The world is getting farther and farther, and death is getting closer. In the quiet darkness, she could finally fall asleep so slowly without concern, and no longer needed pain and struggle. Death is getting closer, never closer.

She has been too tired and too tired. For so many years, she slept so peacefully for the first time. It's just that when you fall asleep, you may never wake up again. But ... it doesn't matter if you can wake up. Seeing her sister fling into the man's arms, listening to him say "no more bullying to you", and that he gave the bad guy death without mercy for her ... she suddenly felt very happy and satisfied It was very easy, as if for a moment, everything that was very heavy and heavy on the body disappeared without a trace. After relaxing, the heavy tiredness struck, letting her fall asleep.

She believed what he said ... he would protect her sister forever and never let her be bullied.

And she can finally stop struggling, because she saw the happiness of her sister ... and the happiness of her sister is her happiness, the only worry that she is not willing to leave.

That's it ... Sleeping slowly, I don't need to ... wake up again.

"Sher, Cher ..."

In the vast sea of ​​consciousness, the familiar call came, awakening her sleeping consciousness. The abyss of death is in front of her eyes. As long as she walks quietly, she can be relieved from the painful abyss and fall into a dark abyss where everything disappears. It was just that calls that stopped her.

Sister, her only reliance during life, the only reason to live.

If she never wakes up again, she will be sad ... However, her sister is very strong, and she must be happy again quickly.

But I really want to see my sister again ... I want to see my sister for the last time and say goodbye to her ...

Facing the abyss of death, she retreated, and then began to struggle, exhausting all her strength, trying to open her eyes ...

Eyes, slowly opened. In front of me is a white world ... that is the white ceiling of the ward.

"Xueer ... you wake up Xueer."

Her little hands were gently held by a pair of warm hands. She turned hard and saw her sister. She smiled and shouted in a light voice: "Sister ..."

She was too weak to work even with a smile on her face.

"Sister is here." Chen Xin secretly wiped away the tears on her face, and clenched her soft little hand that seemed to have no bones: "Xue Er, you're awake ... It's really good. Listen to her, don't Leave your sister, okay? "

From the words of the doctors, they already knew that Chen Xue had given up her struggle with the sick, gave up her life, and chose to calmly welcome and look forward to death in peace ... Yes, she should have died three years ago, for so many years She was struggling too hard, and death was a relief and relief for her. Just for her sister, she supported with incredible perseverance ... Now, when she has lost her last wish, she can finally choose to release ...

"Sister ... I'm so tired, so tired, I want to go to my father ... I told my mother, my sister, they looked at me in heaven, waiting for me." She half-opened her eyes and used A few inaudible voices spoke. Those eyes seemed to be closed at any moment.

"No ... Xueer, what are you going to do with your sister?" Chen Xin's hands were shaking, even though she was desperately holding back tears, the tears still fell silent, wet the pale sheets.

"Sister ... you have to promise me, you can't be sad, okay? I'll be gone, someone will replace me and stay with my sister ..."

"Xue Er, don't say stupid things, you won't be okay, you are so strong, how can it be okay." Wu Chenxin shook her weak body gently and felt the pain of Wanjian penetrating her heart. For more than ten years, they have been inseparable and accompanied each other. They are sisters, and they are half of each other's lives ... even more than half.

Chen Xue laboriously shifted her gaze and looked at Ye Tianxie, who was standing behind Chen Chenxin. She opened her lips without any blood, and used very lightly, but each word was very clear. "Big brother ... You said, you won't let anyone bully your sister anymore ... What the big brother said must be counted, right? "

Suddenly, Ye Tianxie's heart was shaken violently, and he suddenly understood why the girl gave up her struggle and waited for death in the process of liberation.

He was rarely touched, and his heart was shaking violently for this girl at this moment. Why is such a young girl with a pure heart like ice and snow treated by her destiny ... Is God's eyes blind ... Are you blind?

He lowered his body and nodded gently: "Counting, counting forever, I will protect you and never let anyone bully you ..."

"Then we ... hook ..." Her little finger in her right hand moved, as if she wanted to lift it, but she didn't have the strength to lift it. Ye Tianxie held out her little finger and hooked her finger together: "Well, we pull the hook, and if anyone doesn't count, we will punish him to become a pig ..."

Chen Xue laughed, and the smile was beautiful. Li Chen lay on her bedside, she was already crying.

"Big brother ... You are so good. If ... there is an afterlife, I will ... repay you and marry you ... okay?" She stared at him with a hazy look, with haze in her lips the sound of.

Ye Tianxie chuckled, nodded strongly, and then shook his head again: "Why not repay me in this life and marry me?"

"This life ..." She looked at him, counting her weak heartbeat, which almost didn't exist: "It seems like it's no longer possible ..."

"Stupid words." He squeezed her little hand slightly and lowered her body so that her face was almost attached to her: "I just promised Chen Xue a promise, and she will definitely talk, but Chen Xue, you have to promise your elder brother, okay? "

Chen Xue looked at him with more and more blurred eyes.

"Promise me not to die," he said seriously.

"But ... I ..."

"Xueer, I believe the elder brother ... I will cure your illness, hold on, hold on like before, okay? You are your sister's only loved one, if you are gone, she will be sad and unhappy, big My brother will also be very sad. For my sister, and for me ... Is it better to be strong? When the big brother cures your illness, you can be with your sister every day. You can eat a lot of things you want to eat, you can go A lot of beautiful places you want to go to, you can play together ... no one will bully you, you can do whatever you want, okay? "

He described to her an extremely bright prospect, calling for her desire to survive.

"Chen Xue, your elder brother is very powerful. What you see, I can bring down the bad guys in one fell swoop, and I can really cure your illness completely ... Do you know, although your illness is here There is no way to cure it, but far away, there is a planet called Lyle Star, where you can cure all terminal illnesses, have you heard? Yes, all of them. Your sister has always known ... Chen Xue, remembering how strong you used to be, you ca n’t die. We will go to Lyle Star right away, where your illness will be all right, and you can stay with your sister forever ... OK? Chen Xue, hear me Did you say that? Chen Xue has always been the strongest child. She will believe me and listen to me, right? "

Ye Tianxie's words, slowly entering Chen Xue's heart, shaking her last fragile string. Finally, she laughed and nodded gently. Deep in the dark eyes, the desire for life flickered again. Such longing comes from his belief in him.

"Xueer, you'll be fine, don't leave your sister." Chen Xin wiped her tears and said quietly. And what Ye Tianxie said ... To go to Lyle Star, only one year later, is Chen Xue's current situation really possible to survive one year later?

Ye Tianxie nodded forcefully, stood up, turned and said to Zuo Pojun: "Break the army, do me a favor."

"Second Brother, you say." Zuo Pojun answered.

"I'm going to the United States ... Go to ~ right away to help me prepare everything I need to prepare." Ye Tianxie frowned, and the words spoken trembled.

"Ah? This ..." Zuo Pojun was clearly surprised, and then returned to normal, looking at Ye Tianxie's firm eyes without any room for turning back, he sighed and nodded: "Second Brother, I Got it, I'll get someone ready. "

Having said that, he picked up his mobile phone and quickly walked out of the ward.

Murong Qiushui stopped talking and turned, sighing quietly.

"Chen Xue, we will go to Lierxing who can cure your illness soon, so you must abide by our agreement, you must not die, you must be very strong and strong and wait for the day to Lierxing, Okay? "

At that moment, he made a crazy decision.

Crazy decision.

However, as a result of this decision, he did not regret it.

Although today is his first day to meet this girl, she deserves him to do so ... not only because she is Ran Qingsheng's daughter.

What kind of parents will have what kind of children. That kind and kind old man at the time had two more kind daughters. They deserve him.

After he waited less than a year, Chen Xue could not wait until one year later. He would go to the United States and use all the means available ... Either request, coercion, coercion, or costly. The price is also good. As long as he can, so that he can go to Lyle Star immediately and save the girl's life, all methods he can try.

Although, he also knew that, even with this crazy decision, the possibility of rescuing Chen Xue was still extremely slim ... but slim, it did not mean complete despair. As long as there is a slight possibility, no matter how great the cost, he would like to Give this girl a try and never give up.

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