The colorful light wrapped Ye Tianxie's whole person in it, so strong that people did not dare to look directly. Red, blue, green, purple, yellow, white, black ... the seven colors merge into another form of rainbow, which fills the entire surrounding space and has spread over a distance of nearly fifty meters ...

And at the moment when the colored light appeared, it was like a miracle ... The sky-covering flame that was about to erupt from the small fireball disappeared in an instant, and a flame disaster disappeared ...

In the colorful light, all the elements are being driven away quickly and disappeared ... the element of fire disappears, the element of water disappears, there is no trace of wind, and the free thunder elements and earth elements in the air are all expelled, bright It is also completely silent with the dark elements. Although the light is not affected, these lights can only release the brightness and cannot be used to form magic ... Around, the large group of fire spirits quickly dissipates in the extinguished sound, as if being Sand sculptures scattered by the strong wind.

Destruction of the Seven Colors: Simultaneously release the power of the Seven Lines, destroy all the life of the Seven Lines elements, form a terrible space for elemental destruction, and completely cut off the communication between the souls and the Seven Lines elements. Effect: Enemies and enemies are forced to seal the magic, and cannot use any seven-line skills. The spirit of an element that is dependent on an element will cause devastating damage. Consumes 1500 magic. The effect range is 50 meters around it, which can last up to 20 seconds. It can be used up to three times a day.

If it is a normal creature, the Seven Elemental Magic cannot be used under the destruction of the Seven Colors, which is equivalent to being forced to enchant. However, the body of the fire elves is derived from the fire element, and the destruction of this element is completely equivalent to destroying their body and life. Dozens of short-formed fire elves disappeared under the power of the seven-colored dusk.

The magic that was released suddenly disappeared, the two round eyes of the small fireball blinked strongly, and on the surface of the body, another group of burning eyes exploded violently ... The seven-colored dusk can drive away and destroy the seven surrounding species Element, but it cannot erase the elemental power stored in the living beings. Players ’magical release can only be achieved through communication with the elements, but for some extremely powerful special beasts, their elemental power can be stored in the body. In this way, they can also use elements at the same time, even if there is no element Attack, and without the need for elemental communication steps, there is no need to sing at all, but to launch instantly.

However, when the elements were out of the body, they still couldn't get rid of the destruction of the "Seven Colors of Destruction". The flames that had exploded from the body of the small fireball had not yet had time to spread.

And it's not just the flame it's about to release.

On the surface of its body, that layer of red flamed awn began to quickly extinguish under the expulsion of the elements ... and slowly, as the flame extinguished, its color also began to change. When all goes out ... Ye Tianxie's eyes widened, where was he momentarily stunned.

Where is this a small fireball ...

When the flame surrounding it extinguished, it turned out to be a snow-white ... hairy ball!

Football is generally the size, without hands and feet, except for the ball-shaped body, there are only those two black eyes. As Ye Tianxie guessed before, the things around his body are really not as simple as the burning flame, but the fluff. After the flame fades, it is a long white fluff, but these are obviously not the simple fluff. None of them was curly, all of them grew straight, and among the white fluff, two blinking eyes kept staring at Ye Tianxie.

If you only look at the appearance, anyone will think that this is an ornamental creature with no threat at all, and those who are full of love will even want to go up and hold it in their arms.

The original small fireball has now turned into a hairy ball. Its body constantly rises with the flame of explosion, and then disappears immediately. Obviously, it has tried and failed again and again. In the seven-color destruction realm, it cannot use arbitrary magic at all.

"Now ... it's my turn!"

Ye Tianxie smiled smugly, lifted his fate, and went straight to the fur ball. With its external shape and its incredible magical attack ability, Ye Tianxie had a lot of confidence in this hair. The ball should not have any physical attack capabilities. Being in this enchanted enchantment enchantment, it is equivalent to being cut off its hands and feet ... Well, in fact, it has no hands and feet.

Mao Maoqiu's body exploded again, obviously another attempt, and the next second, it had been severely hit by Ye Tianxie's fate. The small body was like a kicked ball Usually flew out ... all the way to the curtain of fire behind it.


This fur ball has almost no defense ability.

Ye Tianxie didn't expect that this one would work so well. He looked at the front silently. He knew that it would hit it directly so far, so he should attack in another direction ... Now, he can't get into the fire.

Looking at the curtain of fire rising from the sky, Ye Tianxie's heart moved and he began to feel something wrong ...


and many more! !! Under the destruction of the seven colors, the external elements of freedom should be destroyed and expelled. Why has this huge fire curtain not been affected in any way?

Is the fire element so strong that the seven-colored dusk has no ability to interfere?

At this moment, there was a sudden fierce agitation in front, and the curtain of fire rising from the sky suddenly had a strange twist. In the twist, the hot air was lost under the destruction of the seven colors, and suddenly changed. Extremely hot, as if the element of fire that had penetrated was not affected by the destruction of the seven colors.

This feeling is ...

Then, in Ye Tianxie ’s subconscious retreat and his unconsciously enlarged eyes and pupils, the curtain of fire rising into the sky finally began to fall, and at this time, a huge red mask suddenly fell from above, The mask seemed to come from the sky, and it was getting closer and bigger in Ye Tianxie's sight, until it was so big that his eyes could not hold it ...

This is a mask that covers at least three kilometers! The center of this mask is Ye Tianxie.

The karma fire of annihilation: The fire is a medium-level curse, and the root karma fire is launched to form an annihilation sphere that can burn and devour all other enchantments. Into. Enchantment lasts 300 seconds.

Side effect: The karma fire of annihilation needs to absorb the internal fire elements to maintain. All creatures in the enchantment will not be able to use any form of fire magic.

"Ding ... Your skill 'Seven Colors' Destruction 'is invalidated by the' Destroyer's karma fire '. The evening of Seven Colors is backwashed by power. You can no longer use the' Seven Colors 'Destruction' skills."

"Ding ... You are in the‘ Kind of Fire Extermination ’enchantment. All fire skills cannot be used, and all enchantment skills cannot be used.”

Ye Tianxie: "!!!"

The curtain of fire fell at a very fast speed, and the originally gorgeous seven-color light completely disappeared at the same time. Above the neck, the seven-color dusk restored its original color. Although the color light remained, Has lost the dazzling glory before.

The fur ball also jumped out of the lowered curtain of fire and appeared in front of him again. It was still white, not the color of the flame when it first appeared. The "karma fire of annihilation" is apparently released by it, but in this terrible enchantment that can be devoured by even "seven colors of destruction", it can't use the elemental fire to attack either.

Looking back from the shock, Ye Tianxie silently looked at Mao Maoqiu for a while, and his mouth slowly hooked: "Are you looking for death?"

The role of the Seven Colors Destruction was originally to make it impossible to use that terrible magical attack ... but, completely beyond his expectation, in the state where fire magic could not be used, it actually used a rear environment to perform a A terrible intermediate-level curse ... a true taboo magic, a powerful magic that covers a range of several kilometers and easily breaks the destruction of the seven colors. The destruction of the seven colors has been eliminated ... but, in this new enchantment, the fur ball cannot use the fire element at all.

At the same time ~ ~ The destruction of the Seven Colors can be used up to three times a day and can last up to 20 seconds each time. It only takes one minute to add up. time.

In this way, this fur ball is equivalent to using an extremely shocking way, and has caused a huge trouble to itself.

Its two appearances have brought about the lava inferno. If the fire element of lava inferno * has nothing to do with it, Ye Tianxie did not believe it ... Then, if this strange creature is solved, the fire element * May stop because of this.

And at this moment ... is there a better chance than now?

Ye Tianxie rushed up quickly, and when he rushed forward two steps, the blue hair suddenly released a blue light, Ye Tianxie's foot steps stopped ... and in the blue light, a cold The incomparable arrows shot out suddenly, and shot directly into Ye Tianxie's chest, before he got close, the biting cold made Ye Tianxie feel as if he had stepped into the ice cave.

"Water mirror!"

The blue brilliance flashed on the surface of Ye Tianxie's body. The ice-cold arrow struck the water mirror, bringing a shudder in the water mirror, and it shattered in the shudder. Shooting back the same way ... Ye Tianxie could see the shape of that arrow ... It turned out to be a strangely thick ice arrow!


The rebounded ice arrow hit the hairy ball's body, but instead of causing it any harm, it melted into the body like a fog.

At this time, the fur ball in front of him had already changed into another form, no longer a fireball burning with flames, no longer a snow-white fur ball without a trace of mottled ... its body turned into only The purest water element will show the color of aqua blue! At the same time, the breath released from it was as cold as the biting cold wind.

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