When the surrounding captains saw this scene, their scalps were numb!

They originally thought that after Luo Ya ate the Devil Fruit, he would become a violent giant ape who lost his mind, but now, this giant ape is obviously preparing to charge a blow!

On the other hand, the white beard in the sky, his face was expressionless, and he was full of calm and imposing momentum.

Whitebeard’s gaze moved away from Roya’s body, sweeping the ruins of the surrounding town, his brows gradually furrowed.

This is his hometown, the Sphinx.

For many years, he has secretly guarded this place, and secretly transported supplies and treasures to this island, intending to live on this secluded island after abdicating in the future.

But now, there is such an unstable as Roya, who has almost destroyed the town.

Killing thoughts gradually rose in Whitebeard’s heart.

Although the whitebeard in the original book loves to take sons, regardless of race and class.

However, Whitebeard was not stupid enough to accept a crazy four-emperor-level violent ape as his son.

If this is not well controlled, the original delicate balance situation on the sea is likely to be disrupted!

Therefore, for the peace of his hometown and the peace of the sea, Whitebeard can only choose to kill this violent ape.

“Step! Trample! ”

In the next moment, I saw Whitebeard cutting Cong Yun behind him, stepping on the air with both feet, and making a low air popping sound with each step.

Whitebeard’s whole person shot lightning and killed the Roa giant ape in the ruins of the town ahead.


Tyrannosaurus Roya has also finished charging his mouth cannon.

Strong arms covered in black hair raised above his head in the shape of wild bull horns.




The beast mouth full of light source energy was like the laser main cannon of a space battleship, shooting out thick silver-white light waves to tear through the black night.

Many captains who saw this scene, as well as the crew scattered throughout the town, as well as the residents who had taken refuge in the mountains and forests, were shocked by this scene.

At the same time, somewhere high in the mountains on the edge of town.

A large crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates is assisting with the evacuation of residents.

Blackbearded Tichy, who was mixed in the crowd, saw the giant ape in the town firing a large number of rapid energy cannons at Whitebeard from a distance on the top of the mountain, which frightened him with snot bubbles flowing out.

They knew the power of this energy cannon.

Every shot has the power of a mountain explosion.

Now, in one breath, the sky is shining with silver light!

“This power… I don’t know how many times the demon slaughter order far exceeds the navy! Tichy’s heart shook.

Suddenly, no one noticed him.

He took out a miniature video phone worm from his arms and secretly filmed it.

In the picture, I saw the whitebeard with a light posture, closely dodging the silver-white beam energy waves, like a flying swallow in the clouds.

The violent ape Luo Ya does not have much combat experience, and only knows how to frantically vent his surging energy like the sea.

Therefore, when he saw that his attack was completely dodged by Whitebeard, he was even more furious!

The rate of fire of mouth shelling climbed again.

Blasts the darkness of the night into daylight.

When Whitebeard burst into a distance of only 100 meters from the great ape.

He cut out the cong Yunche behind him.

The Shock Fruit ability was quietly activated.

A milky white wave of qi appeared on the broad blade of the cloud cut.

I saw Whitebeard cut out with a volley.

In an instant, the atmosphere cracked like a mirror of a giant silver net.

Those ejected shock waves were directly distorted, and the strange solidification continued to change viciously in the air.

Almost instantaneously.

“Buzz !!!”

The atmosphere trembled, and the terrifying sounds and vibrations of the ground towns and surrounding mountains were emitting earthquake-like loud sounds.

Since Whitebeard’s blow was an air bombardment.

A powerful and violent air-seismic shock wave acted directly on the broad belly of the violent ape Roya.

I saw that the big belly that was swollen and covered with black hair was like slow motion, showing a concave appearance.

The energy gathered in Luo Ya’s mouth also quietly receded, and saliva splashed outward.

Next second.

The huge violent ape body exploded madly along the ground, extremely fast, like a bulldozer, plowing the ground into a shocking mark.

And throughout the town.

Crashed through several hills and a forest.

A large amount of soot and debris was blown up along the way.

If you watch this scene during the day, it is definitely even more shocking.

In the air, the white beard slowly descended, the white robe behind him grinned, and the resolute and cold face looked forward expressionlessly.

“The vitality has not weakened in the slightest, just like Kaido.” Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

Then, his eyes glanced at the sea beyond the island, and a plan arose in his heart.

He intends to draw Roa into the sea, taking advantage of the special relationship between the sea and those with Devil Fruit abilities to restrict Roya’s movements.

However, just when Whitebeard secretly planned in his heart.


A loud bang sounded at a certain edge of the island below.

And it was also accompanied by a powerful qigong cannon light column, shooting straight into the heavenly dome!

In an instant, the clouds and the entire island of Sphinx were like daylight.

It is like a black and white world that has lost its color.

“Roya, you really caused me a lot of problems.”

Whitebeard looked at the direction where the violent ape flew out, and muttered with a frown.

Immediately, Whitebeard stepped on the air with both feet and flew at high speed, rushing towards the direction where Luo Ya was.

Apparently intending to strike another blow and completely knock Roa into the sea.


The pillar of light gradually disappeared.

After venting a wave of anger, Tyrannosaurus Roya plans to fight with Whitebeard again!


“Bang !!!”

I saw him raise his arms high from a col that collapsed, collapsed the mountain, jumped his legs, and the col collapsed again.

And its huge ape body jumped hundreds of meters high.

His legs were half-shrunk, his arms were clenched into fists, and his folds and collapsed nose appeared as a tight wrinkle of excitement.

A thick ape tail below dances in the wind like a giant python.

Blood-red eyes scanned all directions, looking for Whitebeard.

And just when Tyrannosaurus Roya locked Whitebeard.

Luo Ya suddenly found that the white beard had suddenly approached, and he was still slashing at him with Cong Yunche, who had the shock ability attached to it.

Luo Ya, who had already suffered a loss, naturally would not give Whitebeard another chance to fly himself.

Immediately, he twisted his body in the air, and his long tail swept towards Whitebeard from left to right.


The roar of the sky is like the roar of ten thousand tigers.

Roughly estimated, the combat power of the Isaiah Violent Ape, this tail down, is enough to smash the thousand-meter level mountain!

However, seeing this, the whitebeard was calm, changed Cong Yunche’s grip, and calmly looked forward.

The crew members watching the battle on all sides of the island saw this scene.

I thought there would be a shocking confrontation.

Yet the next scene.

Everyone saw Cong Yun Cut, who had blessed the ability of the Shock Fruit, effortlessly cut off the tail of the violent ape.

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