot in Alabastan, as a Qibu Sea, his strength needs to be considered, according to the intelligence, he should be about to reach the Holy Land in the past few days.”

“It’s time to investigate it well, if his strength is not enough, then his name of Qiwu Hai is…”

Saying that, the five old stars with long scars on their bodies pulled out a thin bounty order from a stack of materials.

On the bounty order, a tall and thin figure holding two knives is drawn.

“Pirates, they are all reckless guys, they definitely can’t let them go on like this, let them grow up, who knows if they will become the next four emperors.”

“Let’s say this guy… Sin Pirate Nova Star, Young Pioneer. ”

The palm of the five old stars lightly clasped on the bounty order, the seemingly powerless movement.

It’s the judgment!


Chambordi Islands (aka Soap Bubble Islands).

Located in front of the Red Earth Continent in the middle of the Great Route. The island is made up of large trees, and the ground is the root of the tree, from which bubbles rise. Here there is the second road to the second half of the Great Voyage.

It is also the closest of these islands to the Holy Land, from which you can see the red earth continent that divides the great shipping route, and its vast length and cliff-like mountain height are daunting.

The Chambord Islands are also called Bubble Island, on this island, there are bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles… Bubble culture permeates every part of Chambordi Island!

Each tree in the vicinity represents a different town and facility, and the area that has recently become more popular is the trees of the archipelago number 1-29, which means … Outlawzone!

At this time, several fleets have arrived in the illegal area of the Chambord Islands one after another, and on the pirate ship, Klockdar gently provoked his cloak with a golden hook, and he still had a cigar in his mouth, and the pirates in the illegal zone suddenly changed their faces when they saw this suddenly visiting Qiwu Sea!

What kind of wind made Qi Wuhai come here?

Klockdar ignored the gazes of the people around him, just swept his gaze coldly with disdain, and those pirates automatically gave way.

As he walked, he looked down and thought in annoyance.

“Young Pioneer, I think he is simply a guy who can only brag, he did not come to the Holy Land at all.”

Last time, Lin Hai released a bold statement in front of Lao Sha.

“Haha, old Sha, if you really crave power, come to the Holy Land Mary Joa to find me! Do you want to defeat Whitebeard? I can help you make it happen! ”

Outcome…… There was no figure at all, could it be that he was just teasing himself? The more he thought about it, the more upset he became, and he had just received a call from Sengoku not long ago, and seemed to be quite critical of what he had done in Alabasta Tower.

It’s another headache, forget it, or wait two more days to see.


Chambord Islands No. 22, where the Navy is stationed.

The Navy’s specially established capture of Young Pioneers, Tina and Colonel Smogg, the second team, have also arrived in the Chambord Islands.

In order to capture the Young Pioneers, Tina did not even return to the headquarters of the navy, nor did she report to the Warring States, preparing to kill directly to the Holy Land!

Because she knew that if she told the Warring States the news, the other party would definitely send others to capture the Young Pioneers.

But, the Young Pioneers must die! And must die at the hands of her Tina.

Looking at Tina, who was inexplicably angry, Smog wondered, “Tina, what did that Young Pioneer do to make you so angry.” ”

Tina: (╬ ̄—dish – ̄)

What was done?

He did everything he should not do, except for the sleeping old lady!

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