One Sword to Immortality

460、Don't be a traitor

Although the atmosphere was embarrassing, the girls were very sensible, and there was no passion for open and secret fighting. Xu Liao made an excuse and sent the four girls back home one by one. Move a tall building with more than 30 floors, jump up to the top of the building, and then sit on it and watch the scenery.

Xu Li almost never did this kind of behavior. Unless he was fighting or traveling, he almost never left the ground, and he never felt that looking down from a high place was special.

But today is different, Xu Liao really wants to be alone for a while.

From the top of the 30-storey building, you can see half of the northern city. As one of the few super metropolises in the world, the edges of the city are already blurred.

Xu looked far into the distance, but felt that he could not see the end of the city. As far as he could see, there were people and cars busying for life everywhere. Although it was eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the city was still noisy and full of Vitality and vitality.

In the field of vision of normal people, it is almost difficult to see taller buildings from a 30-story building, but in Xu Yue's field of vision, he can see something taller than the tallest building in Beidu City. The place.

The first thing he saw was the Haojitian Monument in Yunxi Palace. This thousand-meter huge monument stood alone, out of tune with the surrounding environment, and the desolate atmosphere from ancient times permeated the sky.

A little farther than Haoji Tianbei is Yalong Mountain, which is still brightly lit. The police department is a law enforcement department, and there will be people on duty at the office at any time to deal with and respond to various emergencies.

A little farther away, off the central axis of the city, there is a black building soaring into the sky, overlooking all human buildings with an arrogant attitude.

This building is called the Gate of Heavenly Capital!

This building is over 3,000 meters, it is impossible for human technology to build such a magnificent building. Although the Gate of Heavenly Capital looks like an ultra-modern building with a sci-fi architectural style, it is actually a virtual world, and it is also one of the eighteen dwelling places of monsters in Beidu City.

The Gate of Heavenly Capital occupies a larger area than Yaohuai Street, because each floor is relatively high, and the shortest floor is more than five meters. The tallest floors are even more than fifteen meters, so the number of floors is not an exaggeration, only 280 floors.

The bottom twenty floors of this super building is a business center. Shopping malls, government affairs centers, the 20th to 30th floors are all sky gardens, and there is no shortage of plants from frigid forests to tropical rainforests. There are even streams and waterfalls. The 30th floor and above are the residential area and the service area to support the residential area. In the service area, there are not only food, entertainment, cinemas, and playgrounds from all over the world. Even schools and hospitals.

And all kinds of facilities that cities should have are extremely complete.

The monsters living in Tianduzhimen don't have to leave the building from birth to school, to work, to marriage, to getting old, to death.

Because of the style of the Gate of Heavenly Capital, it is very troublesome for monsters living in other places to enter the Gate of Heavenly Capital. You must have a monster of the Gate of Heavenly Capital as a guarantee to apply for a door card.

A monster who lives in the gate of the capital of heaven. They often disdain to communicate with the outside world, and they are considered the most closed group of monsters in the northern city.

Because the gate of Tiandu is so closed, many high-ranking members of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association have residences in the gate of Tiandu. It is said that Lord Xu and Prince Jiejie, one of the original seven great demon commanders, also live in the gate of Tiandu.

Looking further away, since he became a monster, although he has been to many places, he has only been to Yaohuai Street and Luoyang Street among the 18 monster residences in the northern city, and the other 16 residences have been from No interest.

He originally wanted to be alone and let the wind blow. But after looking at it for a long time, I couldn't help but have an urge to explore something.

Although Xu Liao was moved in his heart, he didn't take any action. He continued to look at it for a while, then turned his head to look at the sky. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing in that sky. Even with the most advanced astronomical telescope, they can only see the stars that have been recorded long ago. .

I always have to go and have a look, even if it's not to get Xia Da, Xie Lin and Xiao An'an back, I still have to go and have a look to rest assured. If Tiger Leopard B can really activate the hourglass of time, I don't know how many thousands of years If the heaven of the ancient demon clan is pulled into the modern time and space, this world will inevitably collapse, and no one will be spared.

Xu Liao sighed, and cast the two-world streamer out of thin air, directly appearing in the office of the police department who left Yalongshan.

He first checked the duty schedule for tonight, and found that Mou Hu and Tibetan ape were on duty at Yalong Mountain, so he asked Mou Hu and Tibetan ape to come to the office through internal communication.

The two ancient stone demons quickly rushed to Xu Le's office. Although they were only on the first day of work, they had already adapted to the modern life. When they saw Xu, they were quite respectful and asked: Minister! You called us What's the matter here?

Xu Liao asked casually: Do you know Hu Bao Yi?

Mou Hu was stunned for a moment, and said: Of course I know, he is the chief executive of Haojitian, commanding one hundred and eight demon commanders, an extremely powerful faction, and also the most honorable subordinate of Emperor Fantian! This man's plan Deceitful, ferocious, and deeply trusted by Emperor Fantian, absolutely no monster would dare to offend him.

Xu Liao took a deep breath, and said: Now the chief executive of the Heavenly Court has also escaped from difficulties and established a new Heavenly Court. I want you to join Tiger and Leopard B and make some plans for the future. It's just that I don't want to Knowing what he wants to do, you must not disclose that you have served in the Wanyao Society, but only say that you escaped from the Longhua Society.

After all, Xu Li couldn't trust these two ancient stone demons, so he didn't say that they should go undercover, but put it in a more gentle way.

Mou Hu and Tibetan Ape didn't know much about the world today, and since they promised not to do anything dangerous, they naturally agreed.

Xu Li didn't tell them too much. After all, he couldn't be sure whether the two of them would reveal the secret, but said lightly: After all, you are from the ancient times. You are easy to win the trust of Tiger and Leopard B who just got out of trouble not long ago. If you are a stranger, I will send you a companion.

Xu Liao shook his hands casually, released the commander of Donghai Tabo, and said, Have you heard of this man?

Commander Donghai Tabo glanced at the two of them, shook his head and said, I don't know them, maybe they don't know me either!

But Mou Hu looked at him carefully, and said, Are you following the rebellion of the nine-headed phoenix?

Xu Liao smiled and looked at the three-headed monsters. They had never met each other, but after all, they all lived in the period when Haojitian ruled the world in ancient times. some clues. (To be continued.)

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