Guan Jie's voice was faint, and after finishing speaking, he nodded in the direction of Lu Cha: "There, wearing green clothes."

Chen Bao still whispered in his heart to protest.

Obviously, you don't look like a good person, brother......

Hearing Guan Jie point at him, he looked at it at a glance.

Lu Cha is wearing a light green casual suit today, smart trousers and short sleeves, high hair and delicate pale lipstick, which shows that she is extraordinarily energetic.

"Wow, that's beautiful.

Chen Bao couldn't help but praise: "Being an opponent with such a beautiful woman, brother, you are so blessed."

"Blessed with a fart, do things quickly.

Guan Jie reached out from the blanket and gently slapped Chen Bao's head.

Chen Bao felt that his neck was about to be broken, and his skull was about to shatter, he looked at Guan Jie in disbelief, rubbed his head, and relieved for a while: "Brother...... There's no need to be a killer.

Guan Jie ignored him, took the coffee handed by the waiter, and took a sip silently.

Iced drip coffee is extracted with near-zero degree ice water, so that the flavor in the coffee can be less volatile under low temperature conditions, and as much of the coffee aroma is stored in the coffee liquid as possible.

When you drink it in your mouth, the temperature of the coffee liquid rises, and the aroma contained in the coffee liquid suddenly explodes, which makes people feel a great sense of well-being.

The cold taste and the aroma of coffee made Guan Jie's mood a lot better, and he no longer looked at Lu Cha, but turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

The distance between Chen Bao and Lu Cha is already relatively close, and if he wants to get the virus, it will take a little time, he just needs to wait quietly and taste the coffee.

Guan Jie looked at the color of the coffee in his cup for a while, and looked at his mobile phone for a while, looking bored.

"How long will it take?" Guan

Jie's gaze fell on Lu Cha's cup not far away: "She's almost finished drinking coffee." "

Come on, brother, ...... right away"

Chen Bao's fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, concentrating.

After hearing this, Guan Jie lay back lazily, four blankets covered his body, and he couldn't tell that there was a person sitting here without paying attention.

Chen Bao's appearance is very much like a social animal who is struggling for life, and the sound of the keyboard crackles, although it attracted the attention of some people, but they all chose to remain silent.

It's not easy for everyone.

Why do you want to influence a young man who is struggling hard?

"Okay brother!"

Chen Bao cheered in a low voice: "It's already planted, and when she doesn't use the computer, I can act." "

Hmm. Guan Jie's voice sounded muffled, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Seeing this, Chen Bao silently called the waiter again, ordered a second glass of juice, and thought that the accompaniment Guanjie would have a good rest here.

Pity my brother.

Every day he is busy running around for the case, and in order to win, he will do whatever it takes

! My brother -

he really works so hard!

" Okay, wait a minute, your juice will be on in a while. The

waiter smiled, bowed slightly, and left.

Chen Bao was still immersed in self-emotion, and suddenly found that the pile of blankets in front of him didn't know when to lift a little bit.

The beast's eyes were grim, and its cold eyes narrowed slightly, staring at itself.

Guan Jie's eyes were gloomy, and his mouth was dark under the blanket and said: "A glass of juice is 58 yuan...... You kid pay ...... yourself"

"...... Good, good, good.

Chen Bao was so frightened by this cold appearance that his bones were weak

! It turned out that Guan Jie did not sleep, and he criticized himself for ordering a second glass of juice!

Wasting money!

Chen Bao was about to cry, he didn't want to drink this second cup of juice, but if Guan Jie fell asleep here, and the two of them didn't consume, he would definitely be embarrassed to sit here.


My brother—


The sound of gently closing the notebook sounded, Lu Cha packed up his things, stood up, smiled and nodded at the waiter's service, and prepared to leave.

"Eh, brother, she's leaving!"

Chen Bao gently touched Guan Jie under the table with his foot: "Brother, aren't we?"

Guan Jie tore off the blanket on his body, tidied up his clothes, and threw the four blankets in his hand on Chen Bao's face.

"What are you going to do? You think I'm only going to kidnap that?"

"Ah...... That's not ......

" "Just leave when things are done, and you will know how to see beautiful women every day."

Chen Bao scratched his head embarrassedly, he admitted that he would be very happy if Guan Jie said that he wanted to follow Lu Cha.

After all, it is better to follow beautiful women than to do things with those men.

But since Guan Jie was not happy, he had to follow: "Brother, where are we going now?"

"You go back to school, do your business at night, and then contact me."

Guan Jie waved his hand, grabbed the ice droplets he hadn't finished, and left the coffee shop after drinking.

Chen Bao looked at the back of Guan Jie leaving, and sighed: "Okay, okay."

He quickly packed up his things and ran to the front desk to settle the account for his glass of juice: "What a vicious brother." "


After Guan Jie left the coffee shop, he strolled down the street.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on him, staining the white clouds wandering in the blue sky red, and he put on his blazer and looked over the head of the bustling crowd in front of him.

The crowd dispersed quite a bit because of his stroll, freeing up a large clearing area.

Some police officers on duty in the surrounding area have also received complaints from many people and have rushed to this side.

"Comrade policeman, take a look! There it is!" a

policeman looked in the direction pointed by an aunt, and was stunned when he saw it.

What is this!

Guan Jie was walking boredly on the road, usually he traveled on his own King Kalman, but now the car was borrowed by Li Zheng, and he didn't want to ride a motorcycle.


It's rare to walk like this alone, but it has a good flavor.

Thinking so, he reached into the inner bag of his clothes, ready to pull out a cigarette.

Before he could take his hand out, he saw an explosion-proof steel fork across his face.



I saw five uniformed police officers wearing body armor, holding blast shields and steel forks, staring at him as if they were facing a great enemy.

The setting sun is obscured by clouds.

The sound of beads of sweat dripping on the ground clicked.

Guan Jie frowned slightly.

It was not unheard of for him to walk on the road and cause a commotion, and he had experience in dealing with such things!

His hand moved in the pocket of his suit, trying to take it out and raise it in a gesture of surrender.

The explosion-proof steel fork instantly pressed against his shoulder, and a loud shout sounded: "Be honest! Don't move!"

"I ......"

He was low and rough, like a muffled thunderous sound, which made the police officer in front of him even more vigilant.

Guan Jie said softly, word by word, in his most gentle voice: "I, yes, law, teacher." "

Okay! grab it...... What are you?"

Looking at the five big brothers in front of him, who were two or three heads shorter than him, and were so shocked that they could stuff an egg in their mouths, he sighed helplessly, and took out his lawyer's card from his arms: "I am a lawyer." "


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