Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 377: , Record me a section too (1/2)

Zhang Ze watched the video once, and the content in it was roughly divided into three parts.

The first part is about Zhang Ze being framed, the second part is the process of the police solving the case and capturing the criminal Jiang Jian, and the third part is about restoring the truth, and Yao Guang’s video is also included after editing.

The editing level of the video is very high. After Zhang Ze watched it, he felt that he had been wronged so badly that he almost wanted to kill himself. Then, with the great help of the police, he was finally cleared of his wrongdoing.

At the end of the video, Zhang Ze was surprised to find that Xiang Xiaoqin also appeared on the screen.

She was dressed in business attire, with a serious expression, and said to the camera in an unquestionable tone: "Our National Security Bureau attaches great importance to this incident of Internet trolls slandering Mr. I finally solved the case and gave Mr. Luocha his innocence. Here, as a staff member of the National Security Bureau, I make a solemn promise to all netizens! Mr. Luocha is a good citizen who abides by the law and patriotism. Please keep your eyes open and don’t Be misled by people with ulterior motives and become their tool to harm people!"

"It's very good, especially in the last part of Sister Xiang's speech, a sense of righteousness rushed towards me, very leadership!"

Zhang Ze gave Xiang Xiaoqin a thumbs up, full of praise.

"Stop talking!"

Xiang Xiaoqin said it on her lips, but it was very useful in her heart. She smiled and said, "It's fine if you think it's okay. I've already put it on the Internet. I believe that by this time, the negative comments on the Internet have begun to reverse."

"Thank you, Miss Xiang." Zhang Ze thanked him sincerely.

It is not impossible for him to do this by himself, but if he wants to eliminate these negative effects, he may have to wait for time to slowly erase people's memories, which is far less quick than the state department to prove his innocence.

Of course, this is also because of the special relationship between Zhang Ze and Xiang Xiaoqin. If it is an ordinary person, the National Security Bureau would not bother to take care of it.

Zhang Ze remembered something, and asked, "Sister Xiang, is there any news from the Shuguang Organization?"

"You want to ask Zheng Hao?" Xiang Xiaoqin lit a cigarette and shook his head slightly: "This guy hides very deeply, we can't find him now, but I suspect he is hiding somewhere, watching us secretly !"

Zhang Ze said in a deep voice: "This person is extremely dangerous. If he can't be eliminated as soon as possible, the last monster attack on the city may happen again! Have you reminded Director Dongfang of the seriousness of the situation?"

"Of course!" Xiang Xiaoqin snuffed out the cigarette a little irritably, and said helplessly, "You don't work for the National Security Bureau, so you don't understand how complicated the situation here is!"

"Director Dongfang has been vacated now. My department is the only department he can transfer, and the others are no longer under his control."

Zhang Ze looked surprised: "Why is this happening? Could it be the Chen family..."

"Yes, it's the Chen family!" Xiang Xiaoqin said angrily, "They're playing tricks behind the scenes, nibbling away Director Dongfang's rights little by little, and letting Su Yuewen replace him."

"In addition, Director Dongfang is old, and the leader doesn't want to see him too tired, so the Chen family and Su Yuewen can take advantage of it. It's really hateful!"

Zhang Ze also fell silent, he didn't know much about the official affairs, but Dongfang Dekang was Xiang Xiaoqin's only support, if he collapsed, Xiang Xiaoqin's life would not be easy in the future.

"Oh, I don't want to!" Xiang Xiaoqin leaned back in the chair and said quietly, "If the director leaves the National Security Bureau, I won't do it anymore! Go home and find a man to marry and have a baby with!"

Xu Lu immediately asked in surprise: "Section Chief, you can even fall in love, I can't believe it!"

"Get lost! Can't my old lady fall in love?" Xiang Xiaoqin threw the ashtray at Xu Lu and cursed angrily.

Several people were laughing and talking, when the office door was suddenly pushed open, and Chen Feng strode in with a sullen face.

"Fuck, why didn't you knock on the door!" Xu Lu cursed in a low voice.

Zhang Ze was surprised to see Chen Feng come to Xiang Xiaoqin's office.

Chen Feng also found Zhang Ze, and his expression was stunned, but then he said coldly: "I mean, it turns out that the two of you are really in collusion!"

Zhang Ze stood up and responded coldly: "Be more polite! What is collusion?"


Several subordinates around Chen Feng immediately stood in front of Zhang Ze, stared at him vigilantly, and at the same time touched the holster around his waist.

"Zhang Ze!"

Xiang Xiaoqin yelled, "Don't mess around, this is Director Chen, don't offend him."

"Yes, be careful to wear small shoes for you!" Xu Lu made up the knife by the side.

Zhang Ze nodded, stepped aside, and watched with cold eyes.

Chen Feng glared at Xiang Xiaoqin, and said: "What's the matter with the video on the Internet? What is the National Security Bureau and the police jointly solving the case? What restores the truth? You also appeared on behalf of the National Security Bureau to prove Zhang Ze's innocence! What the **** are you doing? I You were asked to arrest someone, but not to wash away his grievances!"

Xiang Xiaoqin had a calm expression and said calmly: "Chen Chu, our purpose in handling cases is not to let a criminal go, nor to catch a good person by mistake! This case itself is strange, and if I don't figure it out, I can't arrest people casually." .”

"Moreover, after our investigation, it turned out that Jiang Jian was actually hired by someone to manipulate the Internet trolls to slander Zhang Ze. The facts are clear, so I naturally couldn't ignore it, so I arrested him."

"Now that guy has made a full confession, the evidence is solid, and he can be convicted." She looked at Chen Feng and said, "I don't think I did anything wrong!"


Chen Feng was full of anger, he pointed at Xiang Xiaoqin's nose and shouted: "Do you understand what it means to obey the orders of superiors? I didn't ask you to solve the case, I asked you to arrest people, do you not understand human language? "

"I can understand human language, but the other party has to speak human language!" Xiang Xiaoqin said in a cold voice, confronting her.

"You!" Chen Feng's eyes were red with anger, he really wanted to shoot the woman in front of him together with Zhang Ze!

"You wait for me, I'll call Deputy Bureau Su and ask him to dismiss you!" Chen Feng angrily took out his cell phone and was about to make a call.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open again, and Dongfang Dekang came here unexpectedly.

Everyone was taken aback immediately, stood at attention quickly, and saluted respectfully: "Director!"

"it is good."

Dongfang Dekang walked in tremblingly, waved his hands casually, and said, "What are you arguing about? The sound has reached my office."

The scene was quiet for a while, Xiang Xiaoqin opened his mouth first, and said: "It's Director Chen, he ordered me to arrest Luo Sha under the order of Deputy Director Su, oh, it's Zhang Ze. He said he was killing innocent people indiscriminately in the Demon Realm, But after my investigation, this incident is just the opposite. Those adventurers bullied the few with more and wanted to endanger the lives of Zhang Ze and his friends, so he was forced to fight back in self-defense..."

"What you said is wrong!" Chen Feng immediately denied Xiang Xiaoqin's statement, "The video is very clear, Zhang Ze used powerful skills to kill hundreds of people in one fell swoop! He is a murderer! He must be brought to justice!"

"That video is fake! He was wronged!" Xiang Xiaoqin argued with reason and refuted loudly.

However, Chen Feng sneered again and again: "You worked so hard to help Zhang Ze, is there some ulterior secret between the two of you?"

"You! Nasty!" Xiang Xiaoqin's pretty face flushed with anger, and she refuted angrily.

"Director Chen." Dongfang Dekang said suddenly, "We are all colleagues, so we can just discuss the matter. There is no need for personal attacks, right?"

Chen Feng glanced at Dongfang Dekang, then lowered his head: "...Yes, Director."

"About Zhang Ze's matter, I have already read Xiang Xiaoqin's report, and I have also watched the videos on both sides." Dongfang Dekang said slowly: "I think Xiang Xiaoqin's evidence is more sufficient ..."

"But the director..." Chen Feng still wanted to speak, but Dongfang Dekang waved his hand to stop him.

"I am also from the police. With my many years of experience in solving cases and combining these videos, I can conclude that Zhang Ze was slandered." Dongfang Dekang said: "If you have any objections, you can appeal to a higher-level department. Here I am , Zhang Ze is innocent."

Chen Feng secretly gritted his teeth angrily, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Although Dongfang Dekang no longer has any real power, he is still the director after all. If the matter becomes serious and the leaders above know about it, it will not end well, so he can only endure it.

"Director Chen, I still have some things I want to discuss with Section Chief Xiang and Zhang Ze, can you please avoid it?" Dongfang Dekang glanced at Chen Feng indifferently, Chen Feng snorted, turned around and left the office with others.

"Thank you Director!"

"Thank you Director Dongfang!"

Xiang Xiaoqin and Zhang Zeqi all thanked Dongfang Dekang. If he hadn't come forward to mediate today, this Chen Feng would definitely not have let it go.

"You're welcome, I can only do these trivial things for you now."

Dongfang Dekang shook his head and sighed: "The leader has been urging me to go through the retirement procedures, but I still can't let go of the National Security Bureau and our Daxia!"

Xiang Xiaoqin and Xu Lu had sad looks on their faces, and Zhang Ze felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

This old man has worked in the National Security Bureau for almost his entire life, dedicating all his youth to the country, but he ended up in a bleak end when he gets old, which is embarrassing.

Dongfang Dekang saw the frozen picture on the computer, it was Xiang Xiaoqin who was speaking, he laughed and said: "Xiaoqin, you did a good job in this video, come here, come and record a part for me too!"


Xiang Xiaoqin and Zhang Ze were all taken aback, Xiang Xiaoqin hurriedly said: "Director, I didn't record this video for fame, I just wanted to help Zhang Ze..."

"I know." Dongfang Dekang waved his hand: "If you want to change people's ideas, you need more influential people to prove it. This is why the advertisement appeared."

"Although you are the section chief of the National Security Bureau, your influence is not enough. Many netizens don't know you, so let me come." He smiled slightly: "Anyway, my old face still has some influence. "

"However, doing this is inconsistent with your status..." Xiang Xiaoqin was still a little hesitant, and Zhang Ze also said, "Director Dongfang, you and Sister Xiang have done enough for me."

"It's okay." Dongfang Dekang looked at Zhang Ze, a pair of cloudy old eyes flashed a gleam, "Zhang Ze, although I am old, my senses are sharper than young people. I think you are not an ordinary person. Your body There is a powerful energy in it, maybe the future of our Great Xia Kingdom... no, the future of all mankind rests on you!"

The last time Zhang Ze summoned the Iron Titan to repel the monsters in the magic cave to save a city, Dongfang Dekang has fully understood from Xiang Xiaoqin's report, combined with the fact that Zhang Ze defeated foreign players at the international exchange meeting to win glory for the country, and then Repelling Zheng Hao, saving the leader and other events left a deep impression on him.

"Maybe, you are the last hope of mankind!"

Dongfang Dekang stared at Zhang Ze with burning eyes, and said, "So, I hope I can do something for you. It's just a video, it's not a big deal."

Seeing that Dongfang Dekang insisted again and again, Xiang Xiaoqin and Zhang Ze couldn't refuse anymore, so they nodded in agreement.

Xu Lu adjusted the shooting equipment, Dongfang Dekang sat on a chair, faced the camera, and delivered a speech. This was also his last speech as the director of the National Security Bureau.

The content of the speech is very concise, only a few sentences.

"Dear netizens, I am Dongfang Dekang, director of the Daxia National Security Bureau. The speech I made is about Mr. Luo Sha. Although I cannot reveal his real identity, I can guarantee with my personality that he will definitely It's not the kind of murderous demon in the video."

"On the contrary, Mr. Luosha is a kind-hearted, noble patriot. He has won the highest honor for our Great Xia Kingdom in international competitions! When monsters from the Demon Cave invaded the city and massacred the city, he stood up and shot Repelling the monster saved millions of citizens! When someone assassinated a high-level official of the country, he was the one who rescued him, and the criminal failed in the end... Do you think such a person may be a vicious devil?"

"Everyone, please believe in me, and even more in Mr. Luosha! Maybe in the near future, you will find that someone saved our world, and that person might be him!"

Dongfang Dekang finished his Xiaoqin and Xu Lu couldn't help applauding.

Zhang Ze also sighed sincerely: "As expected of a senior leader, what he said is well-founded and deafening, and people can't help but believe him."

"But...Director Dongfang has raised my status too much...It's almost like saying that I'm the savior."

Xiang Xiaoqin and Zhang Ze accompanied Dongfang Dekang to talk in the office. Xu Lu sent the video of Dongfang Dekang to edit, and then posted it on the Internet as soon as possible.

Because this video came from the official website of the National Security Bureau, it was quickly noticed by netizens and the media, and then quickly forwarded and spread.

"Did you see it? The National Security Bureau released a video to clarify to Luo Sha, and even their director showed up!"

"Really? Even the National Security Bureau has come forward to speak out. It seems that this Rakshasa was really framed by the navy..."

"Don't make too early conclusions, sometimes snakes and rats have a nest, you understand!"

"Hehe, this Rakshasa's background is strong enough. I don't know how much money he spent and how many contacts he found. He hired the director of the National Security Bureau. I admire him!"

"It shouldn't be. The National Security Bureau is the country's highest security agency. Don't talk nonsense."

"However, if this Rakshasa is just an ordinary person, how could even the old director of the National Security Bureau show up in person to vouch for him?"

"We are all ordinary people, let's eat melons quietly..."

In the office, Dongfang Dekang was talking with Xiang Xiaoqin and Zhang Ze, when the phone rang suddenly, he looked at the number, answered with a smile: "Old Zhu, you are so free, call me when you have time?"

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