"Star Wars," as a Star Wars fan, James is familiar with the fighter planes and spaceships in it. "The hangar inside is full of shuttles and a Millennium Falcon."

"Really?" Mike sat up from the bed and asked beside James.

"Why are you lying, why did you say you made this thing?"

"It is estimated that people have money, so let's make a new toy."

"It's also true that there is no aerodynamic thing in space, so anything can fly."

"You said that if we drove one, it would be a waste of time."

"Don't mention it, I don't know if it's just a toy or a shell that can't be opened."

"Hey, if it's really the Millennium Falcon, it can still jump in superspace."

"If I can go back, I will definitely change my career to make movies, and use these spaceships to make a movie that is better than Star Wars."

"James, are you sure you can do this? No problem?"

"The other James, truck drivers can become a big director, why can't I. Just shooting in full live scenes can make a wave of gimmicks."

"Yes, brother, give me a hand when the time comes."

At this time, the watches on their hands lit up, and they were about to faint when they saw it.

It turns out that there are a lot of credit points on the watch. They are the credit points earned by their mining and labor reform. They can be used to buy food and drink, and even exchange for some entertainment.

Originally, they had saved a lot, and they were going to change the TV back. Now that it's all cleared, it's time to go back to eating nutritious meals.

"FXXX," James scolded from Zhou Lei, and then caught up with Mr. Osborn. In short, he is going to use his physical strength to have a close relationship with the relatives of these big guys, regardless of gender.

But what can I do? James was also given a bracelet. The next time he runs around, it may not be as simple as clearing the credit points, and he may need a power supply.

Leaving aside for the time being, it is estimated that it will be at least half a year before these guys who were detained in space for labor camps are released.

As soon as Edward got ashore, he was dragged into a full-size Chevrolet SUV by a dozen men in black suits.

"Who are you?" Edward found that these people didn't look like Osborne's, otherwise he wouldn't treat himself with this attitude.

"Shut up, Edward Patrick, you have been arrested for endangering national security." A man sitting next to him took out a warrant and shook it in front of Edward.

"I want to see a lawyer, I want to see Mr. Osborne."

"You have to be clear, this is an order from the Department of Homeland Security, and Mr. Osborn can't protect himself now."

"It's over," Edward thought silently in his heart.

But he certainly wouldn't say that: "You are violating human rights. If you don't call me a lawyer, I won't say a word."

"Sorry, Mr. Edward, you are not in Citiland territory, and we don't need to abide by the laws of the country. I hope you will speak up for the convenience of all of us."

The convoy drove from the dock into the basement of a six-story building in the city.

This place belongs to a small country in the Pacific Ocean, mainly the overseas power of Citi, except that it does not fly the Stars and Stripes, it is actually no different from Citi.

The small building has the house number of a trading company, but in fact it is no different from an intelligence center.

Lots of big screens, lots of intelligence analysts, and several secret interrogation rooms.

Edward was tossed for several days, and he was nervous at the bottom of the sea, and he didn't sleep well.

Two men in their 40s came in from outside the interrogation room, with gun holsters under their armpits, looking fierce.

Sit down in the chair across from Edward and put a strong light on Edward in the face.

Edward blocked his hand and turned his head.

"Do you want a cigarette?" The man took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it on the table.

Edward shivered and stretched out his hand to take out one, and the man took the initiative to help him light it.

"Tell me, what's going on?"


"Our patience is very limited. The information we got is that except for you who ran out alone on that island, everyone else is missing."


"Yes, they all disappeared."

"What about the base?"

"It's in ruins. I think even if you return to the mainland, there may not be any good results. Many shareholders of Osborn are ready to kill you."

"Just to kill me for the loss of several hundred million?"

"Hehe, do you think those capitalists are very generous? They all care about a few dollars. Except for spending on themselves or women, it is no problem to spend a few million to settle the peach news. But you... create them. With a loss of several hundred million, I am afraid that you will not end well if you go back to China."

"Okay, you can ask." Edward's body suddenly went limp. Of course he knew the temperament of a person like Mr. Osborn, and he opened his mouth after taking a few puffs of cigarettes.

"We already know that this island is the overseas testing base of the Osborne Group. Is there anything else you need to add?"

"If those militants haven't discovered the secrets underground, you can go to the submarine cave and find a sign marked A-C. Behind this wall is our more classified research room."


any left? "

"No, most of the research is carried out locally. This research laboratory is some biochemical type, but it has not been activated yet, but everything has been moved over."

"How do I get in?"

"There's a password on that notebook of mine."

The man waved his hand outside the one-way glass, and someone pushed in the door and brought in a small notepad that Edward was carrying with him.

Edward took it, turned to the middle, pointed to a line of inconspicuous words inside, and said, "This is the password."

The man nodded and motioned to take the notebook away.

Edward poured out everything he knew, including how the data came from, how he researched it, and what the final verified device looked like.

The more the man listened, the more inconceivable it became. When did it start, Citi would rely on stealing other people's technology to develop itself.

But looking at Edward's appearance, he also began to believe.

After sending Edward to the cell, Edward fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Half an hour later, in the devastated ruins, rescuers found the wall buried under the stones of the ruins.

After pressing down on an inconspicuous stone, a digital panel pops up.

After entering the long string of numbers, the wall slowly slid to the left, revealing a passage inside.

As soon as a team of capable agents entered the passage, the lights inside came on.

Below is really a strange place, a huge cave was built with a steel frame to build a huge laboratory.

There are sealed biochemical laboratories and offices.

A large number of sealed boxes were piled together, most of which were not opened, which is also in line with Edward's description.

"Call the anti-epidemic personnel to come in and test first, there is no problem, take all the things away."


Osborn's last assets disappeared under the explosion of C4, and this batch of materials was also transported to a secret base in the homeland.

It can be regarded as a data sharing between Osborn and state agencies.

The Osborn Group was targeted by several violent organizations because of this matter. He spent a lot of money and sent out a lot of technology to get out.

So he hated Sanshi Technology even more. According to his white supremacy mentality, he was only allowed to bully others and not allow others to mess with him.

A cargo ship departing from the mainland is going to Egypt and is about to stop at the port of Karachi halfway.

It is equipped with a large amount of arms, which are basically the products of the Osborne Group imitating other factories. After reading through Sanshi's primary technical information, he no longer looked down on those silly, black and crude weapons. Smart and smart weapons are his main focus now.

More than 20 days later, the freighter docked at the port of Karachi.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the containers were unloaded in the stacking area. For a week, many trucks or vans came to load the goods, and the local customs almost blatantly released them.

AKM, RPG, a lot of ammunition, stingers, machine guns and other substances that have been modified by magic, at least it can be equipped with more than two regiments.

It's like an ant moving house. From Karachi to Peshawar, there are more than 1,500 kilometers of roads, and there are no obstacles along the way.

The convoy ran shorter and shorter, and finally arrived at the delivery point. At one point, 60% of the weapons and ammunition disappeared.

Mr. Osborne's family has a big business, and he also sucks Hanako. Where did he learn from this problem of leaving benefits.

In fact, in such war-torn areas, weapons and ammunition are more attractive than money.

Osborn did some calculations and found that it would be more cost-effective to use a transport plane to transport it by air, and even if it was to buy the toll, it would not be time-consuming and cost-intensive than it is now.

The training camp was as lively as Eid al-Fitr today. The shotguns were replaced, and the tattered firearms were thrown into the warehouse.

This outfit is not at all lost to the Citigroup puppet army in the country next door.

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