Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 571: Huang Yuan, Lvbo (6)

"What's going on?" The blue spirit's wolf's eyes were clearly surprised. A clear blood channel appeared on Ye Tianxie's head at this time. The blood channel was completely gray and black, and there was no trace of life ... but he was not dead, and still raging the green wave with his terrible attack ability, That heavier attack turned the Green Wave attack into nothing, let alone counterattack.

Dead, why are you still attacking?

If he didn't die ... it was an empty blood tank, and his life had not recovered as fast as before.

"The Claw Emperor lives for sin and destruction. Even if he dies, he will not stop the killing until he exhausts all his power ... He is indeed dead now, but as long as his power is not reached, this kind of The state will continue ... The moment the Calamity disappears, it is when he falls. "Wuming whispered.

"Are we going to shoot?"

Anonymous gaze stayed on the body for a moment, shaking his head and saying, "No need."

The unnamed voice had just fallen, and Xuanling's light flickered slightly on her body, a holy white light had been released from it, and then she was sprinkled on Ye Tianxie's body. Ye Tianxie's body was suddenly shrouded in white light. Suddenly, his empty blood tank flashed suddenly, and then the red blood line instantly recovered to half ...

I have the power of rebirth-mysterious resuscitation!


"Xuanling Snow Fox's resurrection technique is different from the normal resurrection technique." Anonymous lowered his eyebrows, and said a word that was out of bounds.

boom! !! !! !!

Huang Yuan's blow smashed Ye Tianxie's body instead of a special attack, but even Ye Tianxie's body could not be repelled. Under the protection of Tianze's wall, the damage was not even 400,000. At that time, the speed of Ye Tianxie's fate was quickly reversed, and Huang Yuan smashed away like a ball, and then he seemed to recognize the person who had just put him to death with a trick and gave up. The green wave went straight to Huang Yuan. Before Huang Yuan's body was still in the upside down and did not land, the storm-like attack had hit him, and he swung out a black arc almost unclear in the air ... When Huang Yuan's body finally landed, it was hit more than twenty times in a blink of an eye in a high upside-down flying state, and life brushed down at a very fast speed.

At this point, only forty seconds had passed, Huang Yuan and Lubo's lives had all fallen by more than two-thirds!

Green Wave finally got a chance to gasp, its body stood tall, cold green light shot out of its one eye, the snake scales began to flash a twinkling green light ... the ground began to tremble obviously, and its body Around, one by one the green light began to appear, and more and more, all the way to countless levels ...

Facing the unbelievable claw emperor of horror, Huang Yuan used its ultimate technique, and Green Wave also did not need any reservation at all ... Because in the face of such an enemy, any reservation is completely death-seeking!

"God forbidden technology of the green wave spirit body-Death Ray." Blue spirit whispered: "Death can spread the attack, the range of the scattered attack is enough to cover a third of the poisonous mist forest, and it can also focus the attack. The power is not as good as Huang Yuan's yellow doomsday, but it will be extremely potent. The power of concentrated attack will be more than twice that of scattered attacks, and the lethality will be more than yellow doomsday ... he will die again. "

Nameless silence.

boom! !! boom! !!

Huang Yuan's body was smashed into the air and severely dropped. At this time, Huang Yuan was just like the green wave just now. There was no counterattack under the serial attack ... not to mention the counterattack, there was no chance and strength to turn over and stand up. Every attack of Ye Tianxie comes with a shock force sufficient to tremble a mountain. Each attack will make Huang Yuan's body stiff for a long time. Ye Tianxie's moving speed and attack speed are too fast. Before Huang Yuan, who had been smashed to the ground, had time to climb up, the heavy assault fell again. I smashed it even further, just returned to my mind, and even the consciousness of struggle was not clear, the terrible attack was like a nightmare ...

The speed of the pursuit, the speed of the attack is too fast! And it is extremely heavy ... every time the damage caused is an astonishing 6 million! !! With each split at the moment of destiny, a thunderous force roar was caused. This is the horrible damage that can be dealt by the annihilation level skills. Under this kind of intensity and speed attack, Huang Yuan is like a yellow ball. He was smashed back quickly during the tumbling. In a short period of time, the body that released the golden light drew a trail on the ground. Hundreds of meters of traces.

At this time, a long hissing sound sounded in the center of the poisonous mist forest. With the hissing of the green wave, the countless floating green awns around its body were brought up by the wind, at an amazing speed, With a hurricane-like howl, he flew to Ye Tianxie's body ...

The rampant barrier of the sky has disappeared, let alone a thousand such attacks, any one of them will kill it. At this time, Ye Tianxie's state was doomed to be unable to recover it. When the green awn hit, its body jumped, shrank into a white fluff, and retracted into Ye Tianxie's arms. in……

Uh ...

The green awns of the sky are woven into a green net that even covers the sky, and every green thread in this immensely wide green net is whistling again, all flying to Ye Tianxie, falling ruthlessly on his Body ...

MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, -28765, MISS, MISS, MISS, -28790, MISS, MISS, -28700, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS , MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, -29010, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

The number of green rays is thousands, and even if Ye Tianxie has the shield of Tianze's wall, with his life value, if he hits all, it will be enough for him to die five or six times ... Ye Tianxie soared quickly and could not see the red, but ... almost all of the reds were big "MISS". Only in the snowflake-like "MISS", occasionally a real hurt figure appeared. .

Blue Spirit: "..."


The death wave of the green wave is an extremely terrible multi-stage attack. In a short time, more than a thousand energy **** with venomous power are summoned, and then lasing at the same time. This skill is undoubtedly terrible, compared with Huang Yuan ’s “yellow "Doomsday" is even more terrible ... but this skill has a flaw that is not obvious at all, and this scattered attack often hits relatively low.

However, with the powerful ability of Green Wave, the basic hitting ability is undoubtedly very strong. Even if the hit judgment of this skill is slightly lower, it will not be displayed or will not appear at all under its strong attribute basis.

But Ye Tianxie's avoidance at this moment ... exceeded 20,000! !!

What is 20,000 avoidance?

At this time, if all physics players from Huaxia are summoned to attack Ye Tianxie at this time, and fight for a hundred years, a thousand years, never even hit his body.

And don't say that the player is a full-level fairy beast, don't even want to hit his body, and even a beast of heaven can only hit occasionally, and only a powerful beast of gods can be ranked and graded. Suppression and its own powerful hit attributes suppress this terrible evasion ability.

However, Lu Bo's attack with a lower hit judgment, multiple attacks, completely revealed Ye Tianxie's own terrorist avoidance. Under countless death ray attacks, his body didn't even have a short stagnation, and he still abused Huang Yuan with the strongest and fastest attack, completely turning a blind eye to the death ray attack. Death's focused attack lasted for five seconds, but under more than 90% of the "MISS" attacks, the damage per second to him was less than his own speed of life recovery.

Five seconds later, the sky was finally gone, and Ye Tianxie's life value was actually full!

Under Lvbo's strongest **** forbidden technique ... it was kept unharmed! !!

Anonymous and blue spirit for a long time without words ~ ~ Even the strongest attack was released, and a strangely weak hissing sound came out of the temporarily weak green wave mouth, which was a kind of vent shock and incredible the sound of.

Shocking attack ability, unparalleled defense ability, terrible evasion ability, as well as shocking movement speed and attack speed, shocking eight times the damage rebound ...

The claw emperor is terrible, without limits.

Anonymous increasingly understands why those people are so desperate to destroy each claw emperor who was still in its infancy without hesitation. He raised his head and closed his eyes slightly ... The claw emperor had such power, which meant that what he was going to take must be a path going against the sky. What he has to face is too big and too heavy ...


Myself ...

Why bother to return from **** ...


No matter who you are, no matter what power you have, no matter what enemy you will face ...

In this world, there are people who will be willing to protect you with all you have, even if you are the enemy of the whole world, even if you become a real demon ...

only because……

boom! !! !! !!

A strangely heavy dragon soul was smashed and smashed, Huang Yuan was smashed away from a distance in a roar, Ye Tian's evil body was like Xingying ... but his body just rushed out, his body suddenly glowed. Blinking, the burning color flame started to extinguish quickly, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

One minute has passed, and the flame of calamity has disappeared, and the terrifying coercion and aura released by the Claw Emperor have disappeared instantly. The originally chaotic air flow finally returned to normal, and the unknown and blue spirits far away from the kilometers also clearly felt a lot easier.

"Disappeared," Lanmo said softly.

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