Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 88: This is called leveling

Ye Tianxie, whose defense was originally low, had a poor defense after applying "furious warfare". In addition to his health value, an ordinary baby raccoon was enough to hang him. In the face of this small boss that is stronger than the little raccoon, Ye Tianxie is likely to be hit by a spike.

Ye Tianxie cleaned up the little raccoons around him, but he still didn't restore his life. Instead, he greeted the body of the little raccoon leader and greeted him directly. He wasn't approaching yet. The moment of fate had been waved, and the two-meter-long attack The distance just reached the belly of the little raccoon leader and brought up a red number -242.

In a single hit, Ye Tianxie quickly retreated when the leader of the little raccoon launched his attack and retreated outside its attack range. The attack method of the little raccoon is mainly the claw strike of the front paw, but unfortunately its front paw is not too long, and the attack distance of nearly two meters with Ye Tianxie can not be compared at all. Although the leader of the little raccoon is much larger, But the attack range was not that strong. It slammed into the air with a claw, screaming and rushing towards Ye Tianxie ... but, its movement speed is also not much stronger than that of ordinary little raccoons, which is worse than Ye Tianxie, whose speed is increased by 30%.

Ye Tianxie controlled the distance between himself and the little raccoon leader. He backed up and attacked, restraining him from attacking him at the moment of his destiny, but his front claws could not catch him. Pleasant one-click blows away its life.

This is more like an alternative kite flying. And it's more technical than normal kite flying ... and more mean.

In the virtual online game world, the speed of movement is undoubtedly an important attribute. Its importance is not only reflected in the length of the travel time, but also greatly affects the performance of tactics and the results of battles. Especially when facing powerful enemies, this "importance" will become "extremely important." The powerful moving speed can not only greatly improve the containment ability, but also escape safely when facing an enemy that is too powerful to resist. Of all occupations, assassins are the ones with the fastest moving speed. Their strong mechanical power perfectly makes up for their low defense and low blood. Attacks, guerrillas, containment, and escape are all good.

Ye Tianxie is a person with a sense of reaction far beyond ordinary assassins, and he can apply the gap between the speed of movement to the perfect person, so the little raccoon leader meets Ye Tianxie and is doomed to tragedy.

-241, -244, -236 ...

Ye Tianxie regressed while attacking, and the distance between him and the little raccoon leader was just right. The little raccoon leader was likely to kill Ye Tianxie with a health value below 20% with just one hit, but no matter what it was Hard to attack, no matter how angry running and howling can't touch his body. But the moment of destiny scratched its belly over and over again.

Perhaps Ye Tianxie himself didn't notice that with his extremely high concentration, he could collect moves faster than ordinary players after each attack, and the physical stagnation caused by each attack was quite small, without giving The little raccoon leader leaves no chance.

-250, -237, -470!

With a long whine, the leader of the little raccoon was finally cleared of life under Ye Tianxie's style of shameless shameless shamelessness, and fell forward while keeping the forward movement.

The abyss trial in Xinshou Village experienced twelve one-star bosses, twelve two-star bosses, twelve Samsung bosses, and the thrilling challenge of a 20-level boss boss. In contrast, this At present, only the 15-level two-star elite who can almost directly escape all players is obviously not enough in front of him. There is no challenge or irritating pressure in confrontation. This ability does not depend on his equipment and attributes, but more on his personal ability. The non-human reflex nerve, and the amazing ability to decide the coping style according to the characteristics of the opponent and the surrounding environment at the first time. Judgment.

Two silver coins, several bottles of potion, and a piece of dim copper light burst from the body of the little raccoon leader and fell to the ground.

Tough Shoulders: 15 and Bronze Equipment, Requirements for Use: Level 15 melee class, defense +20, strength +6, physical strength +5, a hard shoulder should feel good, it should have good defense capabilities.

Helplessly put this piece of bronze equipment into the backpack. With his twelve-point lucky value, and the ability to destroy a large group of elites and bosses with one person in the abyss trial, he is convinced that his own owner at this time has the most warship theaters in China and is also the strongest superb equipment. . However, what kept him from complaining was that, apart from the few occupations without any restrictions on use, no matter how strong the equipment was, he could only lie quietly in his backpack and could not be equipped by him.

He desperately needs a career, even if he can switch to one of the most common occupations immediately. With a profession, the attributes are improved accordingly, and it is secondary to be able to wear equipment. More importantly, he can have the exclusive skills of some professions. In this way, he can have more attack methods and containment methods, and can face powerful enemies. Time to have more strategic choices. At present, except for a "furious warfare" from the skill scroll, his only attack method is flat cut.

Simply put, without skills, a large part of the killing pleasure will be missed ~ ~ Ye Tianxie, as usual, performed a "collection" on the obese body of the little raccoon leader.

"Ding ... you got a raccoon fur."

Raccoon fur: The fur from the head of the little raccoon is tougher than the fur of ordinary little raccoons and can be used to create light armor.

"Ding ... There are no more items to collect."

Stood up and sighed, Ye Tianxie opened the rankings.

Fifth place: Evil Sky, Level: 11th, Occupation: None.

One afternoon and three hours, he ranked from the top of the rankings from a hundred, and hit the fifth place like a rocket. When other players formed a team to surround a single level 10 monster, Ye Tianxie was carrying less than 100 health and hunting down level 15 in a group of nearly violent states. Monster, in the same unit time, he will undoubtedly get many times more ordinary leveling players.

"With the game world where I exist, the first will never belong to someone else."

This is not a word of arrogance, but he has absolute strength and absolute confidence.

For Ye Tianxie, such a speed is normal, but for those players who are paying attention to the rankings, the speed of his rise on the list makes many people startled. Xie Tian, ​​the mysterious person who slammed the entire Huaxia District in one day, a mysterious man who has gone through the abyss trials that no one else has yet passed through, and has made countless strong players in online games People who the forces are following. The speed of his horrible escalation once again made all Huaxia players witness his power with his own eyes.

Then, he started to hunt the little raccoon (little raccoon: abominable human! I still provoke you!).

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