Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 584: , Terrible Aunt Anne

"Quick, everyone go to bed!"

Romy's expression changed, and he hurriedly greeted everyone.

Nora and More were also nervous, and hurried to their iron bed.

Sky's melancholy asked, "Which bed do we live in?"

Romy shouted: "As long as there is no bed with a name, you can live in it, go to bed!"

Zhang Ze, Jushen and others immediately looked for the unnamed bed, then lay down on it, pulled the quilt over it, closed their eyes and pretended to sleep.

Zhang Ze stared at the bright light above his head and said to himself: "Do you not turn off the lights when you sleep here? Or... to prevent people from escaping?"

At this time, someone sent a message in the team channel.

[Giant God]: Everyone, keep quiet, I suspect that Aunt Anne is a bad person, don't be caught by her!

[Moonlight Bunny]: That Aunt Annie's voice is so scary, I'm so scared!

【Little Princess Money】: The lights above my head are too bright, I can't sleep at all.

[Yi Ye Zhi Qiu]: I found that Romi and the others covered their heads with quilts, and we followed their example, there should be no harm.

[Moving the knife without emotion]: I'm curious what Aunt Annie looks like...

[Grumpy Dragon King]: I'm also curious. Let's take a sneak peek when she comes to make rounds later.

[Run away]: Her voice is so scary, she must also look very scary!

[Liu Yueying]: I think it's best not to go to see her, because it might be dangerous if she is discovered.

[Raksha]: I heard the door open, everyone keep quiet!

Everyone fell silent immediately, one by one hiding under the covers and pricking up their ears, only to hear the sound of high-heeled shoes coming from the door.

"Hee hee hee, are you all asleep?"

Hearing Aunt Annie's voice, everyone didn't dare to move or even breathe, for fear of attracting the woman's attention.

When the sound of Aunt Annie's footsteps disappeared, Zhang Ze quietly lifted a corner of the quilt and looked at her.

I saw a tall and thin woman wearing a red and white dress with her back facing him. From the back view, she was no different from a normal person.


But this woman's head was rotating on her neck, and it was 360 degrees!

And she wore a mask on her face, and the expression on the mask was like a smile, which looked extremely weird.

"Normal people's necks definitely can't turn like this." Zhang Ze thought to himself, "This Aunt Annie is really not human!"

Aunt Anne inspected the room and found nothing unusual, so she walked out of the room on high heels.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the door close.

"This Aunt Anne is so scary!" Moonlight Bunny was the first to get up from the bed, her face was pale: "Her head can rotate 360 ​​degrees!"

Nodding without moving the knife, he said, "Now I can be sure that this Aunt Anne is not normal."

Obviously, not only Zhang Ze, but others also peeked at Aunt Anne.

Moore sat up and sneered, "Are you scared? A bunch of cowards!"

The little princess of money glared at Moore, and said, "Can you speak? Normal people will feel scared when they see this kind of situation! Don't tell me you are not afraid at all when you see it for the first time?"

Moore snorted and ignored the little princess.

Yao Guang said with a look of disgust: "This Moore is so annoying!"

"Auntie Anne's neck is really scary, but she's been kind to us," Nora explained. "As long as you listen to her, she won't be angry with us."

Debbie also said: "Yes, Aunt Anne likes obedient children. As long as everyone is obedient, you can leave here early."

Liu Yueying asked curiously: "Leave here? Where are you going?"

"Adopted." Eisen said naively: "Aunt Annie said that only obedient children can be adopted first and live a good life."

"In the future, I will have clean and beautiful clothes to wear... and many, many delicious things..."

Seeing Eisen's yearning look, Moore snorted again: "Idiot, daydreaming!"

Zhang Ze stared at Moore, he always felt that this child seemed to know something.

Roland sat on the bed and said to Zhang Ze, Giant God and others: "You are new here, and there are many rules that you may not know. Let me tell you."

"In the orphanage, time must be observed, and Aunt Anne is very strict about this."

"First of all, I have to get up at 6 o'clock every morning. After dressing and washing, I have dinner at 7 o'clock and start doing gymnastics at 8 o'clock."

"In the future, we can move freely and play in the yard, but remember, never go outside the yard. Aunt Anne said that it is very dangerous outside, and there are bad people who catch children."

"Lunch time is 12 o'clock, and it's still an hour. The afternoon is study time, and we need to master the knowledge that Aunt Anne imparted to us."

"Dinner at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, we can read books and play games from 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock, and return to the dormitory to sleep at 9 o'clock."

Roland looked at Zhang Ze and the others and said, "The schedule of the orphanage is like this. Remember, you must do the prescribed time at the prescribed time, and never be late, otherwise Auntie Anne will punish you."

When the word punishment was mentioned, the children of Nora and Moore all showed fear on their faces, as if they had thought of something terrible.

"Thank you for your reminder, Roland, we all remember." The giant nodded to Roland to express his gratitude.

Roland smiled and said: "You're welcome, we are all in an orphanage, so we are friends naturally. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me."

Debbie was yawning. She was the youngest, drowsy and her eyelids were starting to fight.

Nora said: "Let's go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow, don't stay in bed."

Everyone lay down again, and after a while, the children fell asleep.

In the team channel, everyone is discussing the situation at hand.

[One Night Knowing Autumn]: Let me first help you sort out the situation in this layer of Demon Realm.

First, we have all turned into children, unable to use weapons and equipment. I tried the talent skills just now, and they were also unable to use them.

However, I found that when using skills, I will receive a system prompt: "The current time cannot be used."

Does this mean that natural skills can be used, but only at a specific time?

In addition, we can't leave the Demon Realm now, which is very fatal.

Second, there are five small children here, who seem harmless to us so far.

However, that woman named Aunt Anne looks non-human, and the danger is relatively high, so we need to pay special attention.

Third, we don't know how to clear this level of demon realm, but I think there are two kinds, one is to escape from the orphanage, just like we escaped from the prison before.

One is to clear the boss. As for who the boss is, I guess it might be Aunt Anne.

But how to defeat her and what kind of ability she has, currently there is too little information to judge.

This is what I know now, what do you think of this layer of Demon Realm?

[Raksha]: I think that kid named Moore is a bit special, he seems to know something.

【Melancholy in the sky】: But, he seems to hate us very much, even if he knows something, he won't tell us.

[Little Princess Money]: This kid always has a bad face, I hate him very much!

[Yaoguang]: Hate +1!

[Giant God]: There must be something wrong with this orphanage, I am more inclined to escape from the orphanage, but before taking action, I have to carefully examine the situation around the orphanage, especially the outside situation.

[Irritable Dragon King]: Escaped from prison again? Too much trouble! Why don't we go up together, kill that Auntie Anne, and then walk out in a big way, no one can stop us!

[Moving the knife without emotion]: We are now children, without weapons and equipment, and unable to use skills. How can we defeat that strange woman? Do you bite with your teeth?

[Moonlight Bunny]: Didn't Brother Zhiqiu just say that the skill should be usable, but it must be used at a specific time. As long as we try it every hour, we will know when the skills can be used.

[Liu Yueying]: Xiaotu is right. After we find out the time, we may be able to defeat Aunt Annie within this time.

[Raksha]: I think it's too risky, because we don't even know the strength of Aunt Annie, so it's dangerous to fight her rashly.

[Yi Ye Zhi Qiu]: I agree, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and it won't be too late for us to find out the details of Aunt Anne.

[Run away]: Alas, it seems that this level of demon realm cannot be resolved quickly, and I don't know how long it will take to pass the level.

[Sky Melancholy]: It doesn't matter if it takes longer, life is more important.

Everyone chatted for a while and prepared to rest.

In the Temple of Creation, in a certain room.

Fang Zai stood in front of a crystal bed, quietly watching the jade lying on it.

"Jade, don't worry, I will find out the murderer who hurt you soon!"

Fang Zai bent down and kissed Fei Cui's forehead lightly, and promised in a low voice.

Standing up, he disappeared directly in place, and the next moment, he appeared in another room.

"Master Creator."

A deep voice came from his mind, Fang Zai narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter? Wutian?"

"Humans have broken through the thirty-ninth layer of the demon realm, and my six-eared macaque was killed."

"Oh?" Fang Zai was slightly surprised, but he didn't care, and said casually: "It doesn't matter, there are still sixty floors in the Demon Realm, enough for humans to play slowly."

He sneered and said, "I have plenty of time to clean up his reincarnation!"

"However, before that, I must find out the murderer who hurt Fei Cui!"

"Maybe, I'm lucky, maybe this person is his reincarnation."

Fang Zai fiddled with the Rubik's Cube in his hand. Upon closer inspection, each square of the Rubik's Cube turned out to be a small world!

"I want to design a brand new dead zone, as long as that person dares to come in, I will let him come and go!"

After a night of nothing, the next morning, Aunt Anne's weird voice came from the overhead radio: "It's 6 o'clock, the children are up!"

Everyone woke up one after another. Resting in the Demon Realm can also restore physical strength, but it is not as comfortable as in the real world.

"I've discovered the time to use my skills!"

Zhang Ze didn't sleep last night. He tried every hour to see if he could use his skills, but found that he could use them normally after midnight.

And after six o'clock in the morning, the skills can no longer be used.

However, he didn't use his skills casually, he was worried that there would be surveillance-like equipment in this room.

So he waited until dawn and everyone woke up before notifying his companions in the team channel.

[Irritable Dragon King]: Rakshasa, you haven't slept all night? admire!

[Yi Ye Zhi Qiu]: Brother Luo Sha is really strong. In fact, I was the same as you last night. I tried it every hour, but the result was so boring that I fell asleep before twelve o'clock.

[Moving the knife without emotion]: In other words, the time range for us to use skills is from twelve o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning of the next day, a total of six hours.

[Little Niaoyiren]: Although six hours is a bit short, it should be enough to deal with that Aunt Anne.

[Melancholy in the sky]: We have no weapons and equipment, and our strength is small. Can we really defeat her?

[Liu Yueying]: Perhaps, we can look for weapons that are handy in this demon realm.

[Giant God]: During the free time today, everyone will look for it, maybe they can find a weapon.

After making an agreement on the channel, everyone started to get out of bed and take a shower.

Debbie stayed in bed and didn't like to get up. Moore ran over and she pulled her up violently. Debbie's wrist was pulled painfully, and she kept crying.

"Brother Moore is so fierce, woo woo..."

Moore's face was gloomy, and he said angrily: "Have you forgotten how Aunt Anne punished those disobedient children? Get up!"

Roland walked over and patted Debbie's head, and comforted him softly: "Be good, Debbie, your brother is just afraid that you will be punished, so he is a little fierce, get up quickly, and I will help you get dressed."

Debbie laughed through her tears and said, "Brother Roland is still kind to me, a hundred times better than Brother Moore!"

Nora also said: "Moore, you were indeed too rude just now, look at Debbie's wrist, it was all bruised and purple by you."

"Huh!" Moore snorted and said, "Then you can treat Roland as your own brother, and I won't care about you anymore!"

Eisen smiled and said, "I've heard what you said several times, Moore, but you wake up Debbie every morning."

This scene was seen by Zhang Ze and others. They were a little surprised. They didn't expect Moore and Debbie to be a pair of brothers and sisters.

"This Moore is not a competent brother!" Zhang Feng said angrily: "It's too cruel to my sister, she is so young, she doesn't understand anything."

She took Zhang Ze's arm and said coquettishly, "It's better to be my brother, he never hurts me."

Zhang Ze shook his head and said, "No, I think Moore cares about his sister, otherwise he wouldn't wake her up every day."

"He just didn't want his sister to be punished by Aunt Annie, even if she hated him and hated him."

He thought to himself: "Perhaps, I can start with Debbie, close the distance with Moore, and get useful information from him."

After everyone washed up, they followed Luo Mi and others to the restaurant for dinner.

Seeing that they were the only ones eating in the empty restaurant, Moonlight Bunny asked strangely: "Nora, are we the only children in this orphanage? Where are the others?"

Nora said: "I was adopted and left."

There was an envious look on her face: "I really hope that I can practice everything I have learned so that I can be adopted."

"What do you need to learn?" Yao Guang looked curious.

"You will know when you go to class in the afternoon." Nora sighed: "Those things are so difficult to practice. I have been here for several years, and I haven't fully mastered them yet."Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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