Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 510: Holy Spirit Teacher (1)

[This chapter is impure, and those who have love can take care of it, because there will be impure scenes for a long time in the future, ha ha ha ha ...]

Liu Yanyue's eyes were gentle, and her eyes were silky, showing her fairy-like style: "Funny? Brother Evil, I'm your eldest sister ... this is my sister, I care about my brother ..." She has long fingers. Swipe in front of Ye Tianxie's chest, rubbing his lips with one hand, saying something that can make any man collapse: "Hee hee, if Fifi can't make you comfortable, you have to remember to come to your sister anytime, as long as my Brother Tianxie can be satisfied, any part of my sister's body can be played casually ... "

Such words are spoken from the mouth of a woman ...

Still such a beautiful, so charming woman said ...

Ye Tianxie felt that there seemed to be a heat wave rushing to the top of his head, and it almost broke out. He reached out and put her hand on her waist, pulled Liu Yueyue to himself, and approached her tender red lips. Squeeze firmly, hold her huge round **** firmly with her left hand, cover the huge cotton milk that cannot be held with one hand, and rub it. The other hand embracing the willow waist was stretched down along her spine until she was tall and swollen, full of elasticity. Rub your hips hard ...

It was a stormy attack as soon as it came up. Liu Yueyue Jiao shook her body, whine, but her lips were sealed because it sounded like a snoring sound. Her eyes were resentful. The man who was raging on his body was charming and unkempt, but he didn't resist at all. Instead, he stuck out his fragrant tongue to entangle with Ye Tianxie, and at the same time stood up the round and crisp chest that made Jinghua Junjie covet in his dreams. Let Ye Tianxie knead it into various obscene shapes ...

In the face of Ye Tianxie, Liu Yeyue would not have a girl-like hostage like Su Feifei. The soft, fragrant tongue protruded actively, stirred vigorously, sucked, and the two men's saliva were thoroughly mixed together. The tangled tongue kept flowing down, pulling up the water-colored silk threads, and wet the clothes on the chest. In the face of Liu Yeyue, who was always in full swing in front of him, Ye Tianxie naturally would not have been gentle and careful about Sophie Fei. On the one hand, he made a lip-to-tongue relationship with the body-falling demon Ji, with his hand on her giant. Kneading, rubbing, pinching, pulling, squeezing, pressing on the milk ... the force is getting more and more uncontrollable, and in the end, almost all the strength is used, and Liu Yanyue's giant. The **** are played into exaggerated shapes, and the attack on her mouth is getting more and more fierce. She even deliberately drools into her mouth and forces her to swallow. Then she overflows too late to swallow her beauty. Wet most of the time.

The violent movements made Ye Tianxie's eyes full of obscenity | abuse pleasure, Liu Yeyue's face now looks like red glow, her eyes are silky, her shoulders are moving, her mouth is trembling with soft bones, and her body is becoming more Soft, if not Ye Tianxie holding her tightly, she would have been paralyzed.

Su Feifei's most beautiful place is her long legs, and Liu Yanyue ... her pair of beauty. Milk is almost perfect, unlike things on earth, even when he was with Li Xianer, he often thought about being able to touch Liu Yanyue's breast. Room. At this moment, this pair of beauty that can make any man crazy. Milk is in his hands, he kneaded it, and tried his best to make the huge **** more swollen and round. Yueyue shuddered, swallows swallowed, and humming, the painful numbness and swelling made her wonder whether there would be milk from the already swollen. The hard tip lasing ... ...

Seeing her intense response, Ye Tianxie's obscenity | The abuse of fire is getting hotter and hot, the force in her hands seems to be to grab her beautiful breast. The room is broken and pulled her pink breast | tip general. Liu Yueyue's whole body was dripping with perspiration, her face was crimson, and her wheeze was wheezing, her two **** | her head was red and bleeding like dripping, and the crispness spread from her chest to her whole body, like a flame mad all over It was burning, her eyebrows were slightly thin, her lips were slightly opened, her breathing was getting more and more rapid, and her hands were violently covered by clothes in Ye Tianxie, | but she could n’t calm down the increasingly hot passion on her body, suddenly, She didn't know where the strength was. She pushed Ye Tianxie away suddenly, Ye Tianxie was caught off guard, and she was pushed back a few steps, while her soft body Liu Yanyue sat directly on the red carpet. The sitting posture under the wolverine still presents a **** curve.

Before Ye Tianxie had time to reveal, Liu Yueyue, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly showed a charming tender smile, with luscious and charming charm flashing in her beautiful eyes, and the enchanting jade and pink powder spread all over, slowly, her body The clothes were faded one by one under her mind, so that the beautiful and extreme enchanting body was naked in front of Ye Tianxie. That enchanting body is so perfect that it can't be described with words. The whole body is so crisp and smooth that you can't find a part that destroys the beauty of the curve. It is worse than fat. Ye Tianxie looked dull, and his breathing stopped in an instant ...

Looking at Ye Tianxie's expression that was sluggish all of a sudden, Liu Yanyue showed a smile of ecstasy. She twisted her waist slightly, adjusted her sitting position a little, and then slowly, plump her long and beautiful legs straight in Ye Tianxie. Opened little by little in her gaze, the sparkling and beautiful place was unveiled in front of Ye Tianxie ... She held up her beauty with both hands. Milk, looking at Ye Tianxie, in her mouth A trembling and wagging voice: "Heaven ... hurry up, my sister can't stand it ... hurry in and **** me ... hurry up with my sister ..."

With a beautiful face, a fairy-like body, and a terrible voice ... Ye Tianxie almost felt his head explode, and he rushed towards Liu Yueyue like a beast, holding his hands under her hips. Hanging the jade legs separately on the shoulders, almost exhausting all the strength, penetrated into her body stiffly, all of a sudden disappeared, and then, there was a storm-like shock.

The nightmare filled with craving day and night made Liu Yingyue send a contented groan, and the arms like crystal jade clenched tightly against Ye Tianxie, and the wavering moan without the slightest depression made the nightingale standing outside the door tremble. His legs rubbed against each other unconsciously, and his face was crimson, just like applying rouge powder ...



Liu Yeyue's madness was only known by Ye Tianxie.

This countless Chinese man's dream lover is an out-of-the-box fairy.

Those seven days were lingering day and night, and only a few days passed, they were covered by rain again ... Ye Tianxie could no longer treat Liu Yueyue simply as "big sister", and he could no longer avoid it ... and he It also seems to be no longer ready to escape.

After the madness, Ye Tianxie sat on the sandalwood chair that Liu Yanyue usually sat in, with her eyes half closed, and a slight inhalation sound continued to be heard. Liu Yanyue, who was exhausted, was out of touch, and her white jade body kneeled down. Between Ye Tianxie's legs, the bowed head shook up and down, and brought the "sucking" sucking sound ...

"Brother Tianxie, you seem to be different from the original ..." Liu Minyue served him with his mouth docile, and looked at his eyes with a pair of winks, his mouth making a vague voice.

This kind of picture made Ye Tianxie almost unable to bear again and wanted to press Liu Yueyue on the ground. He quickly raised his head and closed his eyes to enjoy: "Well ... what's different."

"I'm not telling you, but it's made her sister love more, giggles ..." She gave a smile and a sharp sip, which made Ye Tianxie's whole body almost agitated, and almost burst out in her mouth. In fact, Ye Tianxie knew what the change that Liu Yiyue said was ... Ye Tianxie would never take the initiative to find her, but in the face of the provocation she always showed, he would flee every time ...

Because he cares too much about this elder sister and doesn't want to hurt her because of his impulse, just as he refused to accept Sophie ... But now, his heart is completely absent, and he is lying on his back. "Sister", his only idea is to turn her into a woman of her own, no one else can touch! Because he likes Liu Yueyue, no matter her person, or her body ... Since he likes it, he must belong to himself.

This change in mood began on the first day after the baptism of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Um ... uh ... what are you calling me today ...?" Ye Tianxie adjusted his rapid breathing ~ ~. Just tossing for so long, the original intention of coming here has long been forgotten.

Liu Yiyue didn't immediately answer Ye Tianxie's question. Tankou moved faster and faster, and her hands and mouth were used together, but she still could not show Ye Tianxie's eruption. She winked and raised her head to shout to the outside. "Nightingale, come in."

The sweet girl in the yellow dress walked in cowardly, glanced secretly at the scene in the room, her head lowered, she never dared to lift her, and her feet became soft.

The entrance of the nightingale made Ye Tianxie a little flustered, and the subconscious will stand up to cover it, but listened to Liu Yiyue's soft command: "Come, kneel, and serve your male master with your master."

"Yes Yes."

The nightingale's voice shuddered slightly, she knelt slowly beside Liu Yueyue, put out her pink tongue, and licked at the lower half of Liu Yueyue. Moving, she didn't dare to look into Ye Tianxie's eyes from beginning to end.

The two fragrant and soft tongues of the two women left and right, so that Ye Tianxie's soul almost flew up. He raised his head high, and made an uncontrollable gasp in his mouth. No such picture seems to have appeared in a dream.

The reaction of Ye Tianxie made Liu Yanyue smile softly. She looked up, exhaled gently, and her body moved forward. She pinched Ye Tianxie firmly with the huge snow milk on her chest. Rubbing up and down, the nightingale bit his tip and licked gently. After Tankou got soothing, Liu Yingyue winked and said, "Brother Tianxie, Zhao Tianhua has been here with us for a month. He is indeed a genius. For a month, he has been perfectly designed. With the development of the Chamber of Commerce in July, his ambition is not ordinary ... Would you like to meet him? "

[Look at the title of this chapter ...]

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