Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 454: Split day 1 sword (below)

This attack by Qinglong raised all the water in the sea area of ​​nearly ten thousand meters without missing a drop. As the supreme supremacy of the water system, its ability to control water has reached a level sufficient to affect the ocean ... Looking at the surrounding sky soaring, and instantly seeing the endless water curtain, Ye Tianxie's face showed a deep shock ... ... looking at a glance, except for the dark green sky, thousands of meters around ... front, back, left, and right, all are water curtains. The towering water curtain completely surrounded his location.

And under his feet, the sound of the collision was so strong and violent. However, no matter how violent, the defense of the ultimate shield wall cannot be broken.

The girl originally stood floating against the water, but at this time, her feet almost touched the eternal end of the giant that became great. Under the protection of the "ultimate shield wall" released by this huge shield, The seawater that was supposed to be lifted up was blocked by death. Nothing broke the ultimate shield wall, and the girl still stood there quietly. The purple light had expanded to a diameter of three meters. Not affected at all.

As long as Ye Tianxie hesitated for more than half a second, the impact of the huge water from the sea will bring both of them into the sky of unknown height.

The ultimate shield wall can last up to ten minutes. Ye Tianxie breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and once again faced the blue dragon with a breath full of irritability ... The true beast of annihilation will have a life of death and a peace of things. Heart, but this green dragon is not a real green dragon. When its attack is blocked again and again, when it feels a great threat, it will be violent, will tremble, and will use all its power to destroy ...

There is the barrier of the ultimate shield below. It can no longer manipulate the water below to attack, and the elemental attacks launched above are all blocked by Ye Tianxie ... its body sinks again. This time, it is not I use my own tail, not my own dragon claw ... but the whole body of it fell down, a sound of dragon roar that was enough to break the sky, in the trembling and turbulence of space, the number The kilometer-long body hits Ye Tianxie's body severely from the air ...

Seen from a distance, it is like a huge train, hitting a small unidentified flying bug.

Regardless of Qinglong's domineering power, the power to reach the pinnacle of annihilation ... only the weight of its body is enough to squash most of the souls who have lost the continent.

At this point, Ye Tianxie no longer had a shield in his hand. In the face of Qinglong's impact with his entire body, he didn't panic, his eyebrows frowned tightly, his whole body's nerves stretched, and his strength was gathered by him in the largest range ...

"Extreme Defense !!"

A huge shield-like light flashed on him. Ye Tianxie's defense ability reached the extreme at this moment. He glanced at the girl below him, worried that his collision with Qinglong would affect her, and said lowly. Drink, the crying feather Binglin underneath turns into an undead monster dragon, and in the roar of the dragon roar full of the death curse breath, it breaks up and straight to take the green dragon! !!


Ye Tianxie's ascending body and Qinglong's descending body collided fiercely, and the surrounding air was emptied for a moment, forming a large-scale vacuum zone. Looking at it from a distance, Qinglong's body fell straight, and then suddenly stopped there, as if held by something ...

And it is a human being who can't see with the naked eye ...

At the moment when he collided with Qinglong, Ye Tianxie's consciousness was instantly blank, his bones were almost broken, and his internal organs were almost not shaken out of his chest, but ... he couldn't even believe where he got his terrible will. With strength, he sustained it. Under the impact of Qinglong with his own body, although his body violently oscillated, he did not fall. Instead, Qinglong's body could no longer fall for half a minute ...

Qinglong's body was swaying, and the pain from the impacted part made it roar with obvious pain. On your body, the faint light shines, all its powers are burning madly at this moment, and all these burning powers are transformed into a downward impact ... Ye Tianxie uses his body to support Qinglong's body, and in Qinglong's power Under the violent run, the pressure from above quickly increased, Ye Tianxie's body was trembling, and what he suffered was no more than the feeling of the sky breaking and the sky pressing down.

Ye Tianxie had almost bit his teeth, his ears, and even the sound of broken bones. His body began to fall slowly, and the tendency of falling was getting faster and faster ... Looking back, he glanced at that The girl shrouded in purple light flashed Xiaoxi's shadow in her head ...

If she is depressed in this way, then she will certainly be hurt ... means that even if she has the strongest guardianship, she cannot protect her.

No ... absolutely must not let this happen! Xianer has left her, she must be carrying too heavy things, if she is strong enough, how could she leave ...

If this girl dies in front of herself ... no! Even if I die a hundred times or a thousand times, I absolutely cannot let this happen.

If I were a dragon, then ... this is ... the pride of the dragon! !!

It was as if a fierce fire was burning all over the body, burning his body, mind, and soul ... His teeth, which had been biting, loosened, and his head was raised, and in his eyes, two fierce flames were Burning ...

"Drink ... ah ah ah ah !!!"

His roar even covered the dragon's groan of Qinglong. In this throbbing lung, such as the wrath of God's wrath, an insane force gushes out from his arm, pushing directly upward ... ...

Roar! !! !!

This is a painful and angry dragon yin. The scene that people ca n’t believe it is presented on the South Ocean. Under the power of Ye Tianxie who did not know where to erupt, Qinglong ’s huge body turned out to be the same. A huge cannonball that was fired shot into the air fiercely, and it flew up to hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters ... even kilometers of altitude ...

And Ye Tianxie, under that tremendous shock force, fell down, and then slammed heavily on the ultimate shield wall formed by the eternal endlessness. The immeasurable impact force, let in Under the impact of the seawater, the ultimate shield wall, which was motionless, trembled. However, Ye Tianxie was dizzy and fell to the ground for a long time without recovering. On his head, a "-7000000" injury number gradually faded.

With the defense ability of the abyss knight, even the blue dragon has absolutely no ability to deal such a huge amount of damage to him at once.

All the power of the abyss knight is on defense, and the attack is extremely weak. This power should not belong to the abyss knight at all. Ye Tianxie faintly felt that it was like a sudden burst of power in his body.

The body was soft like a ball of cotton, and almost had no strength to stretch out the little finger ... and at this moment, the girl who had been closing her eyes suddenly opened her eyes, her head slowly raised Looking at Qinglong, who was still being tossed, her body, with the large purple light ball that had expanded to three meters, slowly floated up, blocked by purple light, and Ye Tianxie could not see her anymore. Body, only to see the light ball rising like a purple sun.

When Qinglong's body finally stopped in the air and stabilized, the purple ball of light also stopped rising, and then the purple ball of light suddenly began to shrink, from three meters to two meters, one meter, half M ... in the end, it became only the size of a basketball.

The purple light all concentrated on her right hand, the girl's body was revealed, her eyes looked at the air in a godless way, and there was no more half of the blood on the tender face. Slowly, she raised her right hand, Ye Tian Evil looked at the purple awn in her right hand. In this life, he has never seen such a deep purple. The feeling that such purple brings to him is that it has gone beyond purple, or even beyond the category of colors. Substantial color.

With the lifting of her right hand, a purple awn rose from her hand and shot directly into the sky. The girl's eyes looked at the huge blue dragon above the sky without focus, and her hand tilted slowly, and that shot The purple beam of light also tilted with the tilt of her arm, and the speed was so slow ...

Ye Tianxie stared at the girl's movements unknowingly. He felt that his breathing began to become difficult. Soon, a complete sense of suffocation came. ~ around, even As if there was no air at once, and then, he suddenly found that there was no sound in his ears, the roar of the rising sea, the turbulence of the wind, the roar of the green dragon, and even exhaled himself to breathe I ca n’t hear the sound at all ... it ’s like losing my hearing for a moment. The sky suddenly darkens and becomes darker and darker in the next second, until it becomes dark and there is no light at all ... ...

His evil dragon eyes can see through the absolute darkness, but at this time, he found that no matter how he opened his eyes, he could not see the eyes, or the slightest surroundings ... As if this was not the darkness brought by the environment, but Loss of vision ...

wrong! If you lose your vision, why can you still see so much purple!

In the darkness, the purple light dazzled him so much that he dared not look straight.

Zimang moved slowly, then, suddenly stopped ...

In silence, a purple thunderbolt flashed through his pupils.



The city of heaven was in chaos, and the voice of deliberation was so loud.

The appearance of Qinglong almost ran out of the whole city, and at this time, they were shocked to find that Qinglong had disappeared ... because the sky in the south turned black, there was no dark light, and Qinglong It was swallowed up by the darkness, so that its entire body fell into dark vision and disappeared into sight.

They were discussing the source of this darkness, fearing what happened, and suddenly their eyes flickered ... it seemed the light released by the purple lightning flash.

A call came again, and people looked at the south again, and suddenly found that the sky swallowed by darkness in the south, just a moment ago, had a sloping purple trace ...

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