Chapter 398 Governance and Layout (Part 1) (first more)

Although the Condor Army defeated the Steppe Cavalry Corps of the Skywind Alliance, when they faced the scattered enemies, they still felt the helplessness of the cavalry war.

Although the grassland white horse has excellent explosive power, when it comes to endurance, the Mongolian horse hasn’t frustrated anyone yet.

In addition, the herdsmen are fighting at home and are very familiar with the terrain on the prairie, so the Condor Army chased them and found that the enemy in front was missing.

In desperation, a team of Condor cavalry can only follow the original path back to the main battlefield.

Although the ancients often said that soldiers are very fast, and after gaining an advantage, Ning Yuan’s main purpose of marching into the prairie is to completely occupy here, rather than to withdraw after plundering after defeating the enemy, so he did not venture into it. , But chose to fight steadily.

Although doing so will give the enemy time to breathe, the Condor Army has an absolute advantage in terms of the quality of its soldiers and weapons and equipment.

So they are not worried that the enemy will breathe, because since they can defeat the enemy once, they can defeat it twice, three times,…

What Ning Yuan wanted was the entire Horqin Prairie, and he wanted the nomads on the grassland to completely surrender.

For these peoples on horseback, if you want them to completely surrender, they must be beaten and subdued.

This can’t be done in one or two battles, so Ning Yuan is ready to fight a protracted battle with Li Tianqi.

Ning Yuan’s first plan was to occupy the Horqin Oasis, Li Tianqi’s old nest, and then use the Horqin Oasis as his base camp, and slowly spread to the surrounding area until he occupied the entire Horqin grassland.

It was for this reason that after the Condor Army won, Ning Yuan did not order the army to take advantage of the momentum and go straight to the Yellow Dragon.

After cleaning the battlefield, Ning Yuan asked the army to start camping, and then proceeded forward unhurriedly the next morning.

When he learned that a cavalry corps of hundreds of thousands had left the Horqin Oasis and headed west, he was very puzzled. He didn’t know what the enemy wanted to do?

However, I didn’t understand, but now facing the emptied Horqin Oasis, they no longer need to march slowly, so he immediately sent a cavalry to receive the Oasis.

When Ning Yuan sent troops to take over the Oasis, the cavalry regiment led by Bai Yutang and Dybala also came around from the northeast.

Bai Yutang and the others were originally prepared to launch an attack on the enemy from behind, and coordinated with Ning Yuan’s main army to flanking the enemy back and forth. They did not expect the enemy to be so decisive and directly gave up their own nest.

Although they could not stop the enemy’s large forces, they were not without any gains. Life was in the Horqin Oasis, and the herdsmen who had not had time to evacuate were all blocked by them.

Facing the menacing Condor Army, those herdsmen who had no time to escape had to surrender one after another.

After completely occupying the Horqin Oasis, Ning Yuan allowed the army to start repairing, while sending Swan Scouts to pay attention to the movements of Li Tianqi’s cavalry. He wanted to brake quietly to see what the other party wanted to do.

When Ning Yuan discovered that Li Tianqi’s army had followed the Keshiketeng Banner into the northwestern region of the Greater Xing’an Mountains, he finally realized that the other side of the relationship was running away.

Although failing to completely eliminate the opponent is always a hidden danger, it is still good to be able to take down the Horqin Prairie at the least cost, so Ning Yuan has stopped wanting to kill Li Tianqi.

With the natural barrier of Daxinganling, it is not easy for Li Tianqi to make a comeback. As long as Ning Yuan keeps the only passage, it will be difficult for Li Tianqi to come back.

At this time, Ning Yuan didn’t know that Li Tianqi and the others were ready to leave Central Asia. If they knew, he would be so happy that he would drive the cattle and sheep to see each other off in person.

Li Tianqi’s voluntary retreat made Ning Yuan’s process of conquering the prairie much easier.

However, what Ning Yuan wanted was not simple conquest, but to let these grassland tribes completely integrate into the Condor Empire, which would be a long process.

In order to shorten this process as soon as possible, Ning Yuan transferred a large number of craftsmen and administrative personnel from the Shenying Empire.

The main reason why the nomads are not well managed is that they have no fixed homes, so Ning Yuan’s first plan is to build some fixed cities on the Horqin prairie. Then use these cities as strongholds to manage the nomads nearby.

Because the resources on the prairie are very limited, the scale of these cities does not need to be too large. Each city can be garrisoned with one or two thousand cavalry in peacetime.

These cities can allow nearby herdsmen to temporarily escape during wartime, and can become fixed markets in peacetime, facilitating communication between herdsmen.

The second step of Ning Yuan’s plan is to assimilate the herdsmen.

There is a serious shortage of various materials on the prairie. Daily life resources such as salt, fruits, and cloth are all luxury goods here.

Although currency has not yet been circulated in a large amount within the Shenying Empire, Ning Yuan still plans to open some shops on the prairie to sell these life materials to herdsmen.

Currency circulation is the general trend, and Ning Yuan can’t stop it, so he plans to do a pilot here first.

The staff of the Condor Empire will use currency to purchase cattle, sheep and fur from herders, and herders can use currency to purchase other life supplies.

In order to raise enough currency, Ning Yuan converted all the income from the last live broadcast into various currencies. He also plans to convert all the resources such as copper, silver, and gold in his hands into currency.

In addition, he also ordered craftsmen to start to develop some special silver bills that are not easy to imitate, in order to deal with large transactions after currency circulation.

Taking into account the bad roots of the grassland peoples, if you don’t pay attention, they will become the most vicious robbers. Ning Yuan decided to implement the strictest management on them.

Ning Yuan stipulated that the young men of each tribe must receive military training once a month. Those who fail to do so will be killed without pardon, and all their property will be confiscated.

Before receiving an order, no one is allowed to go out and rob privately, and those who violate the order will be killed without pardon.

Within the territory of the Shenying Empire, no one is allowed to commit crimes. If the circumstances are serious, they will be killed without pardon, and all property will be confiscated.

These three laws of killing without mercy were specially formulated by Ning Yuan for these grassland herdsmen.

For these wild and untamed grassland men, adopting those gentle management methods is simply playing the piano against the cows.

They have become accustomed to the unfettered life, except to completely convince them, no other means can make them truly surrender.

Although they are all born knights who can participate in war at any time, their discipline is extremely poor.

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