The group match ends.

Five members of William Lee’s team came out of the passage on the left.

The five members of Fang Yuan’s team came out of the passage on the right.

The two sides met at the entrance of the preparation hall, their eyes met, and there was sparks splattered.

William Lee saw that Fang Yuan team won the last group B, and a proud sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, saying: “Group B is really bad fish pond. Any team can fight to the end.”

Fang Yuan’s face was flat, and he responded: “Don’t worry, whoever came out of the rotten fish pond will see the difference in the afternoon.”

William Lee’s face was full of disdain. After scanning Fang Yuan, he showed a gentleman’s smile at Han Youwei and said: “Youwei, didn’t expect will meet in the afternoon finals. That’s good, we haven’t officially competed yet, this time it was a good one. “Our team will try our best to compete for the championship. You don’t need to have any concerns because of recognition. Just play seriously.” Han Youwei responded politely.

William Lee tugged at the corners of his mouth and said: “I will try my best. I’m afraid that the team you are in doesn’t even have the strength to make me serious.”

Han Youwei’s face was exposed. A trace of embarrassment, nothing more.

The two teams came to Wei Hailong.

“Instructor, the group match is over, what’s the next arrangement?”

Wei Hailong raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said, “It’s eleven o’clock, you have three hours During the break time, the actual combat assessment finals will start at two in the afternoon. Now you can freely move.”

As the team for the afternoon finals, there is a special lounge in the D3 preparation hall.

After the five members of Fang Yuan’s team had lunch, they went to the lounge to rest.

Han Youwei brought a box of energy drinks and distributed it to everyone.

When the Beef Meat Ball got the energy drink, his eyes widened: “Golden Dragon cans, this can can cost me a year’s snack money. Can I use the Golden Dragon cans to return ten bottles of dimethyl blue ?”

“I don’t have dimethyl blue, I only have this.” Han Youwei said, spreading his hands.

“Okay. It hurts every bite to drink.” Beef Meat Ball opened the Golden Dragon can and drank it dumbfounded, without a hint of distress.

“Eve, drink a can of energy drinks. Is your hypoglycemia better?” Han Youwei sat next to Eve and asked with concern.

Eve leaned on the bench, took the Golden Dragon can, and replied casually: “It’s okay, I’m used to it. It would be better if I could take a nap.”

“Then you Sleep on the bench for a while, when the time is up, we call you.” Han Youwei found a coat and covered her.

The other side.

Fang Yuan lay down at the table writing and drawing.

Han Youwei pulled the chair, sat down and asked: “What do you write?”

“Record the opponent’s information. See if there are any tactics to restrain them.” Fang Yuan recalled the attribute panel he saw just now while recording it.

“Have you thought of restraint tactics?”

“No, their team is really strong. They almost put together the strongest players in the first place. And, The ability can complement each other and there is no obvious weakness.”

Fang Yuan paused, and then analyzed: “More importantly, the flame is a great threat to us, and the finals in the afternoon are not easy to play.”


Han Youwei think about it, and take the initiative to ask: “If you find it difficult, I can take more pressure. You can raise my strength rating by one level, and I can take it.”

“What I am thinking about now is how to restrain William Lee’s flames. I have considered several options, but none of them are perfect.” Fang Yuan said thoughtfully.

“Tell me, let’s discuss it.” Han Youwei put a bottle of Golden Dragon energy drink in front of Fang Yuan.

The morning group match consumed a lot of Star Power.

There is only a three-hour break. You really need to drink energy drinks to restore 70% to 80% of Star Power before the afternoon finals.

Fang Yuan opened the Golden Dragon can, took a sip, and said, “As for restraining the flame, I thought of a plan before, which is to isolate oxygen. There is a classmate in Class 15 whose ability is to isolate oxygen. It can restrain the flame.”

The mechanism of flameability is actually to convert Star Power into a peculiar fuel and ignite it into flame.

Therefore, flame ability requires oxygen to be activated.

“This method is good, but if we cut off oxygen, our breathing will also be affected?” Han Youwei is not sure whether this ability will cause the user to suffocate.

“Yes, I have considered this too, so I think this method is not perfect.”

Fang Yuan then put forward a second plan: “apart from this, there is another The solution is high temperature resistance. This solution has no side effects. But it is only effective for me, and the effect of high temperature resistance is too single, and it does not improve combat effectiveness.”

Han Youwei get closer, at Fang Yuan He whispered in the ear: “Do you have the ability to copy others’ abilities?”

“Did you discover it?” Fang Yuan looked at her with a smile.

“Last time you used the’static control’, I have been thinking, how do you have’static control’, today I saw you use the’fog walker’ ability, your agility Sometimes there is a sudden increase, and there should be agile enhanced ability.”

Han Youwei said his guess: “In short, your ability has been changing. So, I think you should have a kind of ability. Copy the abilities of others.”

“Yes, I can indeed copy the abilities of others. That’s why I’m considering a plan to restrain the flames.” Fang Yuan admitted.

“In fact, the best way to restrain the flames is water.” Han Youwei shook the energy drink in his hand.

“Water can indeed restrain the flames, but my Star Power level is only Lv.1, and William Lee is Lv.2. It is difficult to win if I use Elemental System ability to fight against each other.”

Fang Yuan had considered Water Element ability before, but the Star Power level was suppressed. Using this Elemental System’s ability to fight against each other, the effect was not good.

Han Youwei thought for a while and asked: “Why don’t you try to copy my’Star Power Solidification’.”

“You can control the flame with this ability?” Fang Yuan doesn’t know much about the role of “Star Power Solidification”.

In fact, the “Star Power Solidification” ability is the genetic inheritance of the Han Youwei family.

The one third member of the family can awaken this ability.

Moreover, this ability has been developed to a very profound level.

The information about this ability is a secret of the Han Family, so it is difficult for outsiders to find the “Star Power Solidification” information.

“It’s not restraint.’Star Power Solidification’ can form a thin Star Power protective layer on the body surface, which can isolate the flame for a short time. As long as it is not trapped in the flame for a long time,’ Star Power Solidification’should be enough.’ Han Youwei explained.

“Then I will try to copy it.”

Fang Yuan extended the hand as he spoke, pulled her hand under the table, and tried to copy her ability.

When copying, it is obvious that there are two different abilities contained in the returned Star Power.

One of them is “static control”, and the other is naturally “Star Power Solidification”.

“Superpower Mimicry” can only copy one ability.

Fang Yuan chose “Star Power Solidification” to keep it, and then the Star Slot Characteristic item on the attribute panel became “Star Power Solidification (mimicry)”.

“Did the copy succeed?” Han Youwei was holding his hand, his ears were a little red, and he asked in a low voice.

Fang Yuan nodded.

She quickly withdrew her hand.

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