The three of Mei Fang and Guo Yun chatted enthusiastically about the project plan for the new game. Before they knew it, they chatted until late in the evening. Mei Fang turned on the phone and saw Liu Xiaoyu's missed call. Already went back by car.

"Then let's do this for today... We promised that our family will go back to eat today, so we won't have dinner together."

"'s okay, I haven't eaten so fast tonight."

Guo Yun and Mei Fang exchanged a few more pleasantries, even though Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were behind Mei Fang, she didn't have any stage fright at all. It can be seen that she is really much more confident now than before.

The four of them said goodbye at the entrance of the shopping mall. Mei Fang stopped a taxi at the intersection and took a taxi home.

Because Youxi is prone to motion sickness, Mei Fang and Xia Yuan also discussed, and try to make Youxi as comfortable as possible for the long-distance journey in the future.

"There are new projects to be developed, new music to be written, and midterm exams to prepare for. You should not apply for any sports events? This schedule is really full."

Xia Yuan stretched her waist a lot, and let out a pleasant meeping sound, "Take a good rest today, and tomorrow I will start doing my homework and preparing for the exam."

"There is still a long time today, can you study at night?"

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "Even if you divide into liberal arts in the future, can you learn a little physics? It won't do you any harm."


Xia Yuan hesitated and nodded, "I, I know! You Xi's monitor is really strict."

It's late October now. During the National Day, everyone is still short-sleeved and short skirts, and they start to wear autumn clothes within half a month.

The three of them were walking back to the community at night, the cold wind was blowing, and the chill hit their faces. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi both used Mei Fang as a human shield to push him forward.

Although it was cold outside, there was an inexplicable sense of warmth when I came home.

Liang Meijuan had already prepared dinner, everyone washed their hands and started to eat. Lin Youxi would tell Liang Meijuan about her experience of playing at the crossing today. She served soup for the three little ones while listening to Lin Youxi's words .

"The buffet is really free to take. Do you eat as much as you want? It sounds good. But if I secretly take things back, the restaurant will suffer?"

"Haha, Aunt Liang, it's not as easy as you think. It's all under surveillance, and it's usually not easy to bring. I think the quality of the dishes in the buffet is average, but it's really filling. Ah Fang and his classmates There is a girl who can eat especially..."

Everyone was talking happily at the dinner table, and Liang Meijuan clapped her hands while talking, "By the way...the weather has turned cold recently, so I don't need to take a bath so often. Let's start taking a bath today? I just bought mugwort leaves today, and when the time comes Use mugwort leaves to soak your feet, which can drive away the cold and is very good for the body."

"Yeah! Got it, Aunt Liang."

After eating, everyone was self-disciplined to do their homework and read books together in the living room. Liang Meijuan didn't watch TV in order not to disturb them, but occasionally brought fruit over, and then took a nap on the sofa in the living room.

Liang Meijuan woke up around nine o'clock, and the three little ones had almost finished their homework. After asking that the three of them were about to finish their studies, she began to boil water for the three of them to soak their feet.

Different from the habit of bathing every day in the south and the habit of bathing infrequently in some northern areas, Chubei Province habitually bathes every day in spring and summer, and usually once a week in autumn and winter, and ends the day with a scrub bath at other times After washing, the underwear should be changed every day to keep it clean and tidy.

The process of taking a bath is generally a four-step convention, washing your face, washing your hands, washing your butt (you need to change the towel at this time) and soaking your feet.

Soaking feet is the most sacred part of these four procedures, and it is also a pleasure that can hardly be enjoyed while standing in the bath.

The three of them completed the three tasks in succession. Mei Fang finally came out of the bathroom with a footbath, and saw Liang Meijuan pouring boiling water into Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's footbath.


Hot rising steam gushed out from the footbath in front of the two of them, and the wormwood steam soaked Xia Yuan's eyes and made her feel very comfortable.

Xia Yuan stepped on the edge of the foot basin with both feet, and glanced at Lin Youxi, who also hadn't stepped out.

"Yes, the water in your basin must be cold, try the water temperature?"

Lin Youxi shook his head, "I'll wait."

"You are still so afraid of burning your feet, you can't steam them."

Mei Fang sat down beside Lin Youxi with a footbath in his hand, and said to Xia Yuan with great interest, "When you were in primary school, Youxi stayed at our house once, I remember it was a big winter, my mother asked She soaked her feet, but she refused because she was afraid it would burn her to death, and finally she stepped on my feet and put them down, which scalded me enough."

As soon as Mei Fang finished speaking, Lin Youxi threw an elbow hard, and Xia Yuan's eyes widened:

"You guys used to soak your feet together when you were young! Wouldn't that be dirty? Infected that or something, uh, I mean... that... just..."

"Uh, it's okay! When we were young, we all soaked our feet together. Children's scripts are small, and the footbath in my house is very big. Back then, we all washed our feet together."

"Speaking of which, Xiaoya used to like to soak my feet with me, but she and Youxi are the complete opposite. She put her feet down first, and lied to me that the water was not hot at all, but it made me scream..."

Although she is a troublesome sister, Mei Fang hasn't seen her for almost half a year, so she misses her somewhat.

At this time, Liang Meijuan came over with a hot water bottle and helped Mei Fang add mugwort leaves and boiling water.

"It's a good time for you now. It was difficult for us to soak our feet before. We all waited for the coal-fired kettle to boil. Everyone rushed to soak their feet first, and they all soaked together in the end."

Liang Meijuan walked up to Lin Youxi, knelt down and tested the water temperature.

"It's getting cold, Youxi, why don't you soak it?"

"I... Slow down." Lin Youxi pursed her lips.

Mei Fang sniggered at Lin Youxi's reserved expression, but Lin Youxi gave him a hard look.

"It's okay, it's not hot at all. How could your Auntie Meijuan lie to you? You always have cold hands and feet, so you should soak your feet more to let the blood flow... Come on, don't be afraid."

Liang Meijuan forced Lin Youxi's feet into the foot soaking basin.

Then Mei Fang and Xia Yuan saw Lin Youxi blushing.

She probably wanted to yell out Tang Tang, but she didn't want to embarrass herself with a childish temper in front of Liang Meijuan, so she could only purse her lips and endure silently.

"'s not hot at all, right?"

Lin Youxi blushed and nodded, but kept her head down.

After Liang Meijuan stuffed Lin Youxi in, she went to Xia Yuan again.

"I'll let it go, I'll let it go, I'll let it go right away."

Xia Yuan was also watching Youxi's jokes at the beginning, she didn't have many opportunities to soak her feet, but she actually liked soaking her feet quite a bit.

I'll test the water temperature first...

Xia Yuan stretched out his little jiojio, and lightly tapped the hot water surface.

"Hot hot hot...wait a little longer for me."

"It's not as hot as you said. If the feet are not hot, then how can you soak them?"

Liang Meijuan and Xia Yuan already knew each other very well, seeing that she was as resistant as Youxi, they also directly started to fight together.

"Ah, it's hot, it's hot..."

Xia Yuan thumped a few times before finally soaking her feet with peace of mind.

"Haha, it turns out that Yuanyuan is also afraid of being hot."

Mei Fang laughed at Xia Yuan's incompetence, and Lin Youxi on the side had endured him for a long time, before Mei Fang could react, he kicked Mei Fang's jio down.

Because Mei Fang's footbath had just been filled with boiling water, it wasn't that cold yet, and when he stepped in it, it was scalding hot. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were all overjoyed seeing him in a mess.

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