
One word.

Almost let Su Yu directly take out the key to retreat.

“Great Lord of Shadows, Terminator of Destiny.”

“There will be no mistakes or omissions in his arrangement, and you will surely lead the shadow clan out of the dark night and usher in a new life.”

Gerui’s face was extremely reverent, and her voice was extremely firm.

Su Yu’s heart was like frying a pot.

The Terminator of Destiny?

The honorific name of the god is not for play, and if he dares to call this name, he proves that he has this ability.

The end is not the end, it may be that He is bragging.

But the ability related to fate, this shadow soul is definitely there.

Using the ability of fate, can you speculate that you will come to the land of the shadow clan from the dislocation of time and space?


What a!

Even if Su Yu had personally seen the exaggerated divine power authority of some gods, he felt a bit ridiculous!

But fate this thing.

It’s a bit of a stretch.

Since the other party likes to pull, then accompany him to pull well.

“Want to fool me into being in charge of the Shadow Clan?”

“I just don’t know if your fate saw me flash when I took something?”

Su Yu is not interested in anything else now, just wants to take a inheritance plus that Shadow Clan Blade.

Seeing that Su Yu was no longer puzzled, Ge Rui turned his head and said,

“As for Gotie.”

“You also passed the trial, just come together.”

After Moro left, Goti visibly let go in front of the patriarch.


“After passing the inheritance, I can also obtain phantoms, but I don’t know how many I can get.”

Cory smiled slightly and said softly.

“You have been gifted since childhood, you should get two.”



Gray led the way, and the group bypassed the statue and entered the depths of the temple.

In the long passage, there was no light or preparation for providing illumination.

This is the lair of the Assassins.

Who hasn’t ordered night vision?

If this passage can’t be passed, then the ability is also poor.

A moment later.

Gray twisted the mechanism, and a stone door engraved with runes slowly opened.

“Your Highness.”

“This is the inheritance place of the Shadow Clan, except for newborn children, only those who have passed the trial can enter.”

“Of course, you don’t need trials.”

Su Yu glanced inside the door.

In the empty hall, there were no furnishings, except for runes, only four statues of gods in relief.

The shape is exactly what you see from the outside.


“Only after passing the trial can you accept the inheritance?”

“This is… Career Study!? ”

Su Yu’s understanding of eternity is not comparable to ordinary people.

Career cultivation is the word given in the previous prompt, and in the explanation of the empire, it is to change jobs.

One turn is just a worship of the teacher.

Two turns, three turns, four turns.

There will be three opportunities for career development.

The normal thing is to do the job transfer task first, and then find a mentor to understand.

However, in ordinary occupations, the mentor can directly help you complete the study.

For example, mages.

When the mentor presses it with one hand, your wisdom attribute plus achievement improves.

Past life on the forum.

Su Yu has also seen many special profession cultivation methods.

Pond blisting, volcano jumping, fluttering in the endless sea, freezing bare in ice fields.

Anyway, there are various methods, mainly to see the special proclivities of the tutor.

Now it seems.

I am afraid that this is not the proclivity of those mentors, but the different abilities of special professions, and the requirements will naturally be harsh.

“This is antiquity.”

“The name of their professional cultivation is inheritance!”

“Maybe it’s only the Shadow Clan who calls it that, but it doesn’t matter.”

“The important thing is.”

“Can I go in and accept the inheritance?”

Su Yu is now in a classless state, and he has left the career system in one turn, and he is not an assassin at all!

Gray doesn’t know this?

Or did that Shadow Lord not know this?

Or say.

Hillis’s professionless gameplay is that you can choose the cultivation of various professions at will?


“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be possible to change jobs?”

Su Yu was restricted by the second turn, and now he can’t even improve his level.

In this case.

It doesn’t matter what you choose for a second career transfer.

As long as he can turn, Su Yu will not hesitate.

Not to mention.

I originally took the characteristics of the shadow soul, and took the assassin route in the second turn, and there was no waste at all!

“Your Highness, please~”

Su Yu was still polite to him at this time.

I walked in.


The stone door behind him closed.

The interior was pitch black.


The statues of the gods around them bloomed with a trace of divine confusion.

The light of the statue is shining, like a physical entity.

Not only did it not dispel the surrounding darkness, but it sucked the surrounding darkness into it like a pen absorbing ink.


The interior suddenly shone brightly.

All the runes on the walls shone at the same time.

The divine radiance on the four idols became more crystalline after absorbing the darkness, and the light became more and more intense.


The four statues simultaneously shot a black pillar of light.

It’s black.

Also a pillar of light.

The crystalline divine vastness wrapped the pitch-black energy in the center.

He didn’t give Su Yu any reaction time at all, and directly bombarded Su Yu.


Su Yu fainted.

Regain consciousness.

Su Yu was in a black space.

Can’t open your eyes.

Because Su Yu can’t even feel his own body now!

Only awareness.

was dragged into this black space.

Next second.

In the black space in front of him, one figure after another condensed.

These figures rehearse their skills repeatedly.

“Hey, the Shadow Clan inheritance relies on this to learn skills?”

Of course, Su Yu would not waste this kind of opportunity.

Whether he can use it or not, learn it first!


【Drop ~ skill learning success. Shadow

Thorn (Lv1) (Active Skill): Attacks a target three times in a row, dealing 100% physical and spell damage. Each attack increases the critical chance by an additional 5% and each attack by an additional 50% critical damage.

【Drop ~ skill learning success. Shadow

Stealth (Lv1) (Active Skill): Eliminates your physical form for 60 seconds, increasing duration by 100% in dark night and 50% in shadow.

【Drop ~ skill learning success. Shadow

Law (Lv1) (Secondary Skill): Magic damage caused by attack skills increased by 20%.

【Drop ~ skill learning success. Shadow

Fury (Lv1) (Secondary Skill): Critical damage caused by attack skills increased by 100%.

【Drop ~ skill learning success. Eye

of the Night (Lv1) (Halo): 5% increase in hit chance (10%), 5% increase in critical chance (105).

Bonus: Critical damage increased by 50% (100%).


Learn all five skills in one go.

The assassin’s attack skill was of little use to Su Yu now.

However, stealth skills can match the effect on equipment, and Su Yu also has a certain amount of time to eliminate physical forms during the day.

Auxiliary skills are also good, full magic damage bonus and explosive damage.

After the levels are connected, the bonus is very objective.

The most important.

Unexpectedly, I got the crit aura here!

The aura of the Ancient Shadow class has one more hit rate effect than the critical aura of the empire.

The hit rate is not obvious in the early stage, and ordinary players basically can’t see this value.

But later stage is quite important.

After the monster’s dodge value increased wildly, it is very common to lose skills and attacks.

Especially large-area attack skills.

If you don’t make up for the hit, it is normal to throw out a move and lose more than half of the damage.

“Now that the Ancient Critical Strike Aura has been hit, the empire will take another hit aura this time.”

“Wouldn’t it be possible to impact a 100% hit effect?”

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