Chapter 311 Harvest (1)

In addition to the Five Elements jade produced on the Little Five Elements Mountain, the fruits produced by each attribute of the Little Five Elements Mountain also have their own different attributes.

Long-term consumption of soil spirit fruit can enhance people’s physical fitness and enhance various human functions.

Water Lingguo can speed up hematopoiesis, which is very suitable for the wounded and women.

Fire spirit fruit can improve the human body’s ability to withstand high temperatures and enhance the human body’s explosive power. It is very suitable for those who need to work in hot weather.

Golden Lingguo can strengthen certain natural weapons and is very suitable for the beasts.

Long-term use of wood spirit fruit can increase life expectancy and is suitable for some short-lived races.

The five kinds of spirit fruits can not only satisfy hunger, but also have different attributes, which are really rare treasures.

Because of these attributes, they have a high strategic value, so Ning Yuan designated them as strategic materials after he was ready to return.

From now on, Golden Lingguo will be exclusively provided to soldiers and children of the orc race, as well as some orc races that need natural weapons to work, such as the rat race. If there is surplus, then it will be distributed to other ordinary orcs.

The wood spirit fruit is specially provided for some elite legions to eat. However, the elves are not included in this list, because giving them food is pure waste.

In addition, the remaining ones are provided to ministers, generals and their families.

In addition to retaining a portion of the earthling fruit every month to ministers and generals, all the others are provided to the elite legions and the children in the territory.

The water spirit fruit is mainly provided for the wounded, and the rest is provided for the female families of the monarchs and ministers.

Fire spirit fruit is for all legions and reserve soldiers, no one else’s share.

Of course, this is just a preliminary distribution plan, and how to implement it has to be handed over to Bai Shihai, but Ning Yuan will definitely retain a part of everything except Jin Lingguo. Who makes him the king?

In addition to the Little Five Elements Mountain, there are also two Wanjun Mountain, a Heiyao Sacred Mountain, a Pineapple King, a Rubber King, and a Saponin King in Jun Moxie’s territory.

Pineapple King

Natural wonders, giant trees, and wood pineapple trees with a life span of more than 10,000 years are said to become the immortal king of pineapples after Heavenly Tribulation. Settle near the king of pineapples and get a little scientific research value every day.

Wood pineapple: also known as tree pineapple and jackfruit, it is the heaviest fruit in the world, a single body weighs up to 20 kilograms, the wood pineapple fruit is plump, soft, sweet and delicious, and has a strong fragrance, so it is known as the “Queen of Tropical Fruits”. The effect of thirst, breast-relieving, nourishing middle and nourishing qi.

Wood pineapple is ripened every month, with a monthly output of 10 million pieces.

Rubber King

Natural wonders, giant trees, and rubber trees with a life span of more than 10,000 years are said to be the immortal rubber king after Heavenly Tribulation. Settle down near the rubber king and get a little scientific research value every day.

Natural rubber: It has strong elasticity and good insulation, plasticity, water and gas insulation, tensile and abrasion resistance.

In addition to industrial use, natural rubber is also an important food raw material, biocompatible material, and raw material for daily necessities. It produces ten tons per month.

Hevea seeds: Rich in protein and fat, they are common snack foods in tropical regions and can be eaten after being fried or cooked. It can also be used to extract rubber tree seed oil. Ten tons are produced per month.

Saponin King

Natural wonders, giant trees, and it is said that the saponaria tree with a life span of more than 10,000 years can become the immortal king of saponaria after Heavenly Tribulation. Settle down near the king of saponaria and obtain a little scientific research value every day.

Saponaria saponaria: It can be used to make saponaria saponaria powder for washing clothes. The saponaria kernel can be eaten, and the seed oil can be used as a lubricant and soap. Ten tons are produced per month.

Three of the six ordinary natural wonders are not available to the Shenying Leader.

Just listen to the name of the pineapple king, Ning Yuan thought it was the kind of pineapple he usually eats, but he didn’t expect it to be jackfruit.

This jackfruit is a good thing. It is not only rich in nutrition, but also very sweet in taste. Compared with the peculiar durian, after taking a bite of jackfruit, Ning Yuan fell in love with the rich fruity aroma, and then immediately feasted on it.

In reality, jackfruit is a seasonal fruit, which can only be eaten in certain seasons, and the price is not cheap.

In the game, after becoming a natural wonder, you can have a lot of output every month. If you want to eat, you can eat it every day, and the taste is much better than those produced by ordinary fruit trees, so the natural wonder It’s really a very magical thing.

Because he likes it, Ning Yuan intends to designate jackfruit as the queen fruit, and set aside a part for him every month, and then reward the rest to other people with merit.

Compared with the high yield of Pineapple King, the output of the two natural wonders, Rubber King and Saponin King, seems a little pitiful.

But looking at Ning Yuan’s expression, it is obvious that he is more interested in these two natural wonders.

Rubber King has two types of output: natural rubber and rubber tree seeds.

Although rubber tree seeds are very nutritious, and the oil squeezed out of them is of higher value, Ning Yuan is not a person who cares too much about eating and drinking, so it can’t enter Ning Yuan’s eyes. What really makes Ning Yuan care about is natural rubber.

In modern times, natural rubber is a very important industrial raw material, and many things cannot be produced without it.

In the game, although modern industrial production is not yet possible, natural rubber can still be used to make many things.

First of all, natural rubber can be used to make chewing gum. Just add some syrup and mint to the natural rubber, and cut it into small pieces after drying. It is the most primitive chewing gum.

Although this kind of crude chewing gum is certainly not comparable to modern ones, in ancient times, it was good to have it, so it can still be produced in large quantities. After all, chewing gum can clean teeth and ensure a fresh mouth.

Secondly, natural rubber can also be used to make some daily life products, such as rubber bands, medical gloves, shoe soles and so on.

Although Ning Yuan still doesn’t know how to make these things, but with natural rubber, he can let the people under him slowly tinker and study. He dare not say anything else, but at least the rubber sole should be able to tinker out soon. .

Shoes are a very great invention of mankind, especially after modern times, some professional sports shoes are both comfortable and practical.

Although it is impossible for Ning Yuan to move the modern version of sneakers to ancient times, at least he can follow Calabash to imitate them.

I believe that with more comfortable and practical shoes, he can better help his army adapt to various terrains.

In addition, natural rubber can also be used to make tires. Although it was impossible to produce the strong and durable tires of modern times in ancient times, it was at least much stronger than that of wheels made of pure wood.

Rubber has good shock absorption and wear resistance, even if it is wrapped directly outside the wheel, it is hundreds of times stronger than nothing.

It’s just that these things have to be studied by his subordinates. Ning Yuan can only provide them with an idea. It is absolutely impossible for him to learn by himself in reality.

For the time being, Ning Yuan knew so much about the use of natural rubber, but even this was enough for his staff to study it for a while.

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