Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 513: People from another world (on)

When the white elemental ball nearly hit Ye Tianxie's face, he reacted, his body twisted slightly, and his head was deflected, and the elemental ball hit the air and flew behind him. That element ball did not transmit a great wave of strength, nor did it fly very fast. Obviously it is a basic skill to say hello. What makes Tianye Xie have to be surprised is that the white magic element is naturally bright. Elements. In all professions, only the priest can manipulate the light element. At present, the only way for the priest to attack is the holy archery projected by the light element into the arrow of light ...

In other words, her attack method does not belong to any profession at all!

Ye Tianxie's heart was filled with doubts, but he didn't say more. His eyes narrowed and his right hand turned. The moment of destiny had appeared in his hands. The slightly wrinkled eyebrows showed his inner dignity ... Wrong, before Huaqimeng's next magic show, as a shadow, the moment of darkness and fate slashed away ...

The magician's offensive ability is deserved to be the strongest in the profession, and it has the advantages of long-range and forced hits. There is no MISS like physical attacks. At the same time, physical defense is ignored and resistance can only be resisted. In normal equipment, resistance is much rarer than physical defense.

However, the fatal flaw of the magician is the cowardly life and the varying length of chanting time before the magic. Once the magician is approached by the melee profession, he is almost not dead.

In the face of such a soft, cloudless, young girl under the age of ten, most people will subconsciously hesitate when they are about to attack her, or even stop directly, and they will have reservations when they are in need, so as not to directly She killed ... but Ye Tianxie did not have the slightest hesitation and reservation, and the speed of wrong steps, forwards, and choppings reached the limit he could reach, without any sense of pity ... because He felt a strong pressure from this young girl.

For the first time, he felt this pressure on a player.

Even the king, even the blood demon month, and even one person facing Qianjun, he has not felt such pressure. It would be foolish if he kept his hand at this time.

This swift strike is just around the corner. Ye Tianxie's explosive power makes it difficult for the top assassins to have a chance to react and avoid in front of his attacks, let alone a mage profession, let alone release the next magic. Fight back.

However, Ye Tianxie's blow did not hit her body, but a phantom. Then, the phantom that had not had time to dissipate completely disappeared before Ye Tianxie's eyes.

The breath came from behind him, Ye Tianxie suddenly looked back, but found that Hua Qimeng was standing at least fifteen meters behind him.


Still teleportation over a distance of more than ten meters!

Momentary movement, magic class will be learned after the second turn, but such a long distance teleportation should not appear at all to players ... at least not to players at this stage.

"Ice Elf bathed in the aurora, I call you in the name of the Holy Spirit Master, condense your power, and build an eternal crystal wall-Guardian of the Ice Soul!"

Hua Qimeng closed her eyes, and released a devout and focused chanting in her mouth. When the chanting fell, an ice-blue circular barrier was built around her body, and she spun slowly and unreally. Ye Tianxie frowned, the moment of destiny rose, and rushed to Hua Qimeng again. Momentary movement is a pseudo space skill, which has a considerable magic power consumption, and generally also has a relatively long cooling time, short time. Within a second time, Huaqimeng should not move. And just as he moved, Hua Qimeng still closed his eyes, as if silk was unaware, and a low chanting was released from his mouth ...

"Ice Elves in space, I call you in the name of the Holy Spirit Master, please obey my call. Gather your power into my hands, freeze the earth, let the mountains and rivers become ice, and envelope everything in the world in white In the midst of it, turn everything into white snow ... The snow and ice are frosty !!! "

The sound dropped, the surrounding space became extremely cold for a moment, Ye Tianxie's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then he leapt backwards at the fastest speed.

Instantly, with the body of Hua Qimeng as the center, countless ice spikes mixed with snow and ice falling from the sky and piercing from the ground, and some appeared out of thin air and flew up and down. Meters, to ten meters, to fifteen meters, to twenty meters ...

Ye Tianxie regressed step by step, his receding speed has reached his limit, but the violent ice spikes and snow are getting closer and closer to him. Although he was not disturbed, his footsteps stopped slightly, Launched, sprinting back a distance of eight meters in an instant, temporarily separated from the crisis of the "Ice Frozen Formation", and at this time, the "Ice Frozen Formation" stopped spreading ... The range of thirty meters around Hua Qimeng's body was already white, and the countless ice spikes and snow had accumulated a thickness of more than twenty centimeters, which did not dissipate for a long time. I can imagine how dense that attack.

Two movements of her, one defense magic and one attack magic, caused Ye Tianxie's heart to panic.

Such magic does not belong to any normal magic profession at all. At this stage, no player can release such an amazing magic attack. But she did it ... at the moment of holding destiny, Ye Tianxie frowned at flowers and prayed for dreams. At this moment, he was wondering ... Is she really a player?

Guardian of the ice, attack of the ice ... Does she have a hidden magic class of the ice system? ?

"Hot and free fire elves, I call you in the name of the Holy Spirit Master. Gather to my side, lend your mighty power to me, release your heat, burn the earth, burn everything in front of you-red Fire of lotus! "



Ye Tianxie's heart had just been surprised, a red line of fire burst out from the front of Hua Qimeng, and instantly passed through a distance of thirty meters to reach him. Ye Tianxie was distracted, almost When he was hit, he quickly turned around to avoid the hot line of fire, but the fire of Honglian was not just one. Ye Tianxie just avoided the first one, and three from the front of him at the same time. Burning, Ye Tianxie quickly retreated, turning his body to avoid all three lines of fire. When the body was stable, his body was almost attached to the wall behind him ...

In an instant, he was forced to open a distance of more than forty meters, and Hua Qimeng stood at each end of the front yard. At this time, another chant of Hua Qimeng was about to be completed. At such a distance, he just wanted to stop and couldn't.

"The lock of wind ring, the practice of tulle, the endless wind that blows the earth all year round, I call you in the name of the Holy Spirit Master, and turn it into a shackle of imprisonment-the shackle of wind!



Now it's wind again! !!

A small wind quickly condensed and released from the front of Hua Qimeng, and in the process of flying, it turned into a green wind bird, and quickly flew to Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie took a heavy breath and rushed forward against the windbird. The attacking distance of the magic cast by Hua Qimeng is obviously not comparable to that of an ordinary magician, and his attack methods are all close-ups. Once pulled away It is undoubtedly caught in absolute passiveness, and it is easy to avoid the "wind restraint". In a blink of an eye, the distance has been shortened to about 20 meters. The wind bird he had avoided flew from behind him to him, and it was much faster than before. "

This is the speed of the wind! Just now, it was more of an illusion of relaxation.

The green wind bird slammed into the back of Ye Tianxie in a straight line, turning into a green light covering his body ...

"Ding ... You are affected by the Binding of the Wind." In 20 seconds, the transfer speed drops by 40, the shooting speed decreases by 30, and the avoidance ability decreases by 30%. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Looking at the faint layer of green on his body ~ ~ Ye Tianxie's footsteps stopped, his expression changed slightly, and then he suddenly smiled slightly.

It seems that it has been four years since Li Xianer was brought into the virtual game world from the first day. It is still five years.

For so long, he has played PK with various players for countless times, but he has never been defeated once, let alone in the hands of a female player.

Today, the two played against each other, but within a short period of ten seconds, the other party was his most fearless magic profession, or a tender girl who seemed to have no threat at all, but he never had any more than his first attack. I've found any time out of the phone, all of her are attacking, and she was opened far away by her, the fastest wind magic magic hit him.

It seems that he has never been so suppressed by a player.

Do you pray for dreams ...

The development of the matter was so interesting, it was completely unexpected, and he was frustrated one after another, and inspired his pride completely ... How could he be defeated in the hands of a female player! !!

As if a flame ignites in his chest, he no longer wonders why this girl has such terrible strength. His only idea now is to let her defeat!

Obviously, his ability to move has been greatly weakened, but when he leaves, his speed is still extremely fast. His concentration, which is far superior to that of ordinary players, has played a miracle effect at one moment. A distance of twenty meters can be reached in a blink of an eye. Hua Qimeng still closed her eyes, and the voice of chanting echoed mistily: "Angels who enjoy themselves in the mists of nothingness, please return to the turbulent and polluted earth, because the unclean air needs your strength to clarify .Purify! The fallen earth, the light of the Holy Spirit! "

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