Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 204: Frost Snow Wolf's Trust

After the ice cone dropped, in front of the huge white wolf, a white dangling shadow suddenly appeared ... a translucent white wolf shadow. Huge body, white hair, half-opened wolf mouth, and a pair of wolf eyes flashing with strange light, staring at them deadly.

As soon as this translucent shadow appeared, the three of Ye Tianxie realized at the same time that the shape of this wolf shadow was so similar to that huge white shadow without any movement ...

With the appearance of the snow-white wolf shadow, a sound sounded in the ears of the three at the same time.

"Ding ... Frozen Snow Wolf originally liked to wander in the Frozen Snow Field. He had no place to stay, and he was bred in the back. He lived in the deepest part of the Bingjielang Grotto, and hasn't appeared for many years to conceive his own next generation. Pregnancy and birth is a relatively long process. A hundred years ago, Frost and Snow Wolf finally ushered in the birth of Xiaohan Frost and Snow Wolf ... However, when Xiaohan Frost and Snow Wolf was born, a 60-level low-level fairy beast Jinjia Icebear accidentally Break into the Ice Wolf Wolf Cave and launch an attack on the Ice Snow Wolf ... "

"... The production ice ice wolf is far less powerful than usual, but in the end, it still defeated the golden armor ice bear with a strong strength and stronger guardianship. However, this battle also made the small ice snow wolf born at the end of the battle. He was severely wounded and died of his life ... and the trauma of the Frozen Snow Wolf was extremely severe ... He died when he gave birth to the small cold Snow Wolf. "

"Ice Snow Wolf was dead, but remembered that he was dying from the moment he was born and refused to let his consciousness dissipate. Under the strong idea, the unwillingness to dissipate was merged with the power that originally belonged to it. Become a 'spirit'. And it is this spirit that consumes its own power to protect Xiaohan Ice Snow Wolf all year round and maintain its last life, and when the power of Ice Snow Wolf is exhausted, it is also the moment of Xiaohan Ice Snow Wolf's death .The only way to make Xiaohan Ice and Snow Wolf survive is to recognize it as a human being from a different world. As a pet of a human in another world, although the power of the beast will decline, it will depend on the life of the other person. Existence will not only die immediately, but even death can be resurrected indefinitely. "

"Although the consciousness of Frost and Snow Wolf is still present, it is dead and cannot escape from the Ice Wolf Cave. It has been waiting for a human in a different world to come to the Ice Wolf Cave, save and take away its children, so that it can be completely But at the same time, the nature of the protector made him worry that his child would fall into the hands of the wicked son and be subjected to slavery, abuse and bullying ... So, to complete the aspirations of the ice and snow wolves, save the ice and snow wolves, Must be acknowledged by the Frozen Snow Wolf, "

The lengthy beep stopped at this moment, and all three of Ye Tianxie heard clearly, but the translucent wolf figure in front of it was actually the "spirit" of the dead ice and snow wolf, which had just started on Ye Tianxie The attack came from it.

Under conscious observation, they really found that the strange eyes released by this huge wolf shadow are half of the vigilance and half of the extremely complex desires and petitions ... for a mother, the most important thing in the world It is always her child. The nature of this deeply imprinted mother soul is irrespective of race, time and space ...

"Heaven, what should I do?" Sophie asked softly.

"Receiving the recognition of this wolf ... will you persuade it?" Zuo Pojun said thoughtfully, and then excitedly said, "If you say that, if you can get its recognition, you can get a Xiaohan Ice Wolf For pets ... the Xiaohan Ice Snow Wolf ... "Zuo Pojun spit lightly, his eyes lightened," Wouldn't it be a fairy beast too !? If that's the case, that would be awesome! "

Ye Tianxie groaned and whispered, "I'll try." Two steps forward.

The pair of frosts of the Frozen Snow Wolf suddenly locked on his body, and his body was slightly shifted, blocking his rear-blocking the place where the Xiaohan Frozen Snow Wolf was hidden behind, a warning light radiated from the wolf's eyes.

Ye Tianxie stopped and didn't move forward anymore, his eyes and the Frozen Snow Wolf faced each other frankly. After a short pause, he said, "You are a great mother. For your child, even if you lose your life, you must stay here even if you are physically separated. Your love for your child is a hundred years. Let us human beings be touched too ... So, I will be happy to help you take care of your children and swear to you that it will be my eternal partner, not just a pet, and I will never bully it. So please You can trust it to me. "

Ye Tianxie spoke a long paragraph, and all the meaning he wanted to express was also expressed. After speaking, there was a long silence waiting for him ...

Frozen Snow Wolf's eyes still locked his body and did not attack him, but the deep worry and vigilance deep in the pupils of the eyes still existed. The fairy beast has a mature IQ. The choice before it has a bearing on the future and life of its child. For its own child, it has abandoned too much and suffered too much. Then I just trusted him, and surrendered the Xiaohan Ice Wolf.

Compared to the previous Bone Bone, the last level of this system task is the most difficult one. This special task, similar to the persuasion task, is the last and most critical step of "saving the ice and snow wolves". To pass this level, it is necessary to obtain the unreserved belief of the Ice Snow Wolf ... the difficulty is so great.

What it needs is not force ... but, as Yaya said, it needs to be "smart".

No success ... Ye Tianxie didn't have much surprise. If this works, then this task will be too simple. Because it is an individual who can say a hundred times better than the previous one according to the needs of this task, it is not known whether it is true or false. How could a snow wolf with a mature IQ believe so easily.

So, you have to come up with enough things it believes.

Zuo Pojun shouted in the back: "Oh! Rest assured, my second brother is definitely a man of words. I can tell you that my second brother is the best of all players. Your child followed my second brother. Definitely the best choice. You see, we should be the first to come here? If you don't worry about us, it will not be easy to wait for the next person to come here. "

Zuo Pojun's words flashed struggling in Frozen Snow Wolf, but immediately replaced by deeper vigilance and worry.

Ye Tianxie raised his hand backwards, and signaled to Zuo Pojun not to continue. He thought for a moment, picked up the crotch at his feet, held it in his arms, and stroked one hand gently: , The name is Xun Ling, also called Xuanling Snow Fox. I do n’t know if you have heard the name of Xuanling Snow Fox. Although it looks small, it has the best ability to protect partners. Yours If the children are with me, they will become their best partners, and my sister-in-law will protect your children ... trust me. "

Silence, Frozen Snow Wolf remained unmoved.

"The three of us came to the Ice Wolf Cave, endured the cold and passed through the ice bones ... Maybe that cold is nothing to you, but to us it is like hell, but we still came with our teeth. Here, we have only one purpose here, to help you fulfill your wishes, save your children, please believe us, and let your children ... become free early and get in touch with the outside world as soon as possible. If you give up because of too many concerns, perhaps it will ruin the hope that belongs to it. "

Ye Tianxie's last sentence obviously brought a great deal of touch to the Frozen Snow Wolf, its body shakes a few times, Ye Tianxie Jing waited for its answer, but it was still its silence.

"Ah! You trust us, otherwise, I really don't dare to come to this place for the second time. If no one is here to save your child, don't blame us." The left breaking army said anxiously. Looking at Ye Tianxie's patiently sentence and whispering it, Zuo Pojun, who was relatively violent and impatient, almost got angry.

"Brother Zuo," Sophie said at this time, she shook her head and said, "Don't say that Mother Wolf, it will be so cautious ... because, it is a mother, and behind it is its child."

Zuo Pojun: "..."

"Tianxie, let me talk to it, okay?" Su Feifei looked at Ye Tianxie and said. Somehow, Ye Tianxie found an obsessed look from her eyes, and with a movement in her heart, she nodded slightly, stepping back.

Su Feifei moved forward and stood before Ye Tianxie. She looked at the struggling ice and snow wolf ~ ~ with a very light and light voice: "You ... are a great mother, just like my mother ... maybe, all the people in the world Mothers are so great. For your child, even if you die, you have to struggle to stay and guard it with your last strength and conviction ... and my mother, for me, she also uses her life In exchange for my life ... "

Frozen Snow Wolf: "..."

Sophie smiled lightly, but her eyes were already misty: "Because I have a mother, I know how happy a child with a mother is ... and because I have no mother, I know ... without a mother's child ... … How pathetic. Your child is very happy, because its mother has paid so much for it, but it is so poor, because its mother, after all, left it when it was very young ... It's exactly the same as when I was a kid. "

The most unwilling to touch the memories, the most painful scars were lifted by herself. Even after so many years have passed, Sophie Fei is still hurt and missed by the upheaval of that night | full chest, stinging It was almost impossible to breathe, and after just a few words, tears had fallen into strands, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into frozen crystals.

"Could you give your child ... to me? We have the same experience and the same loving and great mother ... So we all know what the other person lacks and wants, and we will be the best Friend, best partner ... okay? "

Su Feifei's words are much less than Ye Tianxie's words, much simpler ... What is more is tears and emotional fluctuations that are difficult to contain under the driving of memory.

Frost Snow Wolf's eyes became dim. At this moment, a small white light suddenly flew from the quiet body of Frost Snow Wolf and floated to Sophie's position ...

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