Just as Ning Yuan was bothered by the affairs of the Silver Star Empire and was about to speed up the progress of the Raiders of the Lost Continent, the bad news was like an agreement, and he bombed him one after another.

Now all players know that Ning Yuan is trapped in the Lost Continent and has no time to take care of other places. This is a golden opportunity for many forces, so some players who had conflicts with Ning Yuan started to take action.

Russian players have always had a grudge about losing the Baikal region.

Although the Baikal region is nominally the territory of the North Sea State, Ning Yuan put the queen of the family to sleep, and now the two of them have barely had a child. The Baikal region is now the territory of the Condor Empire.

Originally, they were deeply trapped in the Eastern European battlefield and were unwilling to provoke the powerful Condor Empire, but when they learned that Ning Yuan had entered the Lost Continent and could not get out of it within a short time, they finally thought about it.

Now even fools can see how aggressive Ning Yuan is, and Huaxia players have always believed that the Waixinganling area is their territory, and many people even believe that the entire area east of the Ural Mountains is also Huaxia's territory.

Those players combined with Ning Yuan, their ambition and aggressiveness will only become stronger.

Although they seem to have died down now, as long as they are allowed to slow down for a while, they will continue to invade Russian land sooner or later.

So instead of waiting for the Chinese players to take the initiative to fight over, it is better for them to take the initiative to attack and retake the Baikal area while Ning Yuan is away.

Of course, with the current situation of the Russian players, it is impossible for them to go to full-scale war with the Condor Empire, so in order to become famous, they took the initiative to take refuge in Katerina's second brother, Prince Ivan.

In this way, the battle for the Baikal region became a battle for power between the Catalina brothers and sisters.

As long as they are not within the bounds, then as long as Ning Yuan does not want to fully develop with them, he must suffer this dumb loss. Of course, the premise is that they can defeat Catalina's army.

Although the Condor Empire has troops stationed in the North Sea, those troops mainly protect Katrina's personal safety, and the number is not very large.

Unexpectedly, the Russian players would counterattack the Baikal region when they fell into a state of anxiety in the Eastern European battlefield, so the defenders of the North Sea State were caught off guard.

By the time the Condor Army stationed on the Mongolian plateau passed by, the area west of Lake Baikal had fallen into a large area.

Russian players have carefully prepared for this counterattack for a long time. They knew the strength of the Condor Cavalry Corps, so they deliberately chose to launch this battle after a few heavy snowfalls in winter.

Russian players deal with ice and snow all year round, and they are used to going out in this kind of weather.

However, many soldiers of the Condor Army cannot adapt to fighting in this terrible environment, especially those heavily armored soldiers, who dare not wear armor at all in temperatures of tens of degrees below zero.

Although Ji Wushuang led the light infantry of the Penalty Corps and rushed over in time, they had no good way to face the blooming Russian guerrillas.

In order to avoid the massive loss of soldiers due to frostbite, Ji Wushuang could only order the army to enter some cities for defense, and then wait for the arrival of summer.

Although Ji Wushuang's approach was correct, Ning Yuan was very dissatisfied.

Now is the critical period of assimilation of the North Sea citizens. If the invading enemy cannot be repelled, then those vacillating North Sea citizens may fall back to the side of the second prince Ivan.

This is the situation that Ning Yuan least wants to see, so he must smash the conspiracy of Russian players and let those who are vacillating see the true strength of the Condor Empire, so that they dare not give birth to two hearts.

For the aboriginal soldiers, Ning Yuan loves the people like his son, but for the player army, Ning Yuan never considers their casualties, because the biggest advantage of the player army is that it is not afraid of death.

During this period of time, many players were very uncomfortable in Fusang County. They often caused various incidents because of being too idle. Uncle Rabbit had asked Ning Yuan to report their black situation many times.

So instead of keeping them busy in Fusang County, it is better to let them go to Lake Baikal to have fun, believing that the temptation to drink Mahanhai will allow them to overcome the severe cold there.

After making a decision, Ning Yuan immediately notified Tie Xiongfeng and others who were based in Fusang County and asked them to recruit volunteers to urgently assist Lake Baikal.

Although many people don't like to go to places that are too cold, when the words "Yin Ma Hanhai" entered their ears, many players in Fusang County could not resist the temptation of these words and finally chose to realize it. This life goal.

After arranging logistics and preparing enough warm clothes for the players, an army of 800,000 Chinese players came to the shore of Lake Baikal after twists and turns.

At this time Lake Baikal had frozen, so the Chinese players started a protracted tug of war with Russian players on the ice.

At the beginning, due to the new arrivals, the Chinese players were very uncomfortable with the harsh natural environment there, so every time they battled with Russian players, they were the ones who suffered.

However, with the help of some Heilongjiang players, after a period of adaptation, they soon adapted to marching in cold weather, and then they finally gradually recovered some of the situation.

The Chinese players can advance a certain distance every day. I believe that as long as they are given enough time, they can completely drive the Russian players out of the territory of the North Sea country.


In addition to the Russian players taking the opportunity to find Ning Yuan's trouble, those Southeast Asian players are also unwilling to be lonely.

It's just that they didn't have the idea of ​​attacking the Vietnam County of the Condor Empire. Instead, they formed a Southeast Asian coalition and came to Sumatra through the Strait of Malacca.

After reaching the island of Sumatra, this coalition team cooperated with Indonesian players to quickly defeat the indigenous forces on the island ~www.ltnovel.com~ and unified the entire island of Sumatra.

After unifying Sumatra, they integrated all the forces on the island, and then launched a major counterattack on Kalimantan, which was occupied by the Ice and Fire Corps.

Obviously, their goal is to defeat the Ice and Fire Corps and regain control of Southeast Asia.

Although it is not clear whether they already knew the relationship between the Ice and Fire Legion and himself, it was impossible for Ning Yuan to watch the Ice and Fire Legion be beaten by them.

So he immediately asked a few trusted players to inform Bai Ze who was sitting in Condor City.

He believed that Bai Ze would definitely take action after hearing the information.

Now he is trapped in the Lost Continent, and all he can command is the player legion, so these are all he can do.

He now only hopes that the Ice and Fire Corps can fight steadily, not to advance, and can persist until the arrival of reinforcements.

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