Super green hat turtle

  Level: 28

  Attack: 160-180

  Life: 12w/12w

  Magic: 100/100

  Armor: 50

  Attack Speed: 0.1

  Green Hat Tree Attack Speed: 60

  Speed: 0.1

  Talent: Green energy turbulence (support the surrounding same race, restore 1% of the same race creature's own life recovery

  Skills: Green Hat Bomb, Rapid Throwing

  The positioning of this super green-capped tree turtle is obviously the output of the platform, and the attack speed of the 50 speed is destined to be a decoration.

  Its output should depend on its little brother and the green hat tree on its back.

  Bi Yi's 1200/s blood and 60/s throwing cuckold speed are quite terrifying.

  So, you can see a funny scene.

  The super green hat tree stands in the middle of the battlefield, throwing the green hats on the green hat tree frantically, one after another, the crazy output is right

  Fang's guild defending the city.

  Players have to resist the damage of the green hat bomb and find a way to deal with the large damage of the little turtle.

  It can be said that this time the defending bss did not have an explosive output to detract from the ability to restore the blood buff.


  "The tank that the president walked on won, what should I do now?"

  Zeus lowered his voice, his tone was extremely heavy.

  Zeus lowered his eyes and couldn't make out his expression.

  After a while, he raised his head and stared at Zhou Yun who was walking from a distance.

  "Doesn't he like money? Then throw money at him until he gives up and stops us"

  Zeus got up, and it was time for his performance.

  He walked out of the core of the guild and stood at the highest point of the defensive wall.

  "Look, it's President Zeus!"

  "He finally came out. I don't know what he's going to do with this?"

  "Is he going to surrender like a walking tank?"

  "Impossible! Even if our country loses, we will lose with the backbone. It is absolutely impossible to surrender in a low voice."

  "Yes, our strong country is the strongest and invincible"

  Zeus lived up to expectations and said the first sentence, which gave all players of the strong country a reassurance.

  "A walking tank, a man broke into our strong country, aren't you afraid of death?"

  Zeus began to show his lecherous image of a nouveau riche in the eyes of the public.

  "But to tell the truth, my personality is very similar to yours, and I admire you very much! We both like money and are equally reckless.


  "Would you like to hang out with me? Don't you like money? I have endless money, as long as you are willing to follow me, all my assets will be

  49% will be given to you, and from now on, you will be the second largest shareholder of all my businesses!"

  As soon as these words came out, many players of the strong country took a deep breath.

  How much is 49% of Sri Lanka's total assets?

  Someone has done incomplete statistics, and his total assets are about 32 billion. The industry spreads throughout the solar system and stars.

  international colony.

  49% of his total assets, doesn't it mean that there are 156.8v billion?

  This is too much money!

  Countless people admire Zhouyun, if they can have so much money, what else would they play (cf games, they would go to men and women long ago)

  Heaven, go to bliss

  "How would you choose a walking tank?"

  "Isn't this nonsense? Judging from the fact that he persecuted his own people, he is a greedy person who will attack 156 million people.

  Billion heartbeat?"

  "Yes! If he doesn't move, I'll live stream Duo Hang"

  "Count me in, I'll live stream ri durian!"

  Players are firm and sure that this Dogecoin will definitely agree.

  A game and 156 trillion of terrorist assets, familiarity and seriousness can be seen by a discerning eye

  It's not that they look down on Zhou Yun, but the total assets of 156 trillion yuan are just too terrifying.

  Just when they swore their vows every day, Zhou Yun smiled.

  "Zeus, are you stupid or am I stupid?"

  "It's important to have money, but who is the tank I'm walking on?"

  "I am a person who inspires to be the spur of the world! I am destined to offend many people in this way. You let me go to reality.

  49% of your assets, my life will be spent?"

  Zhou Dao: "Besides, what's more enjoyable than pressing a real rich man like you under your feet and rubbing it hard?


  Players who swear every day:

  Players watching silently:…

  Thoroughly seen players:…

  Zeus' face turns blue and white

  At this moment, it is being broadcast live in the world, this bastard actually doesn't give him any face.

  It's not just him, the other party's last words, it's almost a provocation to all the powerful and rich people in the world.

  "Walking Tank, do you know the seriousness of your last sentence?"

  Zhou Yun said lightly.

  "You think I'm as stupid as you? What do I mean by using you to make a point?"

  "As I once said to my brother Eternal Changzai, the world has changed, and it has become full of joy, so I adhere to the

  Providence, I came and I changed, it's that simple.

  "Any update in the world will be accompanied by pain, if you are not willing to bear it, I will resist all the resentment curses alone

  What's the point of scolding pain?"

  Players who swear by the day are silent

  The watching players were also silent.

  Even the players who thought they had guessed the ending after seeing it thoroughly were also silent.

  They were all deeply shocked by Zhou Yun's words.

  The opponent's ambition and the point of the opponent's sword deeply shook them.

  They began to ponder whether they were blinded by this super-fast society.

  Just thinking about making money, right, beauty, never thought of stopping now and appreciating the beauty around you.

101. I'll just say a few words, as for? (three more)

  Zeus was pale.

  This dog is more than flickering on his head.

  When he's like the mentally retarded ones who don't have the ability to watch live farts?

  "Walking tank, stop your flickering!"

  "Even if the world needs to be updated, it won't be your turn to be a little guy!"

  "You are just a player who has a good talent and got here by luck."

  "Don't forget, this is just a game, not reality! Your support is still reality"

  When it comes to the last words of Zeus, there is a gloomy temptation

  Zhou Yun heard the words, grinned his big white teeth, and clapped his palms.

  "It's good for a while, this brain is much easier to use than others, and I can see through my motives in an instant."

  "Amazing! Awe-inspiring! I've heard the name of President Zeus for a long time, and seeing it today, it's better to be famous than to meet him."

  Contemplative players: ??

  Say good for the world?

  What about leading change?

  As a result, you said a lot of touching words, and my tears were about to fall. You told me, you said that you are fooling people?


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