Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 623: Devil's Claw

"Relentless, stealth for the first time, then move at high speed, kill with the fastest speed ... don't hesitate and pause, understand?" Before Situ relentlessly came to power, Ye Tianxie said in his ear.

Situ nodded ruthlessly, took out the serial number card and transmitted it to the arena. At this moment, Xun Meng had already stood on the stage, white clothes win snow, still as ice and snow.

Situ relentlessly never spoke on his own initiative, and Xun Meng never said a word on the competition platform. Both people calmly did not bring a trace of ripples. Situ's ruthless eyes were as sharp as a knife, while Xun Xun always looked at the ground, silent, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Head of delegation, how big is the chance of bitter gourd face?" Situ Mo said, his face clearly revealing tension.

Ye Tianxie did not answer. He couldn't answer, because he didn't know the depth of the dream. Since the start of the match, Xun Meng has all defeated the enemy. In other words, she has never revealed her true strength, and Ye Tianxie has no way to judge it. God went up and down all in one fell swoop, and that Situ was ruthless ... Will he get rid of this fate?

"Ding ... the game started !!"

The moment the cue sounds fell, people's eyes exploded, and Situ's ruthless figure disappeared from the arena, disappearing without a trace. At the beginning, behind him, he was even the strongest wind wizard, and the unrelenting Cangfeng Yueou was unaware of it and was beheaded and killed, then ...

Xun Xun's eyes finally lifted up, her eyes still calm like a pool of standing water, as if she did not notice the opponent in front of her had disappeared, and her right hand, Bai Yingrubing, was slowly raised ...

boom! !!

The sound of the collision from nowhere, like a hammer, smashed against a soil wall ...

In the sound of the collision, the invisible Stuart relentlessly appeared in shape, and the impacted stagnation body flew out of the arena as if swept by the wind ...

"Bitter gourd face !!!"

Situ stood up suddenly, with a look of horror. Who else can understand Situ's relentlessness better than him. If he wants to conceal his whereabouts, he can perfectly achieve no overflow of breath, truly silent, even if he stands behind a person day and night, as long as the other person does not turn around, don't want to know his existence, he behind him , It is exactly the same as disappearing.

However, his stealth, and the high-speed movement of the hidden breath in his stealth ... just looking up his dream, he blasted him out ...

Is it a coincidence?

If not, then this woman ... she is terrible! !!

The stupid Situ flew into the arena relentlessly. Suddenly, his stagnation body spins, and then the body shoots down obliquely, and then falls back to the edge of the arena ... It is one of the assault techniques used by the killer's professional sneak attack, which was used by him in a stance in the air, which aroused the exaggeration of the killer professional players present.

Situ, who fell to the ground, was merciless without the slightest pause and respite. His body, like a dark thunderbolt, suddenly shot at Xun Xun, and the distance of thirty meters could be brought to zero by him without taking three seconds.

Dream-seeing eyes indifferent to his approach, his body was still as rooted, but he slowly raised his right hand, palm, facing Situ's heartless ...

Stuart's face suddenly showed nervousness, and the strange attack of dream-seeking did not have any omen, nor the release of momentum and energy fluctuations. Situ escaped relentlessly and dangerously once. This time must be tougher, can he hide again ...

boom! !!

This time, people heard the sound of a blast of airflow ... and Situ was ruthless, but jumped high into the air at the moment before the blast sounded, and straightly pulled up more than five meters ... the body, without being Hit by an invisible attack.

"Okay!" Situ instantly clenched his hands, a suspended heart was temporarily put down, and Situ relentlessly stared at the air. Situ's relentless victory or defeat is his victory.

Let them see ... what is ... Devil's Claw! !!

As Situ jumped up relentlessly, all eyes also looked up at him, and their eyes widened in unison, revealing an incredible face.

Situ's ruthless right-handed weapon disappeared, and was replaced by a thick mass of black awns. The black awns had just risen and then skyrocketed, condensing in the air into a huge ... dark claw!

The dark five fingers, the dark claws, spread rapidly in the darkness, and spread to a length of more than ten meters, grasping the quiet and silent dream-seeking ...

"This ... what is this !?"

"What is that black hand? What skill is this? Does the killer have this skill?"

"What a joke !! When did the killer have such scary skills ..."

"Is there anything wrong ... this kind of skills are available! Those who entered the quarterfinals are some perverts!"

"Hey." Faced with the astonishment of Zuo Pojun and others, Situ instantly laughed: "This is why the bitter gourd face is called the Devil's Claw ... his hand has been in him since he was born It can be released freely in the body. Later, he discovered that his hand can also be released in this game world ... That ’s why I said, I feel more and more that this world is not like a simple one. The game world ... it can almost perfectly carry a person's original special abilities ... the hand of bitter gourd face, the blackness of Qiushui, and the excessive power of the head are all facts that prove it. "

In the pair of trembling eyes, the suddenly appearing huge palm covered the unexpected dream, and with the closing of the five fingers, her entire body was completely grasped in the hand ... Tight.


On the stage, there were countless exclaimations. With the shadow of the first game, their minds irresistibly saw the dream-seeking body being torn and shattered by the huge dark hand ...

Situ's ruthless hand was tightening, and at this moment, Ye Tianxie's roar came from his ear: "Relentless, she's behind you!"

Situ turned abruptly relentlessly, and those cold eyes instantly met a pair of calm and still eyes, and a palm like a white jade ...

boom! !!

His body, once again, was severely hit by a strangely heavy hammer, and flew far away. During his flight backwards, the devil's claws fell sharply, and the dark nails pierced the ground fiercely. As the body rushed backwards, it made five dark marks, the body, It also stopped hard under this resistance, and then, his devil's claw slammed into the ground, and the stagnation of the body under the shock force, like a fired arrow, tilted towards the dream-seeking. Devil's Claw was so powerful that the shocking ground just now, and the speed derived from that powerful anti-seismic force was even more amazing, allowing his body to cross the entire arena in an instant and rush to the body of the dream-seeking ...

The devil's claw disappeared, and the silver "soul iron blade" reappeared in his right hand, and with the momentum of the body, pierced the throat of dream-seeking.

哧 ——

The sound of breaking through the air arrived, and this swift blow that could not have escaped missed the air, and the body of Xun Xing appeared strangely after three steps, and no one could see how she moved. The past ... is as invisible as the ghosts ...

However, the next scene is even stranger than the ghosts.

The sudden retreat of Xun Xun would have made the attacker have a momentary sacrifice, but as the Xun Xun moved backwards, Situ relentlessly suddenly disappeared ... It actually appeared behind the Xun Xun, the soul iron blade in his hand Draw an icy arc and cut to her neck ...

哧 ——

This made all players take a blow of air-conditioning, but still did not hit it. The body of Xun Xun moved like a back and forth, and moved strangely about three steps away ... and Situ's relentlessness disappeared ...

Huh! !!

His body, like a teleportation, appeared above the dream-seeking, the deadly silver light straight down and cut away ...

Everything happened too fast, from the first relentless attack by Situ, to the second attack that suddenly flashed behind, to the third attack that suddenly appeared in the sky above ... three attacks, three times moving in an extremely fierce direction. Add up to less than a second! !!

This is simply not a speed humans can achieve.

The shadow of the threefold killing, Situ relentless that the ultimate killer to break through the limit, let countless world masters smell the color change. Although it is only in the semi-mature stage, in the eyes of all players, it is undoubtedly a god-like shocking skill ... No one can do three attacks in one second, and the three attacks are all in different positions. Later, on ... who can escape such an attack?

Situ was merciless for the first time in the face of so many people to perform his magic shadow triad. When the incredible extreme skills were still in the embryonic state, even Ye Tianxie had to open his water mirror to resist. , But dream-seeking ... all avoided.

The third shot was still not hit, only a shadow was hit, and Xun Xun's body had appeared outside his three steps again.

The short second that just took the scene into a breath-hold ... and it was the second just now, which made countless players with shock and excitement after the game ~ ~ Repeatedly watched it in slow mode Over and over again.

"How is this possible?" Situ Mo had stopped completely, and Situ's ruthless three lore had all failed ... He couldn't believe his eyes at all. This trick, but even their leader Xie Tian could not completely avoid it! !!

"Monster." Zuo Pojun gritted his teeth ... The nature he was calming was not Situ's ruthlessness, but the dream-seeking.

What she has, not only is that weird attack, because she just avoided Situ's ruthless phantom triad of killing, she is completely worthy of the name of "monster".

"has it ended?"

After using the shadow of the three lore, Situ's ruthless ear came to hear a woman's voice. The voice was soft and faint. At first glance, the owner of the voice would not be more than 20 years old. A young girl.

And this is also the first time that Xun Xun talked on the arena. Perhaps, Situ's ruthless performance has qualified her to speak.


This time, instead of extending her hand slowly, she waved backwards in the air.

Click! !!

With a shrill shattering sound, the 2 × 2 × 2 square area where Situ's ruthless body was located suddenly became fragmented like the impacted glass ... driving Situ's ruthless body into pieces ... ...

The fragmentation of space means the formation of black holes in space, and the existence of black holes will only be a short moment. The broken space was restored immediately, and Situ's ruthless body had been swayed far away under the burst of space and landed on the arena. Life had also been emptied. After a few seconds of his body, a white light disappeared.

And in the fragmentation of the space just now, no one saw what kind of trauma Situ relentlessly suffered ... hurt the numbers, and was completely covered by the broken space.

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