Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 273: That once life-saving grace

"Um ... big brother, thank you ... protect your sister ... and me." Chen Xue's eyebrows were slightly curved, with a light, but soft and ethereal voice,

Her face was pale and scary, but her eyes were exceptionally pure and bright, just like her sister. She had been looking at Ye Tianxie, as if she wanted to remember him firmly. She was laughing, a smile that Chen Chen had hardly ever seen ... a smile that no longer contained any pain, worry ... and struggle.

Infected by the smile of the young girl who came out of the painting, Ye Tianxie found that his heart was softening uncontrollably. He sat by the bed and was about to talk to her, his face suddenly changed ... Chen Xue's eyes closed slowly, her smile still, her body, but slowly fell from a sitting position.

"Xueer!" In the exclaiming voice of Chen Xin, Ye Tianxie quickly stepped forward to support Chen Xue's body and let her body lean on her shoulders ... but she clearly could not hear her sister's Calling, quietly relying on Ye Tianxie's body, there was no sound.

Her body is very soft and soft ... it's light and soft like the same fluff, and she can barely feel the existence of her bones. Touching her body, Ye Tianxie could already feel how weak this body was ... The real weak wind, a slight wind, was enough to blow the weak body down.

"Xueer! Xueer ... what happened to you? Don't scare your sister?"

Chen Xin, who had just eased from the huge startle, entered another bigger startle. Chen Xue sleeps most of the day, but every time she falls asleep, she will tell her "Sister, so sleepy ..." Now, she is obviously in an abnormal coma.

From Chen Xin's usual narration, Ye Tianxie knew that she had a seriously ill sister, but at this moment, feeling the impenetrable vitality of the girl affixed to him, he knew how serious the "severe illness" was. Such weak signs of life are not even enough to sustain a person's life, but should appear on a dying little flower and grass.

"Chen Xin, don't worry, let's leave here first ... Let's go to the best hospital in Huaxia. Believe that Chen Xue will be all right."

Perhaps because she was Ran Qingsheng's daughter, or because her eyes conquered him, Ye Tianxie's heart was anxious and panicked at this moment, and he found that he was afraid of this one who had just met him. The girl was taken away by his sickness in front of him. He picked up her body ... very light and light, like a batten of cotton wool, holding hands with Chen Chenxin, ran out of this small house where they had lived for a long time.

"Breaking army, Qiushui, let's go! Go to the best hospital!"

He held Chen Xue in a coma with one hand, holding Chen Xin in one hand, his brows locked, while hurriedly hurriedly, he hurried to the helicopter. Zuo Pojun saw the young girl held in Ye Tianxie's arms for a year, quickly nodded, and boarded with Murong Qiushui. Not long after, the helicopter quickly took off and left.

Waiting for the helicopter to disappear, there were no traces of it. More than a dozen figures showed their heads tremblingly from the door ... grabbing people, helicopters, killing ... This always-stable slum area today ushered in an extremely terrible day.

After a while, a black shadow that appeared out of thin air fell on the roof of the cabin where Chen Xinchenxue lived. With a glance, he picked up a miniature communicator and whispered, "Come here, you need to clean up."

"Break the army, hurry up." Feeling the passage of the girl's life in her arms and the increasingly weak breath, Ye Tianxie's anxiety was more intense than when he came here.

"Second Brother ... Rest assured, you must be here soon." Zuo Pojun said sweaty. Helicopters are not flying as fast as jet planes, let alone nuclear planes. The current speed has reached its limit. This speed has made the fuselage tremble, as if it might fall apart at any time.

"Thank you, Brother Xietian." Feeling his anxiety that was not weaker than himself, the touching thing filled her heart again. Watching him carefully holding Chen Xue, the complex mood is inexplicable. In the past, she was always taking care of her sister and propped up her "home" and the world. Today, this dream-like appearance appears The man in her real life brought her a feeling of finding reliance, and only she knew how much this feeling touched her.

"Why thank me? Don't forget, we are friends." Ye Tianxie said with a slight smile.

Wu Chen nodded heartily, she had an impulse to lean her body in his arms like a younger sister.

"Brother Xietian, why did you come here? Is it ... just passing by?" She finally couldn't help asking the biggest curiosity in her heart. All of this, as if heaven had really heard her prayer, sent the person she longed for the most, and pulled her back from the edge of despair and disaster again.

Why is it here? Ye Tianxie hugged the quiet girl in her arms a little tightly and said with a smile, "I can only say that ... is the guide to fate."

"Guide of destiny ..." Wu Chen's heart repeated gently, her eyes became hazy, and her heart quietly accelerated.

"Destiny" let them meet, let them meet, and they met in the real world when she needed him most. Everything really seems to be a deliberate arrangement and guidance from heaven.

"Chen Xin, your surname is you, right?" Ye Tianxie asked suddenly.

Wu Chenxin was clearly asked a little bit by this question, then nodded gently, and his eyes still looked at him with a stupid look. She didn't know why he knew her last name ... that last name, if it could be avoided, she would never want to mention it again.

"How old are you this year? I guess ... is eighteen, or nineteen, sorry?" Ye Tianxie touched the girl's hair in her arms and smiled at Chen Chenxin.

"It's nineteen." Wu Chen answered quietly.

"Nineteen." Ye Tianxie looked up slightly, looking up at the sky, as if remembering something: "Remember? I once told me that when I was five and a half years old, I was in a snowy day because of Cold and hungry, fainting in the snow ... that day was a lot of snow, it was a long time, I was buried in the snow all day and night ... if I was not saved by a snow sweeping uncle, now in this world , There will be no my presence. "

"I remember what Brother Xietian said to me, I remember."

"Then do you remember that when you were four years old, your father brought back a worn-out boy who was unconscious in the past ... You once hid behind the door and peeked at him who just woke up, Then he was scared away by his fierce eyes ... "He lowered his head and looked at Yun Chenxin's eyes.

Wu Chen was stunned, she looked at him for a long time, and pressed one hand subconsciously on her lips. It took a long time before she made a trembling voice: "Big evil brother ... you said, That boy is ... is ... "

"At that time, the person who rescued me from the snow took me back to his house, rubbed my body with snow to restore the flow of my blood, and boiled the bitter medicine myself, one spoonful at a time I feed it ... I was only five and a half years old at that time, and my whole body had been frozen blue, and it was no different from death. In this age of selfishness and indifference everywhere, anyone who found me like this would be regarded as a dead body. Keep away ... He not only rescued me, but did not give up the tiny hope that saved me, and finally, in the morning two days later, I woke up like a miracle ... "

"... when I woke up, the unhappy smiley face that Uncle had revealed at that time, I now remember it clearly. But, at that time, I had too many grudges and hatreds, and there was more rejection and rejection of all outsiders. Caution, so I knew he saved himself, but he didn't even say "thank you", but he always faced him coldly, but he didn't care at all, and still faced me with a smile ... I Remember ~ ~ I ate three meals in Daboga that day ... those three meals were the most delicious and fullest meal in my childhood. On that day, the taste of each meal, I went to Now I remember clearly. I still remember that when I woke up, a little girl with a pigtail braid peeped out of the door and peeped at me ... Then, I stared at it with vigilant eyes. , That little girl was scared away and never dared to look at me anymore ... "

Wu Chenxin covered her lips and did not let herself make an excited sound, but she could not suppress her heart that was almost out of control.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and shook his head with a sigh of regret: "It was just that my character made me unable to believe anyone at that time, so that night, when my body was still not fully recovered, I left secretly ... Before I left, I knew That uncle ’s name, and vowed, when the future I have the ability, I will do everything to repay, because my life was saved by him. The uncle ’s name is ... Qingqing Sheng. Chen Xin, are you familiar with this name? "Looking back from his memory, he looked at Yun Chenxin and said with a smile.

The first time he saw her, he was attracted by an invisible thing, and his steps were almost uncontrollable towards her ... Now, he finally understood that the reason why he was attracted to her suddenly was not Because her eyes revealed the suffering she suffered, but ... these eyes not only had the stings that he had, but also had a distant, but dim sense of familiarity.

That year, the little girl who secretly looked at him. He remembered her for a long time, because her eyes were so pure, as pure as the drops of water that just dropped in the sky ... In the past ten years or so, she has grown into a magnificent and peerless woman. Many of her places have completely changed, but not What changed was her still pure eyes.

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